The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-01-17, Page 5Sportsman says idiots are just idiots, not hunters As a landowner and full-time fanners over they Yeair% 1 have been well aware of the idiot who carry lona. We have ' had cattle ahut, sheep abut, as well as Wesin buildings and Yea, X have been shot at on eight OCCOSIOn8 that I can reMember. One tries to forget. One such incident was a conservation officer *Nang out, of the windOw of an =mark- ed car., The bullet went through the Wu door beside where my father and I were working. So, please do not classify "hunters' as idiots. Idiots are idiots, _ whether they drive recklessly or use guns inwrOPer/Y- . • There have been countbsiS Withersof accidents with cars that never get men- tioned. One incident with a gun and we get news coverage, • I hunt every fall with two totally dif- ferent groups of sportsmen. We have two things hi common. We love the smells, the sounds, the solitude, and the beauty of the bush and all the creatures within. . • Toronto woman, • I am searching for information on the following: WILLIAM JOSEPH IRWIN born in . Canada of Irish parents 1843c; Church of England; lived in LuclaWW until . 1872. Died at Baysville, Muskoka 1885. m. ANNIE BLANCHE MCKENZIE, ' born on boat coming over fron.1 Glasgow, Scotland in 1851, Presbyterian. Lived in Lucknow/Ripley area. m. 1869c. Sarah Anna Irwin born Lucknow 1870. Five other children born in Muskoka. 1888 Anne Blanche then married Harry Richard SALMON in Muskoka. Children of William and Annie Blanche aisionsamminiminomm TO THE EDITOR 11.111101.100011111000111.01100110001110101101 We greatly appreciate the privilege to be a part of this. Secondly, on ever' wa- ste* that I cwa remember we have discussed our many problens with these very few idiots who give all of the hunters, and 1 Include Memel a bad name. We eve*have a magazine that Prints the =Meand convictions of Uwe who would destroy our apart. We are We as reSponsible citizens inust tsy to improve all problens in eir society. -Plea* Mrs. Stevens, &let 1*Ifrall of. us. We as gentlemen, spcirtsmen and hunters (me as a Winer) want them stopped a lot more than you. Our hob- bies, dreams and the future of our sport ' are at stake. seeks info 'not 1870 Sarah Anna (Sydd) (m.. Fred Tooke) 1874 John Alfred died young 1878"Caroline Louise (n., Tom Fergusell.) 1877 Charlene Amelia (m. John Dawkins) - lan Franee3lnay. (m Wade Place) 1885 William Wellington 'Bruce (m. Eva Newall) If you have any information write to: Mrs. Rae Marie Campbell, 270 Briar Hill Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M411 1J2. Women reduce Marching into - units to)two the 90's The 1990 March of Dimes Fundraising Campaign will run from January 17 - 31 in the communities of Lucknow and Dungannon Volunteers will call door-to- door in the villages and rural residents will receive an appeal in the mail. Last year's record total of $2589 was accomplished by the hard work of en- thusiastic canvassers and the generous donations •of residents. Campaign chairpersons Laura Lee Cayley and Anne Anderson ask for the full support of the community. The Marching Mothers of the 1950s have become .a volunteer base of over 10,000 persons in Ontario who are working to ensure the • provision of programs and services for persons which physical disabilities. The March of Dimes spends 90% of its budget on three major services\ which provide alternatives for disabled adults. These services include: indepen- dent living assistance; assistive -devices and employment services. Please give as generously as you are able. Help the March of Dimes to pro- vide independence for disabled adults. THIS Aft WILL DISAPPEAR IN SECONDS IF WE PUT IT ON THE RADIO SEEING IS BELIEVING kinel to • Units 1 and 2 of the 'United Church Women met in the Fellowship Rooth January 10 at 2 p.m. with an attendance of 22 The previous threeafternoon wits were divided into two units and this Was ihe first meeting. Allene Bradley presided for the New Year's proven and opened with a poem, and Call to Worship. Verses from 'Stan- ding at the Portal, were sung between• each Meditation ' Heider. The scripture was read by NomaCampbell. Those tak- ing part in the meditation were Phyllis Morrison, Edna MacDonald and Margaret Cameron, with the prayer given by Mrs. Bradley. - Lois Walden read, A New Begin**, an Interesting article from the Market Place Magazine which told of the re. opening of the Women's House of Bruce - County in Kincardine. Marion McFarlane • read a thank you letter from. Susan - Woodhouse, the new executive director at this house for the gift the'UCW had given them at Christmas time. • • \ Laura Lee Cayley gave • the an. • nouncements and introduced the new study book, Canada's Cultural Mosaic. The scripture for this study was read in Dutch by Gwen Lennips. • • ATTENTION 'VETERANS EISERVICEMEN AND WOMEN4 DEPENDENTS The Royal Cenedien Woe Service Bureau Officer, Mr. 1V16111,11Arper, Provincial Ser- vice Officer, London, Ontario, wilt be • visiting in the are.a.,Anyone wishing infor- mation, advice or assiatance, regarding: (a) War Disability Pensions - (b) Treatmeut for entitled veteran* • (c) Application against adverse original ap plications for War Veterans and Widows Mlowance. Is required to contact the Service Officer or Secretary of the Local Brartth, whose name appears below, not later than January 24, 1990 to arrange an interview. Irvine Eedy Service Officer litelawfw Wobawwirry, Jemmy 170 11111.—Page S '4Ficiswary $7th ..... ... ..... ourfauuttritt Olitngs viraisow isms -3010 FINAL MARKDOWN ALL WINTER STOCK .1/2 PRICE SPECIALS Arrow Dress SHIRTS • Reg.$40. 00 • SWEATERS *3995 41 995 SPORTCOATS $ 6900 COLOURS by Aleiander Julian (Sportshirts) Reg. to • $65.00 ' 9995 • DRESS SLACKS I . • SUITS $9900 UNDERWEAR, SOCKS wow AND ACCESSORIES IOU 10 OFF , , flouts filen ,6ftop DOWNTOWN HANOVER 364-1060 Mon. 10 - 5. Tues. - Thurs. 9.30 - 6 Fri. 9:30 - 9. Sat. 9:30 - 5:30 ISIMMUNI • slog, • . IBDO CHARTVRED ACC0UNTAN'r8 I WARD hillAtkIETTE , . Melee fa Imams WAN. tat Ow * New of raview goalies anonnolanir. PinnliNg, Soasehil ostuipotar poraasal plastaa, *ad Silloorommot aorviess. worm WALINITON MOUNT POST *SAN W.I. Ahiersigh PC* OA Tfraram PCA POSIST KS *Am. CA Wet. 1.31. YAPS. CA la MN" CA XL. Won CA HA CA J.J.114.0. CA OR. Moorop. CA • 11. T*4 CA . . SAVO 1014101 Ammimosiikimmnimmimmisemik '4Ficiswary $7th ..... ... ..... ourfauuttritt Olitngs viraisow isms -3010 FINAL MARKDOWN ALL WINTER STOCK .1/2 PRICE SPECIALS Arrow Dress SHIRTS • Reg.$40. 00 • SWEATERS *3995 41 995 SPORTCOATS $ 6900 COLOURS by Aleiander Julian (Sportshirts) Reg. to • $65.00 ' 9995 • DRESS SLACKS I . • SUITS $9900 UNDERWEAR, SOCKS wow AND ACCESSORIES IOU 10 OFF , , flouts filen ,6ftop DOWNTOWN HANOVER 364-1060 Mon. 10 - 5. Tues. - Thurs. 9.30 - 6 Fri. 9:30 - 9. Sat. 9:30 - 5:30 ISIMMUNI