The Lucknow Sentinel, 1990-01-03, Page 12POP 0.4114100W $4010101, WOW lid Point fon. ,: review of 1989 headlines .� (ittram page . Joe 14 -Draw and Edna Campbell celebrate ®a yeas of Married bl. toMOneY for Ripley mop Elden and Lynn Grist , . Byake-.,.a a��� -Joan Martin r from teaching Awe Symon„ his children and SiSter i ju�r�edp in accident in Greenock . a -Bethel an�,R W� Ri a celebrate 65th tinniv• -Community e o Policing Committee looking for eitizens.`tosit on co:widttee. -West Wawanoeh time increase Julie ZS Reeve Ileit Clark "submits anion -Doug'. Farrish rides in .the first ever SuperCros held at the SkyDome. • -Heather Asko, brings home gold. Helm appointed toa.newly-created . On- tario Farrah Implements. Board • July S -The search for Lois Hanna enters se- cond year. Rev, David Laurence Atwell ordained as Priest at a special ceremony held in Goderich. - Breeak and entry at firehall; radios, battery charger and carr taken:,_ inly 12 -Leo Murray of Holyrood receives head injuries when, his horse and buggy is struck from behind by a motor vehicle. -Area F.E. Madill scholars announced: Rose Cunningham, Karen Elliott, Heather Howald, -Donna Raynard, • = . -McDonagh's keep it in the family, when portion of wall on a building owned by ble VINLOUGH riacarown.e fandljr. . JuNMI ly in Royal Canadian , , +s Provincial Track and. Fieki ibratidOg the Jevons 31 � « +wempty. COunell has Auntil add ugust to name replacement. -Frank Sullivaun of tuns 101 K . Township receives * for 1 )ovement of its landfill elle. ,Nigerl Belichamber hired as limnCoun- ty's new administrator August -Eleven scouts � a two, leaders returned from a tern .day trip tO the Canadian Scout•Jarnborree held in and around Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. The° trip was declared "just awesome." . -Smoke from the, Manitoba and Algonquin - firee reached as tar as the village lean- ing a haze over Lucknow, along with a strong Sdourr. FA -Moonlight Madness bit Lucknow this week, with . local merchants promoting four big days of sales,•_ • -Rev, and Mrs. Allison Ramsay depart Lucknow for, "Prince. Edward Island. Roma MM Jade Ridiall loses 0MA7 pest hinet *Me. -The � Amebas tn. wars la the � Oats* A moisture, in min fell ea the °village.Ailleit{ to become active member 01 Bruce C aeuMngr goer Recyding Coninillne. -COM and Kay Crawford mark their Nth anni-I was fun, fun, . fun at DKu>Iganaan Fahr Aiquid * -Megan Traschers dream came kue Thanks to the Sunshi s Foamdatia of Canada, Megan travelled to Disney World. painters converged in Lucknow and declared, ""China painters ere the nicest people! -The Lucknow Fire Fighters held their annual MD Road Toll. September -Spence /and Mildred Irwin ce tte their 00th anniversary, - Rabid skunk shot in Rapid City, -Five vie for Miss Lucknow Fall Fair: Cindy Strutters, Karen. Pickard, Michelle Johnston, Nancy Hunter and .Stacey. Bean. • Tehiste for � au Peet St. Beebe sbeadheg the amnia Moral Aseeciedion held in larissw. -Thieve; steel small amend *wand t A.;.�4�f.01 in break and at Medoel -Mi & Johaston is crowned Miss Luebsosv MS; Nosey Hester and Cindy Struthers, runners". -OPP valued°over MAN in nlosWeesl g,.' .Lanecrowned Bruce Dairy ` -Enron County Board of Education looks rat month school .year, -Ladmow and . Dire t takes possession new herr -The vacant council seat, as a result of Ab Murray taking on the reevesldp, was filled with the appointment of Stuart Reavie. , -Jack Riddell, MPP . for Huron was ap- Pointed' Parlinaentary Assistant to the Mirtister of Natural Resources.. Turn to page 13 a, Saskatchewan folk honze Happy New Year! Mr. and Mrs. Syd Linton of here spent Christmas with their family at Kitchener. On Sunday, December 17 following the evening service at the Pentecostal Church, a lovely time of fellowship was enjoyed in the basement, it being Pastor Christensen's birthday_He was pleasant- ly leasantly surprised with a gift and many fond wishes along with the luncheon goodies. Mrs. Glen Kaufman (Elms Mae McDonald) and daughter. Kimberley of Saskatoon Sask: came home to have Christmas with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Tom McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Tom McDonald, Elma Mae and Kimberley Kaufman spent Christmas at. Kincardine with Dr. and Mrs. Mac McDonald and, Jeffrey. • Mr. and Mrs. Brian Murray, Vicki and Alicia had Christmas atnoon with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murray and family and an evening meal with her parents, _ Mr. and Mrs.. Scheistel at Teesvvatei . . Elma Mae and Kimberley Kaufman spent a day with her husband's parents' Mr. and Mrs: Ray " Kaufman at Walkerton. Pastor and Mrs. Marvin Christensen spent Christmas in London at the home of Vivian Parkinson where his Another; Mrs. Christensen (Sr.) of Montreal is spending the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Gillespie, David and Angela held a family gathering at. their home for Christmas. •- Services here on Christmas Eve were held in the Presbyterian' and Pentecostad churches and the Anglican congregation attended the 'Parish service at St.. Peters Church Lucknow which began at 10:30 p.m. with all enjoying singing the age old carols. Edna and May Boyle spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. John Scott at Ripley. Mr. and Mrs. Death Wilson of `Stoney Creek, spent Christmas with till and Irene MacPherson of Holyrood. Ontario Ministry of Revenue Rehab Mancini. iviinister EMPLOYER HEALTH: TAX Effective January, 1990, the new EMPLOYER HEALTH TAX (EHT). replaces Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHI.) premiums. All employers with permanent establishments in Ontario will be required to pay the tax through' monthly or quarterly instalments based on total calendar year gross payroll. THE. ONTARIO MINISTRY OF REVENUE which is responsible for administering this new tax, mailed INFORMATION KITS to Ontario employers in November, 1989. If you are an employer in Ontario and have not yet received an INFORMATION KIT, please call the Ministry, toll-free, at the numbers listed below: • Metro Toronto • All other areas • French language enquiries • Telephone device for the deaf 965-8470 1-800-263-7965 1-800-668-5821 • 1-800-263-7776 0 • 4