The Lucknow Sentinel, 1987-09-02, Page 5Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 2, 1987—Page 5 Still treasuring the moral values we inherited To the Editor; The election is almost here naw so we have the chance to assess our politicians. ou may recall that last December, both Jack Riddell and Murray Elston voted for Bill 7, the law that forces us to accept prac- ticing homosexuals into our . schools, workplaces, etc. If you agree that Bill 7 is a bad law in this regard, then I would urge you that neither get your vote. Both Jack and Murray have had very high profiles as Government Ministers, which will, no doubt, help them both get re- elected. However, please consider voting for someone else. as a reduced majority will give them both the message that a lot of us out here still treasure the moral values we inherited from our parents. Yours Sincerely, Peter. Edisbury RR5 Lucknow To the Editor, We have two boys, Dave age 9 and Kevin age 7, both with moderate to severe language delay disoders with central auditory processing defects. They are be- ing tested by Kr. Ivey, Audiologist and also visit the communication rehabilitation ser - School is ready to go LCPC Summer is over and we're ready to roll once again! Here are a few L.C.P.S. up- dates to start this year's reporting of the, events and activities at the school. Mrs. Clooney has requested a years leave of absence. We wish her the best in her time away and look forward to having her back in September '88. Mr. Cayley will be our acting Vice Principal for this year. Mrs. Broad has transferred to Walker- ton Public School. We'll miss her very much but wish her well in her new position. We welcome Wendy Armstrong to our Grade 8 class and Mr. Mike Dennis who will 'be sharing Grade 4 with Mrs. Lash. If you are available to help a handicap- ped child in Kindergarten one morning per week, please let us know here at the school. New news Hot lunches will start the first day of school and promise to be delicious and nutritious. I'm trying to organize a night school for interested parents that will run late fall and early winter.I already have leads on • beginning computer literacy, oil painting and an introduction to guitar. If you have any courses you'd like to see offered, such as cake decorating, dancersize, etc, please let me know by September 11. Fundraising I created a policy last year that the school would become involved in a max- imum of three fundraising efforts. This, however, neglects a number of worthwhile charities that seek the help of the school. We are therefore going to help a few charities each year but still limit the number of times our children will seek community support for school funding. Thanks to your support last year we were able to purchase new school uniforms, create a baseball diamond and purchase a video camera. Thank you! In conclusion this week, we look forward to keeping you informed of school happen- ings through the L.C.P.S. Insider news col- umn. Thanks to the Sentinel staff for their generous patience and help in this matter. If you , have any questions, concerns or suggestions, please feel free to contact the school at 528-3022. Respectfully, Wm. Pike Principal' TO vices in Lambeth. As young children they were often sick with high fevers resulting in hearing loss. Dave and Kevin are both three years in speech development below that expected of their age groups. They both use FM -auditory trainers in the classroom. Margo Clinker -Farquhar, speech-language Pathologist, recom- mends that Dave and Kevin should be in- volved in a direct therapy program with a speech-language pathologist for three ses- sions per week at 45 minutes per session. The fee per hour is $60 per child. We support and send our children to Lucknow Christian School. This, as parents, we fund 100 per cent. As you can imagine due to the costs involved we are not able to have extras in the curriculum. One of these extras would be a speech pathologist.The public and separate school systems do have these teachers available for those in need with no cost to the parents. Without belabouring the point we find ourselves being discriminated against because we belong to an independent school system. The question is why? We support the public system with full share of provincial and school taxes just as everyone else does. Would it be unfair to expect some service or funds to help our two boys with their learning disabilities? As we were waiting to see Murray Elston for some form of help, I glanced through his pamphlets in his sitting room. In the OHIP pamphlets it states, and I quote "The Home Care Program also provides school health support services for pupils with special health care needs which, if not provided in a school setting, could in- terfere significantly with their eductional program. And in addition OHIP benefits are provided for speech therapy when prescribed by a physician as a medically necessary course of treatment." Also in the Child and Family Services Act it states and I quote "Services may be provided to a child with a special need, and also the Act continues provisions for special needs agreements. Parents of children with special needs caused by behavioural, development, emotional, physical, mental or other handicap may enter into these agreements with their local Children's Aid Society, or directly with the Minister of Health. Also children should receive services that are tailored to their needs and respect differences in culture, religion, background and physical and mental development," unquote. All of these statements are false because they have failed to mention that we are not allowed to use this service because our children go to an Independent school. Since we are sending them to an indepen- dent school, they state that we opting out of the public school benefits, yet we are still expected to pay public school taxes. We are not fighting to get their education paid for, but we hope that Mr. Elston will help us in some way that our boys may receive speech therapy and still remain in the Lucknow Christian School. Thank you very much. Bill and Mary Piel, R. R. 4, Ripley, Ontario. 519-395-5487 G&L 12NJG1889 Ciassitied'Ads will slide you in the right direction Re-elect Jack Riddell Huron's Strong Voice on the Peterson Team •14 Year Veteran in the Ontario Legislature •Minister of Agriculture and Food •Long record of outstanding service to the residents of Huron County •A man who will serve ALL the people of Huron •A man who will protect our vital agriculture sector against Free Trade - FOR INFORMATION CALL — Clinton 482-3007 • Wingham 357-1140 • Exeter 235-1544 Goderich 524-5336 • Seaforth 527-2202 SPONSORED BY THE HURON LIBERAL ASSOCIATION ON SEPTEMBER 10 RE-ELECT NIBEIFLOILL JACK RIDDELL