The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-01-24, Page 6Page r-4ehiuw Sentinel, Wednesday, auuryM VOM Bruce County Counci Q from page 1 Amber* dike. The townsiip has offered Some rouniCipahilee, inele4ing the office, computers and other equip- Township, have repeatedly meat for county planning staff use, free that planning sues being of charge* for two yore. the county are u much ,as four year The arrangement raised questions from behind ,schedule. Saugeeen. Reeve Harry Thede, who said the growing number of planning satellite NEW ARCHIVES IN WORKS offices ;gives the .impreedon the county is . A substantial private donation means after handingplanning control.hack to,. the the Bruce County Museum in Southamp- opened s debate titbit opened at the museum January 13. coma,/ RESTRUCIVRING &We CMOS' council got another taste last Tue.day, Jan. 111, of the kind of debate that county restnicturing will Jack Riley, planning chairnman, said the reality is "'just the opposite". with Annabel moving to join county. services, after yore of operating on its own. "It's 'a beautiful office. We'll .need the space .frau time to time," Riley said,ad- ding there's no intention to make the Annabel office a pmtone for the planning department, It's expected. the Port or Wigton: offices will serve the of planning work from the. Amabel area. . . . While most ceuractd members agreed. Amabel should join the county system Brad Davis of Tober`mory said the. coun- ty should hire enough staff to handle the entire backlog of planning •commitilnents in the .minty, not: just the extra work from Amabel. "It's time to look at the whole county and its needs," Davis said. "We shouldn't go all outto' help Amabel when other municipalities have been waiting." is a step cloesc to havirhg a new ar- chives t Bruce Krug of Cheeky donated IMAGO to a' new archives building for the museum. Existing archiveu are over- crowded and part of the reason the museum is now' doing a feasibility study for future expansion. Ross Fowler of Southampton, museum chairman, toil county councillors at their January 16 meeting thatis due in March. I eap Details of menden met and design will be worked out after that date. "1 can't see expansion for two or three years," Fowler said, adding the county. will put money in a reserve fund for the project in the meantime. The $50,000 Krug donation and $15,000 a year of county money will go into that fund. It's the aecond major doaatdo.: ,,-sem the Krug family to the museum • in as many years. In . May 1988 Howard and Bruce Krug donated a .large collection of historic, locally -made furniture. That ex - turning county government and the cowh- ty eomrnittee's update on the .process, delivered to, the rrndnsister the previous week. The province is palling for county cot - col with maximum of 20 members municipalities with about 4, , population. Bruce council now has 31 members each representing a township, village or town with poptiliw ranging from a few hurAred to, more than 6,000. VMage reeves, led by Lorne Fitzsim- mons of Tiverton, are opposed to : what they see as loos of identity if restructur- ing includes amalgamation. • Others, like Reeve Ron. Andrews of Bruce Town hip say the province's message of "rcucture or it willbe done for you" is like putting, a gun to council's head. Council members alto wanted to know what would happen if it turned down any recommendations made by the restruc, A Lf EFS C TA YOU AL You're looking for four-wheel drive with top pereorimance; you want a diesel power -plant thhat gobbles up the least possible fuel. ` Well, with ust a little effort,the following information guide can be yours. The "1990 Fuel Consumption Guide" can answer your questions. you'll get reliable data established through extensivetests and calculations carried out by the manufacturers of all the 1990 "vehicles available on the Canadian marketplace./ Thanks to this information, ygucan make an intelligent choice...avehicle that uses less fuel, helps you save - money, reduces pollution and conserves our natural resources. . • Andthat'll take you a long way! The guide is available free of charge by simply fillingn out the following coupon and sendg it to us:. --��—war—.--IFT:eue" 1990 Fuel Consumption Guide Transport Canada 1 OttawK1AON5a,. t.` I As soon aspossible, send me a copy of . the 1990 Fuel Consuniption Guide .1 Name N Address • 1 1 11.1 Craansonf ratline 1 City 4 Province Postal Code • 1 �.....�, �..�..._ r.....�. _.:....1 • 4 Wring Milt McIver, chairman, of Ldndsa�y owansbip mid the public and council will have input on the reatructising scenarios his committee developii They could dude changes to lea forveservices like waste management. McIver said the province has made it clear that change will come to the centErrold county system of government. "Something will be done," he said. "It's better to look at it ourselves rather • than have someone do it for you." Pressed on, the issue of whether coun- cil members could vote down the com- mittee's report, . Mover said, "If you want to shelve it, go ahead." But he rid council that Bruce volunteered to look at restructuring before the pro- vince made it a policy. The rise committee's final report is expected in Wm. ber, after it has gone throughtion research, and apapprovals b. y the minister and local councils. It will need a two thirds vote of county council to be passed, `CAPITAL FORECAST APPROVED A month after it was first presented, a $5.2 million, five-year capital forecast for Bruce County easily passed a vote by council, on January Ifit The; vote on the vital forecast was deferred in December so municipal coun- cils could look it over. It was reintroduc ed at council's Meeting in Walkerton last week and easily passed the vote, though there are still concerns that the big tab, for building projects will eventually mean cuts in operating, budgets. •A reserve fund' to upgrade county homes for the aged gets the lion's share of the forecast of 83,4 million over five • years; . followed by $750,000 for a new • county office in Wiarton and $870,000 over four years for •a new library headquarters. , In all, the county's capital -budget will go up 20 per cent with the five-year .forecast, but Milt Mclver, chairman, said that will only .Mean' a 2.0 pet cent in- crease on n-crease-on the levy from last year's coun- t' rate. , OVERTIME ISSUE RESOLVED A long-standing overtime problem for. senior Bruce County planningstaff has. finally been resolved. The finance and personnel committee has been to find a way to repay Don Scott, planningdirector', 302 days of overtime he's accwnulated in • three''y• Chairman Ross Herron said the over- -time piled up because of staff shortages and higher workloads. Scott now hats un- til June 30, 1992 to use up the time or write it off. That's a year longer than a proposal rejected by council last month.` Herron said the offer is as fair as possible. "We believe that we have exhausted all • - pos,sible avenues to solve this situation," he said. Herron said with a new tourism coot dinator on staff to assist Scott in his • rasponsibilitles, Scott should be able to use up some of his overtime and still do his job effectively. The deputy planner has until June 30, 1991 to usep 592 hours of . overtime. Herron Said a new policy limits over- time accumulation to a total of 10 days, and said senior staff have to realize some overtime is "part of the job." NO BIG TRUCKS ALLOWED Extra -long tractor trailers are not welcome on Bruce County roads and highways. • Bruce County has endorsed a resolution from Cambridge opposing legislation that would allow the extra long trucks on On- • tario roads. Safety and road wear .con-• ceras are among those noted by op- ponents of the bigger vehicles. FOREIGN AID NIXED Bruce County council turned down a suggestion at its meeting in Walkerton on January 16 from the Township of South Crosby that it donate $1,000 to OXFAM. Canada for fa><nine relief 'in Ethiopia. Council said foreign aid is "a federal responsibility" and not an appropriate ex- pense xpense for county tat dollars. Later in the day, county taxes paid the tab for over $200 worth of lunches for council 'members. -