The Lucknow Sentinel, 1987-04-29, Page 3Ripley residents in favor of Credit Union study Ripley residents voted in favour of asking the HEPCOE Credit Union to do a feasibility study to determine whether their village could support a credit union as an alter- native financial centre in the village. Eighty-six voted in favor with six opposed at the public meeting Apr. 14. A public meeting last month voted in favor of looking into the possibility of luring a credit union or trust company to the village following ardent assurances by Royal Bank officials that twinning the Ripley branch with the Kincardine branch of the Royal Bank would not result in a boss of service or the closure of the bank in Ripley. Bob Thompson, chairman of the commit- tee organized to conduct the search for an alternative financial institution, told the meeting the committee had looked into the possiblity of Ripley starting its own credit union and asked the LEAD (Local Employ- ment Assistance and Development) cor- poration for assistance. They also asked Clinton Credit Union if it was interested in locating in Ripley but they declined saying they were not ready to ex- pand at this time. Services of HEPCOE outlined The committee asked Carole Enright, manager of the HEPCOE Credit Union in Kincardine to attend the meeting to outline the services available from HEPCOE, the Hydro Electric Power Commission of On- tario Employees credit union. Ms. Enright told the meeting a $5 membership makes an individual eligible to use any or all of the services provided by the credit union. Policies are guided by an elected board of directors and implemented by management at the head office in Toronto. Deposits are insured to a maximum of $60,000 and there are service charges of 30 cents a cheque and a 50 cent monthly mail- ing charge. Interest rates are fully competitive with any bank or trust company and there are a variety, of Personal loans available with free life insurance, she said. Once interest rates are established for a particular type of loan, everyone approved for that type of loan pays the same rate of interest. The Best Seat in the Neighbourhood When John Deere Builds an economy rider only the price is stripped down If you're looking for a depen- dable rider look at a dependable name ... John Deere. Our depen- dable riders feature a two year warranty. John Deere riders also have a reputation for lasting a long time ... ask anyone who owns one. HURON TRACTOR BLYTH 523-4244 Weekly mortgage payments and over- draft protection with interest rates lower than bank or credit card rates are also available, said Ms. Enright. Master Card credit has recently been made available to HEPCOE members at an interest rate of 18.3 per cent. Master Card has no user fees and if the monthly balance is paid within 22 days, there is no interest charge, she said. Business accounts are not yet available but they will be introduced sometime this year. In the meantime anyone operating a small business could obtain a personal loan or a personal line of credit. The limit on a personal loan is a maximum of $75,000 and the limit on a line of credit is a maximum of $20,000 provided they qualify. A seniors' plan which eliminates service charges for seniors will also be im- plemented this year, said Ms. Enright. Residents want a manager in Ripley In response to a question from the meeting asking whether a HEPCOE Credit Union in Ripley would be a full service or parttime branch, Ms. Enright replied, "You have indicated you want a manager in Ripley and that's the way it would be ap- poroached." Her remarks drew applause from the crowd. Part of the twinning process will see the Ripley Royal Bank manager transferred to Kincardine. Answering another question, Ms. Enright said personal loans can be approved by the credit manager at the head office in Toronto with a turn around time of 24 hours. Mor- tgages can be approved by the manager to a limit of $250,000 and personal loans to a limit of $75,000. If the credit union is in a profit position, profit is directed to the members in some fashion through lower interest rates on loans or a rebate on loans, she said. Ms. Enright told the meeting HEPCOE would determine whether Ripley could sup- port a credit union based on two factors, a strong demand which was demonstrated by the vote at the meeting and a feasibility study to determine the interest ih the community. She advised the meeting to request whether HEPCOE is interested in opening a Turn to page 18 Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 29, 1987—Page 3 114th Anhual Service LUCKNOW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday, May 3rd, 1987 GUEST MINISTER: Rev. John Congram St. Peters Presbyterian Church, Don Mills MORNING SERVICE Il: ?f) A.A1. EVENING SERVICE `" 3() PM. Special Music A 1,: A Irs. Richard Madge, accompdnied Mrs. lean Carruthers. Church Choir EVERYONE WELCOME Oizeft '‘o-adef. evrae,cde' a€e 44cett %ewe/4v, Nag t9S7 1.30 - 5.06 f., 6:00 - 99.•00 AMC 7ortercco4 legovatitutad lave two (Leen econideted and you ane lowed to drlofi en. Betaaround and lave a collree. 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