The Lucknow Sentinel, 1987-04-08, Page 14Page 14—Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 8, 1987 Euchre attracts good crowd BY AB WYLDS The Happy Hearts sponsored a Euchre Party in the Legion Hall Monday afternoon last, with nine tables playing. Winners were Marion Huston, Annie Scott, W.R. Lowry, and Harvie Thompson, and the player hav- ing a birthday closest to that date was Verna Finlayson. Another party will be held April 13 at 2 p.m. Ripley council report At the Huron township council meeting on March 2, 1987, it was moved that John Wood, Con 12, do a survey on Given Road which is in the Point Clark area (2nd con to the Pine River) . Reeve John Gamble and Clerk :Marlene Colling signed a release on Lot 22, Plan M-7. Council decided not to give permission to anyone putting up satellite dishes on township road allowances. The road superintendent is to be sent to the T.J. Mahoney Road School held at the University of Guelph in May. The council approved of the new County Planning Advisory Committee being Tiver- ton, Kincardine Township, Ripley, Huron Township, and the town of Kincardine. Ac- counts for March were: Roads - 23,096.29; General - 25,012.57; School Boards - 241,760.50;' Recreation - 10,000.00; Tile loans - 33,814.60; Telephone Debenture Interest - 14,602.50. We expect to include the April minutes in this column with the help of Marlene and Annette for Huron, and also from Sue Stevenson for Ripley. Tonight Wednesday,April 8 in Huron township hall there is a big roast beef sup- per. After the meal is over there will be a card party at two dollars charge each for the euchre players. The net proceeds are in support of the Ripley Agricultural Society. Since the ladies are doing considerable work, this writer hopes that they will be free FARM ROLLOVERS Specializing in transferring Farm assets to ... •Children •Outside Parties •Partners •Grandchildren The Financial Centre 122 The Square, Goderich 524-4464 1-800-265-5503 to look at raising the prizes in their classes of the fair by a fair amount - not just nickels and dimes. Looking over the prize list, we would think that classes needing a raise are vegetables, flowers, domestic science, needlework, and junior section. Such a move should increase the number of ex- hibits in the Complex. Important dates for the Society are May 16 and September 25 and 26. Showing slides of Brazil Freda Collins will show some slides of their cruise through the Caribbean and up the Amazon River in Brazil at the Seniors meeting in the Ripley Legion Hall this Fri- day April 10 at 2 p.m. Everyone welcome. Meeting in Tobermory Bruce Historical Society will be holding its open Spring meeting at Tobermory Lodge at 7 p.m. on May 22. Guest speaker will be Vincent Elliott, well known naturalist of this area. Saturday morning will be free choice to browse, hike, visit a museum, or cruise on the M.V. Seaview. Room, three meals, and complimentary cruise at a bargain price. Bus service available from Lucknow up Highway 21, if number wishing it warrants the same. Deadline April 10. Call W.A. Col- lins, 395-5279 if interested. First spring auction sale On Saturday April 4, Auctioneer Grant McDonald conducted the sale of household furnishings and effects for Mrs. Arvilla Orr, • who now resides at Huron Villa. It was the first sale in Ripley this year. The weather being in the spring equinoc- tial season was dry but was it ever cold and raw. So fortunately looking ahead the stuff . :had been moved ahead of time into the Huron township garage and workshop at the east end of Malcolm Street. Grant says that there was a good crowd on hand and it was a good sale. "Give The Breath Of Life" LUCKNOW & DISTRICT Kinsmen Iub Car h Saturday, April .11/87 10:00 A.M. - .3:00 P.M. Lucknow Car Wash $2.00 Per. Car, All Proceeds to Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation THE SEAFORTH BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION IS HOSTING LUNCH WITH THE PREMIER DAVID PETERSON and Agricultural Minister Jack Riddell THURSDAY, APRIL 16111:4455p1: TOPIC: Rural Community Revitalization AT THE SEAFORTH & DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRES Illustration reproduced from 'Historic Landscapes Of Huron County' by Nicholas Hill, Architect/Planner, London TICKETS AVAILABLE on a first come, first serve basis from Tom lemon, Seaforth Mainstreet Co-ordinator, 527-0160, Seaforth Town Hall. VELMA MILLER CATERING TICKETS 10.00 Seaforth BIA The West Huron Junior Farmers recently chose their executive for the year. The new ex- ecutive members are, back row, from left, Glen Lamb, Colin Snyder, Andy Williams, Jerry Logtenburg, Anne Alton and Michael Bogie. Front row, Audrey Ritchie, Linda Ax- tmann and Lori Lonsbary. ( Alan Rivett photo) Jr. Farmers attend dance Approximately 12 members of the West Huron Junior Farmers attended the Seaforth Junior Farmers P.J. Dance on March 21 with over 120 in attendance. Everyone was asked to bring their pa- jamas and a teddy bear to the dance. The dance was highly successful with the highlight of the evening occurred when two girls placed balloons under their PJ's and looked to be pregnant while the DJ played Madonna's "Papa Don't Preach". Also, some of the male members were caught wearing some revealing lingerie. It has been' a busy year for the West Huron Junior Farmers, one of five such clubs in Huron County, active in promoting youth and agriculture, prompting personal growth and leadership. The area roughly includes Goderich to Auburn to Lucknow to the Belgrave area. Some of the recent activities of the West Huron Junior Farmers in the area..include: - Ashfield Township Heart Fund Canvass- ing. This year $616 was collected for the Heart Fund in the township. -- Brookside School card parties. A total of LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Invites You To Worship With Them On Sunday. April 12th 10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Nursery downstairs morning & evening EVERYONE WELCOME LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, APRIL 12th Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Rev. Geraid McFarlane Nursery and junior congregation provided EVERYONE WELCOME LUCK NOW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Calendar 11:00 A.M. Worship Service 8 Sunday School Rev. ALLISON J. RAMSAY - Minister Nursery For Children Under 4 years April 12 "All attendance Sunday" Dedication of New Choir Gowns Potluck Dinner April 17 Combined Good -Friday Service South Kinloss Presbyterian Church 8:00 P.M. Conducted by the Young People's Group. Everyone Welcome. April 19 Sunday School taking part in the Worship Service. Special Music. April 26 Regular Worship Service April 28 (Tuesday) W.M.S. Thankoffering Service.Christian Book Display 3:00 RM. to 7:00 P.M. Speaker The Canadian Bible Society Representative Rev. W. Howlett. Everyone Welcome $81 was raised this year which will go to the Children's Wish Fund, which gives ter- minally i11 children their last wish. -- Ashfield Township - cleaning up the fenceline at the waste disposal site and painting fences., - - raising money for charities ie. Children's Wish Fund, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Fund. – Displays at Teacher PD day to inform of agriculture in' Huron. County. - - Donations to Christmas Toy Fund with drop-off boxes in Carlow and Lucknow. - - Car washes to raise money for the Mike Scott Fund -- Bark Lake leadership conference.. delegate with the West Huron Junior Farmers sending Audrey Ritchie. – Donations to Tools for Africa Fund. – Donations to Family and Children's Services. While March was Membership Month for the Junior Farmers, everyone wishing to become a club member is welcome to at- tend the next meeting of the West Huron Junior Farmers at Brookside School on April 13 at 8 p.m. The Best Seat in the Neighbourhood When John Deere Builds an economy rider only the price is stripped down "111111 1 h i..12 MR"%- 1 L IIIOIIir ... If you're looking for a depen- dable rider look at a dependable name ... John Deere. Our depen- dable riders feature a two year warranty. John Deere riders also have a reputation for lasting a long time ... ask anyone who owns one. j' -J HIJRON TRACTOR BLYTH 523-4244