The Lucknow Sentinel, 1987-12-09, Page 8Page 8 Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 9, 1987 Boxes ready to receive your gifts of food There were eight tables of euchre playing at the Legion Hall Monday afternoon last. Prize winners were Annie Scott, Marion Gamble, Margaret Scott, and Katherine Collins. The next euchre will be held December 14th at 2 p.m. Thanks goes to John W. and Mary Scott for this report. Annual Christmas luncheon held The Ripley Women's Institute held its an- nual Christmas pot luck luncheon on Friday December 4. Members brought either their Tuck Shop helper or another guest and in-. traduced each guest in replying to the roll call. Mary Brooks acted in the absence of President Minnie Lock, proceeds of which were for shut in boxes. The luncheon com- mittee was Mary Brooks, Florence Kirkpatrick and Annie Culbert. • Zilla Hedley, program convenor opened the program with a poem "Tis Christmas Again". Margaret Scott read the Christmas Bible story. Florence and Margaret Gem- mell sang two duets. The audience took part in alphabet readings - verses pertajning to letters A to Z. Elizabeth Fair had a humorous reading on "Untraditional Christmas". Florence Kirkpatrick had a sing song of carols with Adeline Martyn at the piano. A letter from Minnie Lock, presi- dent, was read thanking all who assisted at the Legion banquet and Tuck Shop. Sadie McLeod will assist with Donalda McLean at Noreen McDonald's to prepare shut in gifts. Annie Scott gave the courtesies. The next meeting will be on Thurs. Jan. 7 at the home of Mrs. Zilla Hedley on Blake Street at 1:30 p.m. - note the change. Thanks to Mrs. Marg Gemmell for this account. Boxes for the needy set out Local churches- and the Ripley and District Ljons Club have jointly placed boxes in stores suchas the George McLean and the Lynn Nicholson in Ripley and in the Gord and Marina Cameron store at Pine River. They are conveniently placed to receive the gifts of food for needy persons. All such will be gladly accepted. NELLIE MacLEOD Mrs. Nellie MacLeod passed away in PUZLE 9 se GIVE THS SIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING Give a subscription to the Lucknow Sentinel for a gift that lasts 52 weeks of the year. It's a thoughful gift that will remind them of you everytime they sit down to read the Sentinel. A special gift card is sent to the recipient. $17?0 (In Canada) ntinel X1400 Senior Citizen Gift To A Senior Citizen Wingham and District Hospital on Tuesday, December 1, 1987. She was born in Scotland on Wednesday Jan. 5, 1898. The funeral ser- vice was held in the MacKenzie -McCreath Funeral Home in Ripley on Friday, Dec. 4, 1987 at 2 p.m. with Rev. Arthur Pagett of the Kincardine Pentecostal Church officiating. Interment was in the Ripley Cemetery. Surviving Nellie is daughter Mrs. Mary Cook and husband Graham Cook, and five grandchildren: 1) Donna - Mrs. Ken MacLennan of Kintail, Ashfield, R3 Goderich; 2) Cameron Cook and his wife Brenda of Tiverton; 3) Kevin Cook and his wife Kathy of Kintail, R3 Goderich; 4) Helen and Peter Kerr, Kincardine; 5) David Cook of Barrie. Also surviving are one sister, and 11 great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by her husband Malcolm. The MacLeod farm was lot 20, Concession 8 - one block west of Ripley on the north side of the road. ELEANOR BRADFORD On Friday afternoon Dec. 4, 1987 the funeral service was held for Mrs. Eleanor Bradford in Goderich. She is survived by her daughter Betty, Mrs. (Dr) William Crawford of Blairs Grove and family; and also her son Norris Bradford. Her husband Bert predeceased her a few years ago. Moved here 27 years ago It was 27 years ago that Charles and Frances Hooisma moved from Ridgetown, Ontario to Ripley and took over the mainstreet butcher shop. Then Charlie bought the present property on the mainstreet south and built the new abbatoir there. They came to Canada after the Second War was over. They struggled through it. Charlie learned the business. In Canada they got working on the Experimental Farm at Ridgetown doing the dairying and but- chering. In 1961 they came to Ripley here. Volleyball Champs The Ripley mens' Volleyball team com- peted in the Bruce County Invitational Volleyball Tournament held at Sacred Heart, Walkerton on Nov. 28 and returned home as champions. Ten teams from Southern Ontario competed for top honours, Ripley defeated Orangeville in the semi finals and then defeated a tough Chesley squad to bring home the hardware. Members of the team include, playing coach Randy Lemon, Dan Collins, Jim Ber- nath, Harold Peet, Charlie Turland, Mark Bowley, Dale Fisher, Art Doughty and Floyd Stanley. Congratulations to these fellows for bringing this honour to Ripley. FARM REPORT THE LLOYD HUTTON MEMORIAL FUND As a fitting tribute to a person who ex- emplified so much as a member of the agricultural and business community a memorial trust fund is being established to create a scholarship honouring the late Lloyd Hutton. The scholarship will be awarded to a senior 4-H Beef club member from Bruce County who will be continuing his/her education in an agricultural related area. The first award will be made for 1988. The scholarship will be made annually for 15 years. Friends of Lloyd who want to contribute to the trust fund may make their contribu- tion to: Ward Mallette, Box 760, Walkerton NOG 2V0 OR one of the trustees - Gerry. Smailes, Allan Anstett or Stan Eby. The amount contributed is entirely up to the donor. Contributions will be tax deductible. GUERNSEY BREEDERS' ANNUAL MEETING On Tuesday, November 24th the Breeders from the Central Guernsey Club (includes Counties of Grey, Bruce, Well- ington, Waterloo and Perth) held their An- nual Meeting at Kitchener. The program began at 10:30 a.m. with a farm tour of Big Spring Farms owned by Bill, John and Bob Henhoeffer. The 1988 executive. are - Fred Brown, President (Walkerton) ; Bill Henhoeffer, Vice President (Kitchener); Howard Eby, Secretary -Treasurer (Waterloo) ; and John Eby, Ontario Director (Listowel).