The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-01-24, Page 4• P*g'e vSeativiel, Why, Jilliililaary Sif,, P.O. Box 0109 Lupknow, Ontario NOG 21.10 528-2822; Fax (519) 520.3529 P Established1873. • Thomas Thompson — Advertising: Manager Subscription rates advance: Pat Livingston General' Manager Slim 01400e Canadt $6000 • Editor *1400 outaideCanadao58W Senior Citizen Second class mailing MS. no, 0847. Advertising is accepted on the condition that in the event of a typographical error, the por- tion of the 'advertising space occupied by the erroneous item together with a reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged for, but the balance et the advertisement will be .paid at than applicable rates, • _ • Weedless \Vdneay:. self-righteous attitude af nonsmokers - pain in the butt Today 'is Weedless Wednesday and smokers and. nonsmokers know what that rnemris. it Is a day . when smokers give thelir best shot at refraining from lighting. up and (*one) nonsmokers do their best to' make you- feel guiltier than ,normal About the vile •habit .you have. With the new rules regarding smoking in the' workplace being In effect, smokers will be given assistance, whether - they wanted it or not, In cutting back and'perhaps eventually,. quitting., A toll-free Quit Smoking Hotline number is available" to help those desiring to for- sake this bad habit and apparently you can gut: help.`• groin your idoc- tor. Companies promote the 'use of acupuncture, ;hypnosis, and laser treatments, but when it coma+s..right. down "to°this,bottom line. it. Is up to the smoker, who really has to want "to qult, before. any ;Of the aforementioned will be *Cerny. any: `.use, Some nonsmokers are self-righteous larks, ; who. put themselves. on a pedestal decreeing the risk. • smokers :pose to : others and themselves. Believe it or not, smoking does not make smokers imbeciles, Most of them know about the risk to others and themselves and. refrain from lighting up in dose quarter's where nonsmokers :are present or in homes where nonsmokers reside. Smokersrealize' the amount of money that, goes up in smoke every week, buf- It le a hard" habit to kick. Those who are attempting to brink the habit 'Ingrid the .support of. , not the holier than thouattitude of, nonsmokers. PL ' • Alzheimer Disease. You Can't fight it " We're the Alzheimer Society and we know that you can't deal with this disease all by yourself. We're here to help. just find the Alzheimer organization nearest you in the phone hook and call us. Because youtan't fight this alone. rsoceTVOKoosi • SOCCE UUC*NAN. • 13ZOMxieSgee6lulie30t,1broilio.UmMOM{il it(116)0545,= Family adopts DAMBU,NGS gambler by Pat t lvingston I recently had the o family to ex- perience life with a fs y that includes 'threet�teenagers.. Let me tell you it was a little different from what I had been accustomed to with only ;one teeiner, sorry, young adult in our midst. Mta four nights and three days, Icame up with the following .fiat of "must haves" if `you have more than one teen in the 1. You should have two telephone ' numbers; one for yourself and one for the don't want to pay for two•pbone numbers, you, should have:. (a) an answering machine or • • (b) a secretary. 3. If you' don't have either Mother 1, 2a or 2b,you really need the patience of a . Saint, as you listen to the continuous ring- ing of Alexander Graham Bell's • invention! 4. If you lack 1, •2a; 2b and 3, simrplyy. uunpl�gthe hhone while none' of the teens are You should have a fairly Large' home. Jo house the teens and their friends when visiting 6. A small private area of the home is a must for ma and pa; a type of sanctuary for them when, the friends of the kids arrive. 7. A television in ma -and pa's bedroom ' would helpwhen the question arises as to what program will be watched. 8. If you lack number 5 and'6 be; prepared to spend time in the kitchen or simply leave the house for a period of time to retain your sanity. 9. Two bathrooms' would definitely ease the amount of congestion one encounters when trying to use the facilities. 