The Lucknow Sentinel, 1987-12-09, Page 3Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 9, 1987—Page 3 Each lion has a responsibility "For members of the Lions Family, the concept of `community' in reality, encom- passes the entire world. Each of us has a responsibility to help people around the globe who suffer misfortune. Our world Society requires us, as its citizens, to voluntarily contribute not only of our time, but of equal importance, our emotions of love, caring and sharing with others." These words spoken by Internations Lion President Judge Brian Stevenson of Calgary, Alberta, Canada can be related to our own local Lucknow Lions Club. The members of this club work together to establish a feeling of mutual concern and interest in the well being, satisfaction and respect of individual members of a community. Since the, installation of the executive for the 87/88 term in June 1987, the club has been busy with various service activities and fundraising projects. The emphasis has been on service in all forms to less for- tunate members of the community. The major service activities that Lions are involved with are: Drug Awareness, Diabetes Awareness, Sight Conservation, Hearing and Speech Action, Environmen- tal Services, Leo Club, Youth Exchange, Lioness Club, International Relations. Other activities of Lionism are citizenship, educational, r health, social, recreational, ,public, international youth camps and Lions Club International Fund. The Lucknow and District Lions Club Local clubs can bank on Olympic fundraising plan Thanks to the Royal Bank of Canada, local amateur sports clubs and other non- profit organizations in Canada can raise money for their various programs while helping support the Olympic Winter Games through the Olympic Coin Fun- draising Contest. The Royal, with the support of the Royal Canadian Mint and the federal Depart- ment of Fitness and Amateur Sport, is pro- viding organizations such as amateur hockey, skating and curling clubs, with '88 Olympic Winter Games coin contest packages to assist them with their ongoing fundraising efforts. Groups registering for the program will offer their supporters contest entry forms for a chance to win a complete set of 10 Olympic silver coins. Each fundraising kit offers organizations an opportunity to raise up to $600 for their group. As part of the program, the bank will also provide participating groups with necessary materials to assist with the pro- motion of their contest locally, All organizations registering for the pro- gram by January 1 will have a chance to win a 1988 van in addition to promoting the Olympics while raising money for their various programs. "This is a winning proposition for everyone involved, " says Peter Case of the Royal Bank. "Non-profit organizations have the chance to raise money for their own needs while the federal government, through the additional sale of coins, will pass on part of the proceeds to the '88 Games." Any local group wishing to participate in this venture may register by writing the Olympic Coin Fundraiser Contest, Box 733, Station `K', Toronto, M4P 9Z9. For fur- ther inforamtion call (416) 488-2370. Would you like to buy a more recent model ? Colne & look over our newest models. 1987 CHEV Y PICK-UP HEA V Y DUTY 1 - 1986 GMC %z TON 2 - 1986 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE w/air 1985 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE w/air 1985 DODGE ARIES WAGON 1985 CHEVETTE 1984 PONTIAC PARISIENNE wagon 1984 OLDS DELTA 88 BROUGHAM, 4 door, loaded 1983 COUGAR LS 2 door w/air 1979 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 4 door HAMM'S Blyth Phone 523-4342 has been active with two major fundrais- ing projects; the Tractor Pull (food and beverage garden) in July and the rum- mage sale in October. To date the club has been donating monies to various community services and organizations. Some of these being: Sports Complex Fund, Wingham and Area Day Centre for the HOmebound, Lake Joseph Centre, local fire victim, Canadian Lions Foundation, Red Cross, local citizen for a foot ankle orthoses, Lions programs for youth exchange and public speaking, Hemophilia Society, Town and Country Homemakers and Salvation Army. Although one half of the 87/88 term is complete, the Lucknow Lions Club have a number of activities to be completed. In December the club will host a Bachelors Night (meal, entertainment), January is Robbie Burns Dinner/Dance, February is Family Night and April is Home and Garden Show. This year's motto is "We Serve" and that is the intention of the Lucknow and District Lions Club. We are proud of the community we live in and hope to continue to work for its betterment for many years to come. BUYING BUSH LOTS and SELECTED TREES TOP CASH PRICES Try our Hardwood Slabs delivered in' 17 cu, yd boxful for winter burning. They are approximately one-half the price of body wood. CRAIG HARDWOOD LTD. 526-7220 526-7512 526-7220 Auburn Allan Craig Bill Craig John Schwartzentruber 887-6571° MERRY SAVINGS FROM SINGER The DebutanteTM Machine Model 6212 The Gift That Always Brings A Smile... rtiIfL Knechtel Gift cetiipcatssf Available at all "RwStores , Jr - For Your Christmas Parties Cheese & Cracker Trays Meat Trays 5 popular stitches • Built-in but- tonholer • Drop-in bobbin • Ad- justs to various fabric thicknesses • Free arm for sewing sleeves • Built-in carrying handle, Now Only $32095 ■ (Suggested Retail 8429.95) HANOVER SINGER SEWING CENTRE 286 10th Street, Hanover 1-364-1070 For your shopping convenience, this machine is on display and available for purchase at Super Scoop - Lucknow and Cowan Country Store - Wingham. 'TIS THE SEASON FOR LOW SINGER* PRICES! '4 aademos wTow &rev &Apo, Fruit Baskets M icfclwave Oven for Christmas Courtesy of Lucknow Village Market & Campbell's Soup Draw December 19/87 CONTEST" $5090 groceries given away every week $25090 groceries given away Dec. 24/87 ¥LUCKNOW VTIIage Market LUCKNOW 528-3001