The Lucknow Sentinel, 1987-12-09, Page 10V.• 41:7. ,Elly 'f'>`L•`'Y•,',..k.",�; % d 's k'' Kr 9rj ,..44,47'3#;',K• ,. JJ. ..!^'P`:�.•Sj6 (boy. <... ) c: ;'.i:'^:i:)•..: • J' 4`. .'rq$l/t;<7^:�:fi:�5�13�7y�o�,�,>.,V�rJztiL�Y:s, �fL�F'!3?�,:�'.�U,+����. s�:%Y">:•D.r'S!r' :+ F•,i4:'`Y`Y;fi.:: �'$� J �8• frJ /s ,: •<.iF. {i, .h+. �y y..;.^'.':.r < :Y <zy. A ,� / i 2 C%i%<'< :ic• Lf J� i.° -,.<7,..«v:.,...4:,. }Jcr'.Y,>'';%.:i. }l z;..,�.<n. ��f ..:) "?•!f„3: se: :ty:,c:+ in':: tU/n2 a .?/ , n.: ...r+�'v . n'�j Y� i h,{ �•j - ..::..:u:'.•.:,:r.,,.)`or:+..:.,..):.....,.:+..:,Fy,:._.c., >t.: s;...::£:. .......r...: ...:... ,n.,:.,:x•..:;t:: r. .... �:;. ..; 5;,.. ..... :..:. .. .. .: .. HERE'S ALL YOU HAVE TO DO TO WIN: Carefully cut out the ornaments on this page after you have colored them'or decorated them any way you wish. Glue them to the Christmas tree provided, then bring your finished, entry to the Sentinel office, where it will be displayed and judged. Winners will be judged on originality, neatness and imagination. Prizes: 1st - A10.00 2nd - $5,00; 3rd - $3.00 1' LUCKNOW All entries must he delivered by 5:00 p.m. December. 16/87 528-2822 :,wwiw.n•..sww.stiiewrzx i•<'x.,-�s4ti�N, L.:n:.'SgtWr.'wzp ,.�w�d:U i ,A'ITJt' sti .. Page 10--Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 9, 1987 aq Holyrood W.I. hosts speciai Christmas meeting The Holyrood Women's Institute Christmas dinner was held at the hall on Thursday Dec. 3rd at 12:30 pm. The tables looked so festive and all enjoyed a most delicious meal following the welcome by the president Mrs. Harold Smith and sing- ing the Grace. The hostesses were Mrs. Leo Murray, Mrs. Harold Smith and Mrs. Douglas McEwan. All did justice to a delicious turkey dinner with all the trimmings and each member had a Christmas favor to take home for Christmas. Following the meal the •Mary Stewart Collect was repeated and The Institute Ode sang. The roll call was memories of a past Christmas and many minute books of past years and pictures were on display as well as the Tweedsmeir book which is very in- teresting with valuable information of who owned farms in the area and an accom- wy parried write up, names and pictures of ' "former Institute members whose names we cherish but have passed on. Mrs. Harold Smith thanked all who remembered her when she was in hospital. A nice card was read from the Ackert family as the W.I. had sent a floral tribute to express our sympathy at. the passing of a dear and faithful member, the late Hilda Ackert. Christmas Cheerio boxes will be delivered .for Christmas to shut-ins. Com- mittee I are in charge. Mrs. Douglas McEwan read the minutes of the October and November meetings and gave the report on the Bazaar of Dec. 28th. Card parties were planned, to begin in January. Mrs. Charles Murray brought greetings from the District and gave a reading. Donations were made to the Sick Childrens Hospital in London, and The Lucknow fund for needy families. The Sunshine Sister gift exchange brought many pleasant sur- prises, and new 1988 S.S. Sisters were chosen. Directors for this Curators meeting were Mrs. Agnes Hodgins and Mrs. Bessie Maulden. A reading was given by Mrs. Wm. MacPherson and a geography contest by Mrs. Maulden. Mrs. Agnes Hodgins gave a contest and a reading. Mrs. Charles Murray read "The lighted Candle" from the late Ethel Chap- man book. A guessing contest puzzled many of us in calling every article on a large coloured pictured sheet, but Mrs. Ellwood Elliott got them and won a lovely tatted doily. Mrs. Agnes Hodgins read a humorous reading entitled "Some members are just like horses." We all enjoyed a Christmas Carol sing. May Boyle on behalf of all present ex- presssed appreciation to the girls who prepared and made ready for the Christmas dinner and to all who took part