10.If you have only one bathroom, it, is, advisable to rise early in the morning. If Yon are all planning to attend the same function in the evening, it iswise to have your shower, do your hair etc., midafter- noon, That way you avoid long lineups and being pestered about how much. larger you are going to be! I learned that when you have three teenagers with what I will call "healthy" appetites, • count on. speinding 'more than $50. at the grocery store per week, I learned that when you have tiaree teenagers and they all go but at night, you worry three times as much as I do. Mealtime with three" teenagers. is a blast as the day's activities unfold in liv- ing iging colour, I experienced cooking breakfast for four • teenagers and myself. It was like working in a' restaurant! A• dozen eggs, one pound of bacon and a loaf of bread later, I sat down to .eat, while I watched,: them clean up the mess • I had made. That was the deal - I cooked -.they clean ed up! I"learned that although the deal had been made, you will usually :find one or two who try to renege and when this hap- pens. 'it takes a blunt reminder to jolt them into action, "Hey the 'deal was, I cook, ALL of you CLEAN UP!" The washing machine in a household with three teens takes a beating! . The amount et ironing makes me shudder! The list goes on and on. Mytime spent with the family who "adopted" me last week was certainly a learning experience. Thanks MacD's for this week's column. hepast - uried in the snow • (photo by Marg Burkhart) 70 years ago - January 22, 1920 SEVERE WINTER WEATHER - Where is the man who said we were go- ing to have a mild winter? is a question we heard somebody ask on the street the other day. Evidently the Auestioner was prepared to denounce the man in ques- tion as a very false prophet. There has been nothing mild about it in spite of the fact that the squirrels had no beech nuts to store away. In fact the weather has been of quite unusual severi- ty for thisend of the winter. The past two weeks have been decidedly cold and stormy. The fall of snow has been heavy for the first half of January and it is not often that the first month of the year gives us 19 below zero as we had it last Friday morning. It was 13 below on Sun- day night and the storm on Monday was a very cold one. ' SENTINEL MEMOIRS ' 50 years ago - January 25, 1940 EXPECT LUCKNOW SOLDIERS AS GUESTS AT BURN'S BALL - The Lucknow Fire Company has extended an invitation to all members of the 97th and 100 Batteries, from the Lucknow sorra. munity, to be present as guests of the Comnpany-at their annual Bum's Ball, be- ing held tonight. • The invitation was conveyed through Major E.R. Dixon, commanding officer of the 97th, who has replied advising the Fire Company he will be pleased to grant the Luclrnow boys leave to be present at the Ball. 25 years ail- .January 27, '1965 HUNTERS BAG. WOLF • EAST OF HOLVROOD -'.A party of three hunters last Friday bagged a wolf In Kinloss Township east of Holyrood and near the eJimMcEwanMct Ewaann n concession. The Kinloss Whoe ere shot the animal and Harvey and Jack McQuillan: of St. Catherines, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Dick McQuillin of the 6th of Kinloss. Reports of wolves have been quite prevalent for some tune. About three weeksago, Jim and Donald McEwan, Dick and Harney •McQuillan and George Whitby of Lucknow wounded one but it got away. The one shot Friday was not the same animal. RETIRES - AS POST OFFICE CARETAKER - 'Mrs. Charles Cooke has resigned as caretaker • at the Lucknow .post office due to a heart condition which will require her to take things easier for a time. • • 10 years ago January 23, 1980 NEW BUSINESSES IN TOWN - Two new businesses have opened their. doors in 'Lucknow during the past few months and one established firm has changed hands as the° village expands to meet local needs. - Bill's Place, a dry goods . and variety store previously owned by Bill and Rath Bogues, has been taken over by Marlene and Bob Struthers as the new owners. Mr. Struthers a self etnp* .arpenter, will continue to serve h. , while wife Marlene manages the family's new enterprise. P Mrs. Struthers said the climate looks good for business in Lucknow. The store opened 'under new management Jan. 2 and Mrs. Struthers is Feb1anning an official ° opening Jan 21- b: 2. •I