The Lucknow Sentinel, 1987-06-24, Page 9Page 8—Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 24, 1987 Fi1TFfIl!FN 482-7103 PECK APPLIANCES "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARFlA" '.v51P1hYtY'.pl'.bSi2A"lYXl..v'rxL FINANCIAL CENTRE, GODERICH 524-2773 1-800-265-5503 •...•.•...•.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • "AN EXUBERANTLY COMIC MOVIE. • Deliciously demonic. Nicholson gives a knock -out • performance. A devilishly good time." • • - Gene Shalit, "TODAY," NBC-TV THE SQUARE PEIRK TIIEATRE • • • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • SPECIAL MATINEES SAT. & SUN. • L. ADULT 1f ACCOMPANUIENT NOT ISMAILI FOS C1111.0 11111 FRIGHTENING SCENES Theatre. Branch,Ont.,,o COARSE LANGUAGE Theatre. Branch Ont Movie magic' Cher. Susan Saran don and Michelle Pfeffer are won- derful. — Rob Salem, TORONTO STAR Very funny You'll have a great time Positively bewitching perfor- mances — Joel Seigel, GOOD MORNING AMERICA Ntchotson exceptionally funny — Valerie Gregory, EDMONTON SUN • GODERICH • 524-7811 • • • • FRI.-SAT. 44: 7A 9 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 'ENDS THURS. • 7:30 • NIGHTLY • SUN.- THURS. 7:30 52.50 TUES. AMERICAN NINJA 2 • • • The • • pr • • Adventure • • ••••.•••••• •• ••• •• ••••••• • •• • •• • ••••• • •••0 ••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••• • _1• • • S24-9981 � � I V E- I M GODER!CM ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • x" BOX • •• ' OFFICE.. • .. OPENS: • WFr�rrn'f hlicwn �r ev�� +fir. Lc� h.,..•..i. 8:30 • • • • • • • 2:00 P.M. Alvin's First Picture! Catherine Andrew, at right, was presented with an appreciation award at the annual meeting of the Lucknow and District Branch of the Arthritis Society held last Tuesday after- noon. Making the presentation was Mary Guse, regional representative for the Bluewater, Region of the Arthritis Society. Mrs. Andrew was residential chairman for the Lucknow branch of the society. She was presented with the award for 13 years of volunteer service. At the meeting, elections were held for offices. Elected to the position of president for the Lucknow branch of the society was Mrs. Grace (Norman) Taylor while Mrs. Catherine ( Alec) Andrew was elected treasurer. (Lou -Ann Hope photo) Holyrood WI holds dinner Traverse Brace of London spent last week with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. • Gerald Rhody. • Mrs. Frank Maulden and her niece, • Peggy (Mrs. Douglas Palmer), visited on • Tuesday with Mrs. Madeline Edward at • Goderich and her brother Don Lane of • Montreal was visiting also at the Edward • home so it made a pleasant reunion. On • Wednesday, Peggy returned home to Fon- • thill after a nice holiday here. • Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hodgins spent the • weekend at Glencoe with their daughter • Tammy as it was her birthday. • The Holyrood WI had a lovely communi- • ty Father's Day Supper on Sunday at the • Holyrood Hall. The ladies are to be con- gratulated for arranging such a lovely event. Mrs: Bert Thompson had the Kinlough Presbyterian WMS meeting at her home Wednesday evening. The hostess presided and opened the meeting with a reading followed by prayer and a hymn. She ex- tended a welcome to everyone. The pur- pose was repeated. Mrs. Alex Percy had the devotions on faith, trust and guidance in God. Mts. Glen Haldenby conducted the study on Pakistan and Bangladesh in k ,:ep- ing with their study on India. She nded with a poem. A hymn and prayer closed the meeting. Mrs. Haldenby gave the,. courtesies and grace was sung followed by refreshments. Mrs. Audrey Borthwick of St. Catharines spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jak,k Hodgins and other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Whiteside and Mrs. Marjoris Bennett of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. Arthur Haldenby. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith of Mississauga were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith. Friends from here attended the 40th wedding anniversary open house in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Mel Corrin at their Lucknow home on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Delbert Hedley, Debbie and Karen STARTING FRIDAY, JUNE 26th OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK PLAYING FRIDAY T4' -TUESDAY • • •THE SECRET OF MY. SUCCES • • ••• • MICHAEL J. FOX 2nd • • • • • • • FEATURE • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • SORRY NO $2.50 TUESDAY, RETURNS JULY 7th • s MICHAEL J. FOX • BACK TO THE FUTURE & • • • • • • • PLAYING FOR DEEPS *ADDED SUNDAY AND TUESDAY NIGHT, FOR THE BEST IN ALL NIGHTERS *OPENING JULY 1st STEVEN SPIELBURG INNER SPACE: ••.......•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• held a relatives bridal shower for Sandra Irwin at their home on Saturday afternoon. Kinlough ACW The Kinlough Anglican ladies had their entertaining afternoon on Thursday, when guests were present from Kingarf, Ripley Lucknow ACW, Kinlough Pentecostal WM, Kinlough Presbyterian WMS, Bervie and Kinloss UCW. The president, Mrs. Maureen Collins, welcomed everyone and opened with a poem followed by a song from the youth song book. Mrs. Lynda Thacker read the scripture lesson and offered prayer, followed by Mrs, Doris Rock reading two poems and Mrs. Janice Hewitt give a nice thought for the day. Mrs. Joan Page introduced the guest speaker, Miss Ruth Thompson of Lucknow, who showed some beautiful slides taken on her Australian trip and gave a splendid narration. Mrs. Mary Haldenby expressed ap- preciation on behalf of all present and presented Ruth with a gift. Ruth thanked Mary and stated she always enjoys coming to Kinlough. Mrs. Cathy Chatten gave a nice, friend- ship poem with Mrs. Wilda Thompson giv- ing a much to live for poem:- ' All san blossom where you are planted and then Rev. Merelyn Lelson spoke to us about a friendship day like this and how enjoyable for Ruth to come and show her pictures and all who gave program thoughts. She closed with a prayer follow- ed by everyone repeating the Lord's prayer in unison. Grace was sung and delicious refreshments were served. Each organization thanked the ACW for such a pleasant afternoon. Mrs. Carol Cooper was pianist for the afternoon. Stewardship -theme of meeting Lucknow United Church Women held their general meeting on June 9. President Laura Lee Cayley opened with a poem. Marion McFarlane led in a Stewardship program with a reading on commitment and prayer. The Lucknow Players did a skit called Always Open, Especially on Sunday. With dialogue and scripture, they gave a thought-provoking message on steward- ship. A discussion on talents and how to use them for stewardship at home, in the church and in the community followed. During the business, it was decided to give Lois Walden some of her delegate ex- penses for th National UCW Conference in July in Waterloo. A donation will be given to the Conference Travel Fund for those coming long distances. Reports were given by the Committee conveners with a special report from the 125th anniversary committee on the home -coming weekend, June 27-28. It was decided to again have a hot turkey supper in October. The meeting closed with everyone reading Life's stewardship and prayer.