The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-02-14, Page 17imekaew fleaggrel,1PedaesdIty, February 14, IIM--Page 11 41, IMP HAM Mw 4MONS lift FainolY Hart and Mk! l�,yoarodisMIt C t.'s.11 kidn: CUTI,'ING THE RIBBON. to officially open the addition at Ripley Huron Central School, Wednesday evening were: (front left) Chad Coiling,, Kindergarten and ` Michelle Stone, Grade 5 holding the rib= bon.• (back left) John Gamble, Reeve of Huron Township; Bev Peterbaugb, Marion. Hasten, both retired former staff; Barry Schmidt, •Triustee; Don,.. Carroll, Superintendent;; Donalda McLean, Reeve of Ripley; I1ian Cottrill, Vice-Pr4ncipai of Ripley Huron Central School; Dave In- Bus, Board chairman; Floyd Staidey, Principal of Ripley Huron Central School. (Bob Kaye photo) South Kinloss WMS studies God's kindness The evening of February .6 saw . 16 shared a : warm hug, The 1990 programs by Mrs. Ted Collyer. ' Hymn, Tell Me the members gather at the home of Mary • were circulated. Old, Old Story was sung. Levis. Directors Or the then* upon Love The Presbytery will be held at South- Mrs. ,`MVlaclnnes introduced the, Bible were Margaret Hainilton, Doris MacKin- Kinloss Chruch February; 13, 9:00 a.m. Study speaking of God's loving kindness non and Freda MacInnes. Ruth Bell, The World Day of Prayer will be held through excerpts from the Bible. She also President, opened the meeting with a March 2 at the Lucknow Presbyterian explained the Ten Commandments reading on 3 -C's; courage, compassion Church at 2:00 p.m. • through the love of God and Gods' loire ' and concern. Come Let, Us Sing of a Rollcall was answered by a verse on for us. She concluded with prayer. Wonderful ° Love was sung followed by Love or an act of Love shown to you, , Mrs. Hamilton's Mission Study on the prayer lead by Mrs. Bell. Prayer Circle • included Vera Schmidt, Islam faith began inter with three. The minutes of the January meeting Eva Burt, •and. Wilma Clarke.. Mrs. ' of the members portraying " through' were read and approved and: car- MacKinnonread a Tribute to the. Patron costume and mime some sterotypes. The respondence dealt with. The .treasurer's -,,;,.,.Saint- .of. •.Love,, ,Saint Valentine and we Musliun faith . was then verified and. report, was• given. heard A Legend of the Valentine, from stereotypes repudiated. The first session Mrs. Bell read on article from the Kathy Howald., on the . Study was very capably conclud- Presbyterian Record entitled °Hugs At The offering was collected by Mrs. Tarn to page 21 the conclusion of her reading all present Lavis and the offertory prayer was; given .,/ i,ISINTEE • • LIL15LL) LISTINGS WANTED PAUL ZINN 5264411 ALVIN 8088 395-3174 WARREN ZINN . 5263710 HIGHWAY LOCATION - 100 acres, brick' home, well maintained barn, 2 silos, 85 workable, hardwood bush. RIVER PROPERTY - 3 bedroom, 11/2 storey stone/stucco home, 24 x 28 workshop, Nine Mile River plus large dug pond. Reduced to •79,900. COUNTRY LOT with St. Helens creek, .6 acre, 48 x 40 shop, perfect site for dream home. $33,500.00 LUCKNOW - 3 bedroom bungalow with finish- ed basement, all new windows, central vac, main floor laundry, quiet location. *88,000.00. COMPLETELY RENOVATED country home, 2 baths, 28 x 56 shop, 4 large bedrooms, 24 x27 deck, small creek. 2.5 ACRE LOT - close to town, 30 x 30 shed excellent building `site. HURON TWP. - Solid 3 bedroom home, 100 acres, 97 workable, 1/2 drained, bank barn, 2 steel barns, set up for hogs/veal, 40 x 60 steel shed. $139,900. 85 ACRES - 4th Ashfield, drained, all workable. 99 ACRES - Ashfield, 9 mile river flows through, 75 workable, 40 x 70 barn, 20 acres bush. 200 ACRES pasture, partially drained, Well fens ed, 130 acres cleared. Asking *110,000. ASHFIELD 100 acres cash crop, drained at 60 ft. level. 100 ACRE . FARM - 3 bedroom' home, 3 barns, driving shed, 97 workable, Huron Twp. $130,000. 2 BEDROOM BUNGALOW - attached garage, move in condition, 1,100 sq. ft. SIDESPLIT - 3 bedroom with garage, new carpets, well decorated, quality built home. ASHFIELD TWP. - 50 acres systematically tiled, spring possession 1987 CHEV CAPRICE, 4 door, air, loci low mileage. 1987 FORD TEMPO, 4 door, air 1986 CHEV L4 TON PICKUP. low mileage' 1986 GMC / TON PICK-UP, low, low mileage - • 1986 MERCURY. GRAND MARQUIS L.S., 4 door, Ioaded 1986 LINCOLN TOWN CAR, Signature Series, loaded 1986 CHEV 14 TON, Wrangler Pkg.,Ready to Go 1985 BUICK ESTATE WAGON 1980 TOYOTA CRESSIDA 1985 GMC 34 TON 1985 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE,. 4 door, air. - . 1984 BUICK PARK AVENUE, 4 door, air. 1981. PONTIAC' LeMANS, V8, air HAMM'S Blyth Phone - 523-4342 R.A. McDONAGH REAL ESTATE A INSURANCE LTD. 528.2031 • LUCKNOW HURON TVIP. -95 acres drained, fairly level land, 74 acres workable, balance bush, 20 acres fall wheat. Good financ' Ing available to suitable purchaser. KJNIrOSS -33 acres on West side of coun- ty Rd. 1 north of Hwy. 9. % workable,. balance bush with dug farm pond, 2 LUCKNOW BUILDING LOTS - Both serviced. 78.5 x 25x.5; 100.28 z 165.00,. Listings Wanted FRASER MacKINNON 528.3013 BARRY McDONAGH 5281 DAVID MacKINNON 3952483 Don't MISS our big Chick Day. You can now order your meatbirds, layers, turkeys, geeso and ducks for spring delivery. Also come In and feel free to discuss any aspect Involved in raising these birds. Pius we have a full line of accessories & feed. - feeders - Chick Start `ri' Grow - Chick Meatbuildeir • - Turkey & duck starter Turkey & duck grower - waterers. - heat bulbs - woodshavings LUCKNOW FARM SUPPLY Campbell St. a • Lucknow 528-2331 528-3224 FAMILY FLOCK HEADQUARTERS aF