The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-01-24, Page 139
Alzheirner's Awareness Month
Jackie Philip was astonished the night
her father appeared in front of visitors
of underwear.
pair' of and pair.`
"We were shocked, aind didn't know
how to react At first, we thought it was
a joke, find when we realized it wasn't,
we were at a loss."
At the time, Ms. Philip bad never
Beard of Alzheimer Disease. So when her
aging father began to forget things and.
act Ill .an odd, irrational manner, the
family jwit didn't know how to handle the
situation. Jackie herself was frightened
and bewildered by 'the changes in . her
father. `
Ten years later, Us. Philip is much
more knowledgeable about Alzheimer'
Disease, the degenerative brain disorder
`thatcaused her father's behaviour and
currently affects 300,000. Canadians. As a
long-time'? volunteer with the Alzheimer
,Society, she's, also got far'gre ater insight
into justhow devastating the disease' can
be for its victims and ,their families.
Alzheimer Disease was first discovered
in 1906 by Alois Alzheuner, a German
neurologist. After almost 00 years,
however, the disease is, still very much a
mystery. Although researchers around
the world are investigating Alzheimer
Disease, there, is no known cause or cure
and drug therapies have so far proved
The disease usually starts with memory
loss end as it progresses, changes also
appear in.- personality, mood and
behaviour. Eventually, most Alzheimer
Disease patients Will require 24-hour care.
' There is increasing pressure on doctors
and scientists to unlock the mysteries of,
Alzheimer Disease. Over the next. few
decades, the problem will have a serious
impact on Canadian society. Given the
demographicsof our aging population, it
is expected that : by the ` year 2020,
Alzheimer Disease will `affect over 700,000
"There's mars than one
victim with this disease. An enormous
amount of stress goes along with bring a
caregiver to a person with Alzheimer
Disease. My min nothrr died joist a year
after my father, and I think that her
death was in part caused by the stress of
the situation with my father".
There is hope, and help, for those
families dealing with Aimee+ Disease
now. Papilla must realize, she says,
that the diaeeree will cause Wil, emo-
tional and financial stradn.
"It's very important," save Ms. Philip,
"to establish a good support system and
start planning Wm the diag osis is first
made. Get the information you need to
start dealing with the legal and financial
away, when it's still easy and
to do so. Families should also
get involved with a support group,
because they need to talk to, and get ad-
vice from, others who are .coping with
the, same situation,"
January 1990 is Alzheimer Awareness
Month, a .national: campaign to increase
public consciousness of Alzheimer'
Disease. For Jeanne Bentley, National
President, of the Alzheimer :Society, the
importance of educating Canadians about
the disease can't be stressed enough.
"Canadians; should be more aware,"
she says, "that as the population as a
whole ages,, More and morefamilies will
be touched by Alzheimer Disease. The
issues thio Willraise for individual
families and the health-care system in
this country are serious, and must be
. For more information, contact the local
Alzheimer organization a a at 376-7230 (Owen
Sound) or write or phone the Alzheimer.
Society of Canada, 1320 Yonge Street,
Suite .302,,Torcnto, Ontario M4T 1X2 (416)
r..ckn.w sMW4 wei.e.ay, .r...ry x 1.11.—Pw a
National Non -Smoking Week:
Be a smoke free fan
Doing National Nan Smoking Week
(Ja „-;tri X2 - ' , 1910), the Owen Sound
and District Interagency Council on
and Health is promoting a
"Smoke FAS Fan" Arenas in
Grey and Bruce Counties have been in-
vited to post flyers and public service an-
nouncements encouraging arena patrons
to be "Smoke Free Fano' throughout Na-
tional Non-Smokintig Week.
By focusing their promotiontl efforts on
local arenas the Council hopes to reach
both children and adults with the
message that "tobscco and athletics don't
mix". The campaign is also intended to
motivate 'wads to reflect on their own
health behaviour as a role model for
their children. In addition, the "Smoke
Free Fant" message may arena
patrons to think about. the ' hazard
imposed by smoking and second hand
Tobacco smoke remains the leading
came at preventable ill health M Oaataarie.
Current data show that 90 percent of
adult smokersto smoke
their school ,years�t Oanwdhaa C o
on smoking and Health reports that the
averageage youth start to smoke is 12,
in it of the fact that we have legWa-
tion prohibiting the sale of tobacco to
The younger a person starts to smoke,
the mare likely they are to remain a
smoker, smoke more heavily, suffer from
tobacco caused disease and die
prematurely. Also of concern is the
correlation between tobacco use
and use of other drugs. Few Cana-
dians start smoking after age 10, So, if
smoking can be prevented during .
childhood and adolescence, it is unlikely
. that today's youth will become . adult
Show kids you care --- be a "Smoke
Free Fan". And don't forget. January 24
is Weedless Wednesday,
New 4-11 Projects
you like animals? Would you like to learn
about grooming, feeding,' training and
caring for differentkinds of animals?
Would you like to learn some of -the
basics about judging and showing? If you
said "yes" to any of those questions, then •
the 4-11 Animal Friends .Project. is for
you accused of taking more time than
you should in the bathroom? What is pro-
per when your close friend suffers a loss?
What do you do about a fly in your food.
How do you helpa physically challenged
person? How do you say no? The solus
Friday, January 26th
Robbie Burns.
Sunday, January 28th
Lucknow Lions Bingo
Fridays Febhlary. 2 - 9 16. 23
Saturday February 3
CALL 520-3532, 9 a.m.-6 p.m
Snowden Insulation,.
is pleased to announce'
• that they now•
supply blown
(Formerly of Adamson •
Insulation, Lucknow).
Agricultural, Industrial,
Residential, Commercial •
«f� Auppl
R.R. #1 Lucknow
lions to theseand other questions will
answered in Your Best Foot Forward.
BBEADVENTURE - Share : in a great
cooking -.adventure; Learn the art and
science of breadimking in this new 4-11
Foods Project.
For information on - the leader
workshops for the above projects call.
OMAF . Clinton at . 1-800-265-5170 or
The Lucknow Sentinel
requires a
and .
to report the news and
happenings in the Village
of Dungannon and area.
Anyone in#erested please contact Pat
Livingston at the Lucknow Sentinel.