The Lucknow Sentinel, 1987-06-24, Page 7Page 6--Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 24, 1987 Beat the summer heat, take The best way to cool down on a summer day is to take a dip in a pool. If you don't have one in your backyard, than the Lucknow Pool is the place for you. The pool has been cleaned and weather permitting, it will open this week for the public. Guarding and instructing this summer will be done by Colleen VanOsch, Julie Nicholson, Heather Maclntyre, Wilum Vandervelde and Helen Maclntyre. The girls have planned something for everyone and hope that more people will become aware of what a great sport swim- ming is. If you do not know how to swim, then enroll yourself in adult lessons. As for children, there are still openings in July and August. Other programs being offered at the pool are: Ladies Fitness, a class consisting of shallow water exercises; Parents and tots; Swim Team; Bronze Medallion; Bronze Cross; and, Aqua Fitness, a class which consists of a cardiovascular as well as a muscular workout in the shallow end. There will be an aquafitness class at 6:30 a dip in the Lucknow pool p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. You do not have to be able to swim to take part in either of the exercise classes. All of the programs will start the week of July 6. You may check the schedule in this week's paper for times. If you have any questions, feel free to call the pool. There's a lot for you to do this summer at the Lucknow Pool so "take the plunge" and get involved. See you there. Lucknow Lions help repair pool for 1987 use Did you see the Community swimming pool lately? It turned color overnight thanks to a work bee held on a recent blistering hot Saturday afternoon. Some 30 members of the Lucknow Lions with paint brush, hammers, nails and tar in hand converged on the Pool and the Playhouse to repair rooves and refinish the exterior. Four hours, and a lot of "all in fun" criticism, later they left each marvelling at their professionalism. Also on that day the local Kinettes were busy with paint brushes brightening up the playground equipment at the pool of which they have had installed over the years. The Recreation Department expresses a great deal of thanks to these volunteers for their community betterment spirit. 1987 LUCKNOW SWIMMING POOL SCHEDULE ' TIME MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:30 1:00 LESSONS LESSONS LESSONS LESSONS LESSONS LADIES' LADIES' EXERCISE LADIES' 1:30 2:00 EXERCISE CLASS ---" TENTS. CLASS & TE TSS E CLASS E PUBLIC SWIM ' 3:00 4:00 PUBLIC. SWIM PUBLIC SWIM PUBLIC SWIM PUBLIC SWIM 0 PUBLIC SWIM PUBLIC SWIM 5:00 SWIM SWIM , 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 BRONZE & BRONZE CROSS TEAM BRONZE & BRONZE CROSS TEAM BRONZE & BRONZE CROSS AQUAFIT AQUAFIT 7:15 8:00 9:00 PUBLIC SWIM --- PUBLIC SWIM . ADULT LESSONS PUBLIC SWIM ADULTS LESSONS PUBLIC SWIM PUBLIC SWIM PUBLIC SWIM Adult lessons begin, Tuesday, July 7 - 81.25 a lesson Parent and tots begins Tuesday, July 7 - 250 a parent, 500 a child Ladies' exercise class includes special exercises done in shallow water. You do not need to know how to swim to participate in this fitness program. Enrollment is limited to 25 members. Cost will be $20.00 for the summer (81.50/lesson). Please register Monday, July 6 class. Aquafit is an exercise program in which participants aim to improve their cardio vasutiar fitness through aerobic exercises. Aquafit classes begin Tuesday, July 7. Cost will be $15.00 for the summer. Bronze and Bronze Cross classes begin Monday, July 6 -_ 822.00 for the season. Swim Team is $5.00 for the season which begins Tuesday, July 7. SEASON TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE POOL CHILD $20.00 2 CHILDREN $35.00 TEEN (13-18) $27.00 FAMILY ADMISSION: Child 500 Teen 750 Adult 81.00 before 855.00 All is set to go at the pool for the coming season. Don't forget mothers to take ad- vantage of the morning playground pro- gram. This program is held in conjunction with swimming lessons from 9 a.m. until 12 noon, commencing July 6 until July 24 and again from August 3 to August 21. Bonnie Henderson is playground leader. Network to offer child care centres in four areas SPECIAL Child care centres The Bruce County Family Resource Net- work is now operating four child care cen- tres in the communities of Elmwood, Mildmay, Tara and Teeswater. These ser- vices are available to farm and non-farm families for children 18 months to 10 years on a full-time, part-time or on a drop-in basis. The Network wishes to notify parents that registration for September will be held the week of June 22-26, 1987 from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Registration may be done either in person at.the Centre or by telephone. For further information, please contact the Elmwood Centre at 396-9911; Mildmay Centre at 367-2816; Tara Centre at 934-2041 or the Teeswater Centre at 392-6830. Pasture Renovation Demonstration The Bruce County Pasture Committee has tried different seeding methods to re- establish trefoil on parts of the Bruce Com- munity Pasture Farm. You can see the results at an Open House at the Pasture Headquarters on June 25, 1987 at 7:30 p.m. Pesticide Storage The spraying season is almost over for another year so there will be a stock of par- tially used containers to store for next year. There is a section of "The Ontario Soil Conservation and Environmental Protec- tion Assistance Program II" which en- courages the proper storage of . all pesticides. For a storage to be eligible, the following items are required: Concrete block or wood -frame wall storage complete with roof and concrete floor, appropriately sized to the farm operation. No floor drains will be allowed and the floor must be capable of containing any chemical spill within the storage building; Storage can be separate, adjacent to or within an exisiting farm building not used for livestock, feed or produce. Storage must be well ventilated and adequate heat should be provided to prevent freezing of liquid formulations; Chemical storage warning sign (obtain- ed from OMAF or Ministry of the Environ- ment) to be affixed to both sides of the en- trance doors to the storage building; 1,000 watt (maximum) electric heater with thermostat (optional) ; 12 -inch" diameter (maximum) exhaust fan; Light fixture; Door lock(s); Electrical hook-up from an existing ser- vice panel. The grant is 40 per cent of the cost of construction. Call the nearest OMAF office for com- plete details.