The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-03-14, Page 1• The rain falling last Sunday night -and early Monday morning caused area rivers to swell as can be seen in this picture taken facing north from the bridge on Wheeler Street. ,Parents ale ad- vised to keep their children away from the rivers and ditches at this time of year. (Pat Livingston photo) $4.4 million approved for village sewer project It's been a long time coming, but the official word was received this week that the Village of Lucknow will receive a provincial grant of $4.401 million for its sewage works project. The announcement was made by The Honoprable Murray Elston, MPP for Bruce on behalf of En- vironment Minister Jim Bradley, "I am pleased the province is making this substantial financial contribution to assist the village in solving problems associated with private sewage system discharges into the Lucknow River," Mr. Elston said. Reeve Ab Murray was delighted with the news. It was back in February 1977 that then councillor Murray made the motion, seconded by Bill Crump,to con- tact the Ontario Water .Resources regar- ding a sewer project for the village. Thir- teen years later, the aspirations of pre- sent and past councils comes close to completion with the funding. announcement. The project calls for the provision of new sanitary sewage collection and treat- ment facilities for, the village, with the new works replacing current malfunction- ing private septic systems. The estimated gross cost of the project is $5.21 million. The Ministry of the En- vironment has allocated $1.980 million to these works for the 1990/91 fiscal year, with the balance coming in the 1991/92 fiscal year. . While Reeve Murray said, "our house 'is in order," Steve Burns of theengineer- ing firm of B.M. Ross and Associates, said further meetings would have to be held with the Ministry people, who basically, act as managers of the project, before they would know what phase one would involve. The design of the sewer system is nearcompletion with the treat- ment plant and pumping station next. Mr. Burns did say that construction Would begin in 1990 and be completed in 1991. Lucknow Pathfinder prepares for trip to Mexico A 1st Lucknow Pathfinder, Michelle An- drew, has been chosen to represent Mapleway Area in the Ontario Adventure Trip 1990 event, to be held at Our Cabana, Mexico, July 11 to 25. Wendy Herbert, leader of the 1st Lucknow Pathfinders said that both herself and the Pathfinders are very pro- ud of Michelle being chosen to take part 'in this international event Michelle is one of 16 in Ontario chosen to participate. Of the four World Girl Guide Centres, Lucknow can boast sending youth to three of them. Donalda Thompson travell- ed to Our Chalet, Switzerland; Vickie Owen to Olave House, London, England and now Michelle to Our Cabana,' Mexico. The one remaining centre is Sangam, In- dia. These World Centres are financed by the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS). AM - Fourteen year old Michelle Andrew (Pat Ltvingston photo) While in Mexico, Michelle will spend one week at Our Cabana, which is near Cuernavaca. Sight seeing tours of Mexico City, Taxco and • other points of interest are included. The final week will be spent with an area family learning the customs and life-style of the people. Michelle will prepare for her adventure by learning about Mexico and having ex- cellent, first hand knowledge of her area to exchange with those she meets at Our Cabana. A briefing day will be held in Toronto on .April 21, at which time Michelle will receive more information on this wonderful adventure that awaits her. Other Ontario members chosen to par- ticipate come from Sudbury, Burlington, Scarborough, Aylmer, ,Markham, Orono, Red Lake, Toronto, Ailsa Craig, Iona Sta- tion, Guelph, Beachburg, London, North Gower and Thornhill. Ripley sewers get go ahead By NELLIE BLAKE Six years of waiting for money to install a. $2 million sewage systemhas finally Coyne true for the Village of Ripley. The provinceannounced Mar. 1 it will allocate $12 million to the project. Construction could begin as early as June. • The Ministry of the Environment also announced it will allocate $750,000 to rebuild private septic systems for those residents outside the sewage system coverage area.. The allocation will fund 85 per cent of the project.' The double whammy was announced by Bruce MPP Murray . Elston. The village clerk said Monday she hasn't yet received any official correspondence about the announcement.. The provincial allocation pays for 85 per cent of the project that will replace private septic systems with a sewage system. The village must pay for the .remaining 15 per cent which, it will receive from connection and service- charges. Construction could start this • June Reeve Donalda McLean told The News Monday she feels good about the announce- ment. She said the village has waited six years for the money: She said the village has completed all the 'necessary' steps leading to the con- struction of the .project in anticipation of receiving funding. . Clerk Susan Stevenson said a final .report on the design of the sewage system- was recently completed by consulting engineer Steve. Burns from B. M. Ross and Associates Limited of Goderich. • Tenders to construct the sewage system can be called as soon as .the village receives the $1.7 million cheque from the government, she\said. Reeve McLean said construction could begin as early as June. .The sewage system route will cover most of the core area of Ripley taking in 97 homes out of 170 in the village. Mrs. Stevenson said 15 homes out of 26 repor- ting problems with their septic system will have their systems revamped. Septic systems can't be, revamped until the sewage system is installed according to provincial regulations, reeve McLean said. Clerk Stevenson said the village receiv- ed only part of its allocation for the revamping of septic systems but will receive the rest in 1991. Sewage system coverage area Clerk Stevenson said the sewage system will cover Queen Street from 60 metres west of Ross Street to the. eastern village limit; Jesse Street from 101 metres west of Ross to Melville Lane; Tain Street from Ross to Huron Street; Park Street from Ripley Street to the eastern village limit and Railway Street from Melville to 141 metres east of Melville Street. The system will also cover Ross Street from 46 metres north of Jesse to 40 metres south .of Jesse; Huron Street from 76 metres north of Queen to Tain Street; Ripley Street from Railway to Park St ; .Cs; Blake Street from Queen to Christina; William from Queen to Christina and Melville from Queen to Jesse Streets, Reeve McLean said the first blocks of Blake and William Streets were added to the system last year. She said connection and service charges have not yet been worked out by the village because this year's budget is not yetcompleted. • •