The Lucknow Sentinel, 1987-04-08, Page 20Page 20—Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 8, 1987 Walden - Caesar Gary Wayne Caesar of RR 1 Dungannon and Janet Aileen Walden of Dungannon were married at the Dungannon United Church on February 14, 1987 with Rev. Roberts officiating. The groom is the son of Mrs. Joyce Caesar and the late Paul Caesar of Lucknow and the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Flood of Walton. The Maid of Honor was Donna McLennan of RR 3 Goderich. The flowerbearer was Lisa Walden, of Dungan- non with Jason Walden as the .ringbearer. The Groomsman was Don Boak of RR 1 Dungannon. The ushers were David Caesar of Dungannon and Calvin Flood of Walton. Following the wedding reception at the Lucknow Community Centre, the couple went on their wedding trip to the Wheels Inn in Chatham for three days. Mr. and Mrs. Caesar are residing at RR 1 Dungannon. Whitechurch UCW meets recently The April meeting of the Whitechurch UCW was held at the home of Mrs. Muriel Thompson in Wingham on April 1. An Easter call to worship, Christ is Risen, was given my Margaret Sleightholm and Agnes Farrier. All sang Rejoice, the Lord is King. Hymn 763 was read responsively and Mrs. Hazel Laidlaw led in prayer. The Meaning of Easter was a reading given by Agnes Farrier. - Letters from overseas missionaries were read, taken from the Medaltor. These missionaries are paid by the Missionary and Service Fund. Mrs. Sleightholm led in prayer for the of- fering and least coin was received. Mrs. Muriel Thompson presented Mrs. Lorne Durnin with a life membership pin of the UCW. Mrs. Gibb placed the pin on Mrs. Durnin and Mrs. Farrier offered a prayer. Mrs. Durnin thanked th.esociety for their gift. All sang Crown Him with Many Crowns. Thirteen answered the rollcall by nam- ing a missionary and where they are serving. Rev. Ball closed the meeting with prayer, followed by a travelling basket. Social News Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Falconer and family have sold their house in Whitechurch and will be moving to Exeter where he has work. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Purdon, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tiffin,, Mrs. Gertie Tiffin and Bill Tiffin. Ken and Glenn Sinnamon of Wingham were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs: E. W. Beecroft, East Wawanosh. Mrs. Tom Vanuss, Janice and Lauren of London were Tuesday visitors with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw. On Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ducharme and Paul Laidlaw of - Dor- chester visited with Mr. and Mrs. Laidlaw. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Gor- don Rintoul returned home from Wingham Hospital on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Purdon and .Mrs. Jean Tiffin visited with Mrs. Isabel Tiffin of Lucknow and called on Mrs. Cassie Falconer at the Nursing Home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Falconer visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alan Falconer, Tony, Kim and Amy of Goderich. Whitechurch 441 The sixth meeting of the Whitechurch Successful Survivors was held on Satur- day, April 4 at 8:30 a.m. All members showed up bleary eyed and -tired but ready to take on the world. Everyone answered the rollcall which ask- ed 'Where would you like to go for a week's holidays?'. Some answers were Bermuda, Hawaii, Jamaica and Venezuala. The businesspart of the meeting was conducted. The club did a part called "Getting Around" which involved filling in blanks on methods and modes of tranportation. The disadvantages of hitch -hiking ' were discussed. The leaders gave each member an ex- ample trip which they would be going on. The plan was to figure out which trasnpor- tation you would be using and what was best for you; the cost of your trip and how to make it really economical. The advantages and disadvantages of biking were touched on slightly. Mrs. Wardrop then took over the meeting and showed members how to change a tire and do small jobs on your car to keep it in running condition. We went out into Mr. Wardrop's workshop where he showed us how to recharge a vehicle bat- tery, how to do small repairs on your bike and check your tire pressure. Mr. Wardrop then showed us how to change a plug and all the members tried it out. They all. finished the job, some successfully, others not so successfully. Lady returns from Spain Dorothy Finlayson has returned home after spending the past three months in the southern part of Spain. Most of her holiday was spent at Costa Del Sol. Dorothy says the weather there was very nice and Costa Del Sol, has a great many tourist attractions. However she does find it nice to be back home with her family and friends. Elizabeth Wilkins of Mount Forest was home on the weekend with her parents Charles and Mayme Wilkins. Jim and Cecil Webster of Waterloo were home on the weekend with their mother Kae Webster. On Saturday they visited in Goderich with Norma. Young. Then they went on to Clinton and visited with Jack and Marion and Lloyd Smith. Visiting during the weekend with Barry, Betty and Sharlene Jones was Doug and Mary Jones and boys of Thorndale. George MacDonald is looking forward to seeing his friends and neighbours at his auc- tion sale on Saturday, April 11. McDONAGH - Mike and Kim (nee Let- teau) are thrilled to announce the safe ar- rival of their daughter Keshia Jean, in Wingham and District Hospital on Tues- day, March 24, 1987 at 2:21 a.m., weighing 6 lbs 14 oz. Proud grandparents are Bayne and Jean Letteau of Teeswater and Barry and Betty McDonagh of Lucknow. Great- grandparents are Stan and Hazel Letteau of Teeswater and Iris Haist of Toronto. BLAKE - Stephanie is thrilled to announce the safe arrival of her baby brother, Scott Paul, on March 27, 1987; at Alexandra and Marine General Hospital. Scott weighed in at 7 lbs. 1 oz. Proud mom and dad are Paul and Janice Blake. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Blake: 1 BRADLEY - Mr. and Mrs. John Bradley of RR 5 Lucknow are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Richard Joseph Allan, 8 lbs. 3 oz., on March 27, 1987 at the Wingham and District Hospital. SHEPHERD - Bob and Karen are delighted to announce the safe arrival of their son Kyle Robert, who was born on March 27, 1987 at the Goderich hospital weighing in' at 7 lbs 9 oz. He is a little brother for Tanya and Nicole. Proud grandparents are Robert and Isabel Shepherd of Lucknow and Arnold and Joyce Stothers of Nile. CLON'ER 1,1.:AN Piny Salmon 750, 2 .Wheat 9 • NABISCO Shr.edded 1 ,. 9 7 9 SESAME STREET Rig Bird - F:rnit fJI5,►,►nil 1 . 0 89 /:.1J11'RF:I,1,"S Tornatocl 1 ..,. n •SoupI.► 7 ' Sl :MIGHT Laund � • 4NA. H1 -DRI WHITE Paper . • 09' Towels z Detergent h1.. • Hi1.I.S [MOS.GRANNY1X'EtiTeN Coffee3 369 g. 9 Hamburger or Wiener Rolls i,.. 1 • ' Butter Tarts., 1 . 2"9 . S1:11\EIIIF:R'S Luncheonhicken Meats9Legs8Ham3 1).•li sii,....1 . I.R. FRESH I'1R"I' 1311:k 1"I'"I'11:HF1) C . im. `CHNEIDER'S 111.1.• F'al•lti.►11.•41 Deli Shred • ;. LR. 1.1\ 11)1 O. 1 Tomatoes • 1.1;. • Mini Carrots �. 1,) .oz. cello flag • Iii:1"1'RI/:F: • Half & Half Cream 500 ml. • Wintario if yY . { f4: