The Lucknow Sentinel, 1987-04-29, Page 12Page Z--'T'he Lucknow Central The Easter Bunny One Easter a long time ago there lived a Bunny by the name of Mr. Bunnyson. They called him Sunny for short. One day when Bunny and his little helPe-s were making bright and shiny easter eggs Bunny said, "I think I'm get- ting a little dizzy," "Oh you can't be," said one of his helpers." If you are not feeling Jennifer Cranston ‘AA cr0-5 T4,e P\oic o g0 For Trezaio3 well who will deliver the eggs tonight? "Don't worry I'll be fine before tonight," he said. But, night came and he still wasn't feel- ing well. "The only person that 'can cure me is Mother Nature," "quick go find her," Bunny said very quietly. Soon Mother Nature was to his bedside. "I can cure you but not until 4:30." It takes a couple of hours to work. "I'll have to get the man in the moon to slow the time down to -night," she said. The night was very long for the children in bed. The Easter Bunny delivered the eggs just in time. The children woke up the next morning with a smile on their faces. Bunny was happy that he got the easter eggs there in time and he and his helpers are back to work making easter eggs for next year. Maybe next year it will be faster. Jill Sellars Report on girls' basketball team With the basketball season fully in mo- tion the girls basketball team has been practicing extra hard to improve their basketball skills as the tournament nears Preparations and practices have been especially strenuous and informative. Following final cuts, there are now 12 girls on the school team and with our high spirits practices can be very interesting. The girls have been learning many special plays which have been given names for use on court. We are all looking forward to competing in the regional tournament at Huron Heights on April' 10th ! Our hopes are high that the team may be able to continue on to a higher level of competition. Many thanks to the Coach Ms. Matte, who has already taught the team much and expanded their knowledge of I.B.'s and peanut butter sandwiches. We wish the girls the best of luck in their tournament. Cailin Clark and Megan Johnstone Cliff Hey„ is your O\ e \ex5V:rn, your shove bro, youc heck'c rod T'vSnor3 Ilea? W ‘`-c 50, cali C0Itff Mann ane ond i);% wokeTs w4A\ -�x Cali \urr b\na 430:11.3 gela Cranston ro ANUS Katrina Abbott My school Bunnies Lucknow Central is the best, Work and play but never rest, We are good, seldom bad, Always happy, never sad. Teachers nice and helpful too; Lucknow Central I like you! Jennifer MacKinnon Grade 7 If I were a bitten If I were a kitten I would meow like a kitten If I were a dog I would ruff like a dog If I were a hill you could slide down me If I were a caterpillar I would take a journey If I were a tree a squirrel would climb me If I were a mommy I would spank my children If they were bad. Julie Gollan Grade 1 Funny bunnies can run fast, Funny bunnies can hop really high. Sharon deBoer Grade 1 Snakes Slimy snakes Gooey snakes Hungry snakes Greedy snakes Hiss! If I were a If I were a If I were a If I were a If I were If I were Kasen Crimmings Grade 1 Kites kite I kite I kite I kite 1 would see the sun would see a tree would see fireworks would feel air a kite I would see a kite I would see roads hydro wires. Jason Ellis Grade 1 , i fii > k P,. fir, The LOPS girls' basketball for 1987 had a successful year winning a pennant at the recent tournament. Team members are, front row, left to right, Jill Campbell, Cailin Clarke, Meagan Johnstone, Christine Conley and Erin Johnstone. Back row, Gail Matte (coach), Bonnie Hallam, Mary Anne Murray, Cindy Razchevi, Tracy Ward, Denise Hiller and Jen- nifer Brown. (519)-52q-7627 Cus+omWa\din9 Steve Porter