in such a nice program. Christmas greetings -were exchanged and a most en- joyable time brought to a close. On Saturday morning the Sunday School had their Christmas Pageant at the Anglican service, "Come Lord Jesus", under the direction of the Sunday school teacher's Mrs. Eric Thacker and Mrs. Roy Collins. Everyone did their parts well, beginning with the old testament prophecy and following through' until the first Christmas when Bethlehem was where the Little Lord Jesus arrived in humble surroundings. But the Shepherds on the hillside saw the Star and heard the Angels. sing Glory to God in the Highest and on earth Peace and good- will unto men. Mrs. Roy Collins was the narrator. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cooper sang a lovely duet "Comfort ye my people," Rev. Merelyn Letson had a lovely message assisted by Mr. Reuben Burnett. The Organist Miss Edna Boyle was assisted during the pageant by Mrs. Harvey Cooper who played for the youth group. Sympathy is extended to the family and friends of the late Mrs. Nelson Bushell (Arabelle Cameron of Lucknow) who pass- ed away in Florida. The funeral was on Monday at the MacKenzie -McCreath funeral Chapel at Lucknow. Mrs. Frank Maulden and May Boyle visited Mrs. George Graham at Lucknow on Sunday. A happy family gathering was held at the Kinloss Community Centre on Saturday evening honouring Mrs. Ronald Thacker on her upcoming birthday, Kay was taken completely by surprise but all enjoyed a lovely evening of fun, food and fellowship. Happy Birthday Dec. 12th Kay. Miss Winnifred Percy, Mrs. Alex Percy and Mrs. Glen Haldenby were to Kincar- dine to call at the funeral home where their cousin Miss Christena Maston's remains rested. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Page of Burl- ington and the girls, Dr. and Mrs. Iman Mohamed and boys of Toronto, and Miss Rosita Page of Kitchener spent the weekend here with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Page and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Page all had their pre -Christmas dinner on Sunday. Mrs. John Barr and Miss Winnifred Per- cy of here and Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bushell of Wingham visited on Wed. with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brooks and boys at Listowel. On Saturday afternoon Mayme Wilkins had a few ladies in and they all enjoyed the cookie exchange coffee and of course the sociability of it all. On Sunday afternoon Kae Webster and her two sons, Cecil and Jim Webster of Waterloo' visited with Norma Young w• in Goderich. Rod Finlayson of Sarnia has been with his mother Dorothy Finlayson for a couple of days. Betty Jones spent a couple of days away from home last when she did some Christmas shopping, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hunter of Dor- chester. Barry's mother at St. Marys her daughter Sherry Bullin in London and some of her old friends and neighbours at Thorndale. The community would like to send its congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilkins on the safe arrival of their wee son born on Wednesday, December 2nd. A wee brother for Timothy and another grandson for Charles and Mayme Wilkins. The community would also like to send congratulations to Jean Anne Smeltzer daughter of Elmer and Marianne Smeltzer, Huron township, graduated syith honours at Westvelt Business School in the Bank Career Training Program. Ceremonies were held at the London Holi- day Inn on November 20th. Jean Anne has been working at the City Centre Branch of the Royal Bank in London since Mare Colin MacLennan of Agincourt visited with his grandmother and aunt Rhetta and Marion MacLennan on Thursday. ALL CHILDREN FROM RO 5 TO 10 YEARS OF AGE ARE ELIGIBLE i art', 7r)tfRf.. 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