The Lucknow Sentinel, 1987-05-20, Page 10Page 10--Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 20, 1987 SUMMER Summer Subscription Special 13 weeks ................................. zL25 50 17 weeks..............................5 • OFFER EXPIRES JUNE 12, 1987 Lucknow Sentinel Justdropintoourofficeorcall Pat at Maitland Presbyterial holds meeting By Marjorie Wall Press Secretary Maitland Presbyterial The May meeting of the Maitland Presbyterial Society of the Women's Mis- sionary Society in Canada was held on Monday, May 11 at Brussels Presbyterian Church. President Mrs. Evan Keith, Lucknow, opened the meeting with thoughts on the theme "Look how the flowers grow" and continued the meeting with prayer. Mrs. George Elliott, president of the Brussels WMS, welcomed the ladies to their church. Devotions based on the theme Matthew 2:28 were conducted by Miss Hazel Mac- Donald and Mrs. Adeline Hackett, both of Ripley. The offering was received by Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Mair, Mrs. Elliott and Mrs. Martin of Brussels and was dedicated by Mrs. Donald Simpson of Ashfield WMS. On behalf of Maitland Presbyterial, Mrs. Dave Nielson presented an Honorary Membership Certificate to Mrs. William Smith of Gorrie WMS who has been a WMS member since 1948. Mrs. George Mac- Donald presented her with an Honorary Membership Pin from her family. Mrs. Smith made a fitting reply. Mrs. Ted English of Wingham Goforth conducted an impressive In Memorium comparing the Presbyterial to a flower garden where blossoms fade and fa1t A moment's silence was observed in memory of deceased members. Mrs. Robert Bergman, Teeswater, in- troduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Jessie. Rayner, Paris, Ontario, who is past- president�of Hamilton -London Synodical. She commended Maitland Presbyterial for exceeding their allocation .,last year. She spoke on "Seeds" and included com- mitment of God, faith, change, fellowship, and patience. "We also have to deal with weeds of disappointment, discouragement, doubts, fears and negative feelings, she said. "There are many ways to doservice in our groups," she added. She closed her message with prayer. Mrs. Joyce MacDonald, Teeswater, thank- ed Mrs. Rayner and presented her with a gift. The meeting continued with the repeating of the new Aim and Purpose. Mrs. Margaret MacLeod, Brussels sang to selections. - Mrs. Irlma Haldenby, Kinlough, read the minutes of the last May Presbyterial. Mrs. Hazel Bateman, Wingham, gave an encouraging financial report. The rollcall was answered by 72. Mrs. Frances Nugent, Ripley, gave details of the Children's Rally planned for June 10. Mrs. Isobel Arbuckle, Wingham, gave a brief report of Synodical. Mrs. Archie Campbell, Molesworth, gave the courtesies, thanking all who had taken part in the meeting. She also invited the Presbyterial to meet at Molesworth next May. Mrs. Joe Boron, Kincardine, closed the meeting with prayer. Mrs. Joanne King was organist for the hymns and soloists. There was a time of fellowship before supper. Mrs. V. Jamieson said "Grace" and everyone enjoyed a salad meal. Nonprofit housing • from page 1 on behalf of the village. "It's more expen- . sive, but it's the easiest route to go" as they have the necessary experience with non-profit housing projects. Reeve Herb Clark said the village would request the association to carry through on the project on behalf of the vilalge. Other findings from the 1985 housing study, says Mr. Cowan, was the population of Lucknow was stable and was aging very quickly. The housing stock was aging as well. "We do not anticipate housing is going to change greatly over the next five years," he said. The housing officials both recommended that the village look into other ministry sponsored housing programs, such as the Ontario Home Renewal Program which aids in the rehabilitation of exisiting hous- ing stock and the Convert -to -Rent Pro- gram which offers homeowners or store owners an incentive to renovate spare rooms in their houses into rental space.