The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-01-24, Page 9L1 elluie r SC i, Wedaeoday, Jamiary tit 11$11—Page $ Central Huron Junior Farmers The Hum County Junior Fartheftt are JUNIOR 'FARMERS TO Ong to have a new look m the fut*we HOLD ANNUAL BANQUET • With the formation of a new elub in 1900, The Huron County Junior Farmers will The new club to be known as the Cir be ticking off 1990 with their Annual tial Huronlunior Farmers' •Aaegciai is Banquet and Hance Saturday, January composed of the fon er stun, •Seaforth 27,19990 at 7 p.m, in the •Wanghsr Legion. .and South Minn Junior Fanner Clubs. The }furors County Junior Farmers will poli gun. etre lube is behonoring f own throughout the a Thehive a step: I Of the three. Junior evening with the presentation of various Farinsers in Huron •County awards to members and clubs as well as • The: Central. liarua Junior Fanners will reviewing the year gone by and looking be thaintabeng u high profile. in their forward to the year ahead, The limning their conunu activitiesiey k� y of 1990• County Executive will also s sir as well as many ducted during the banquet- An feature to this year's bis the in- corporation of the Hurst County Junior Fartners" King and glieen competition . and crowning. � . 1990 looks to• be a promising year for the Huron County Junior Fanners, so come out and help us kick off the new new ones. The Club also hoes, to .reach out into new areas and to new people with its. activities. - The new executive eonsista of Prat - dent, dennt, .Robert.1Iunking, R.R. 01 Auburn; Viee-President, Rous McIntosh, R. R. 04 Seaforth; Secretary, Joan Bergsma, year, old and young are welcome. For in. Goderich;, Treasurer, Debbie :Graig, • formation and/or tickets contact Linda Blyth; Public Relations Officer,Kathy Amann 357*1451. 'Self Help and Com - Roberts, Seaforth; Public Relations Com- amity Betterment' is Junior Farmers. mittee, Linda. fleeter, R. R. 01 Auburn, • Al Wig, R. R. of Exeter, Dave van Beers, R.R. #1 Blyth, Paul Hoggarth, • MACHINERY CLUB READY R.R.. #1 Kippen; Agricultural Contact To ROLL Person, Ross McIntosh; County Directors, What ' makes harvesting . machines Rick Fowler, Seaforth, Lynda Feagan, unique? Seaforth, Paul Hoggarth, Ross Mclntosh. Tey spend diey areoof the year unemployed. expensive to buy and run. "Tiley are often the most com- plicated pieces of machinery on the farm. They are expected to work perfectly dur- ing the .short, busy harvest• time. Because they are unique, the 1990 4-11 Farm Machinery project is focused on harvesting machines. To find out more about this 4-H 'project, . contact the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture & Food office at 48273428 'or 1.800.265.5170. The Huron County Junior Farmerscon: sisting of West Huron Junior Farmers. and Central Huron Junior Farmer's welcome inquiries concerning member- ship, activities and programmes. The next meeting of the Central Huron Junior Farmers is Tuesday, February 13, 1990 at 8:00 p.m. in South Huron District High School, Exeter, For information about Junior Farmers in Huron County contact the Clinton O.M.A.F. office at 482-3428 or 1-800-265-5170. Thrft area youth joined the world wide Culbert. Centre "row (lest to right) le Ben - brotherhood . of scouts at last week's in- vestiture Service held in Lucknow. They include,' in the front row, left to right, Trevor Moffat,.. F.J. Passmore, Mike jambs y, Patrol Leader and Chris Prism ' , Seconder. In the back row are leaders George Brophy (left) and and Jim &Boer. (Phyllis Matthews photo),:.. FINAL MARKDOWN ALL WINTER STOCK IA PRICE SPECIALS Arrow Dress SHIRTS Reg. S40. A 00 COLOURS by iltexander Julian (Sportshirts) Reg. to 965.00 SWEATERS $1 995 $3995 SPORTCOATS DRESS. SLACKS $.i 995 $691" SUITS $9900 UNDERWEAR, SOCKS 300/ AFF AND ACCESSORIES , , trim men s frrip DOWNTOWN HANOVER 364-1060 Mon. 10 • 5, Tues. • Thurs. 9:30.6 Fri, 9:30 - 9. Sat. 9:30.5:30