The Lucknow Sentinel, 1987-03-18, Page 37Pe.. 21 PARTS VALUE OF THE MONTH r• IT'S CHANGE TIME! Save now on quality filters to protect your farm equipment, cars and trucks. A spent filter can't trap contaminants that rob your engine of performance and increase the risk of engine damage. It takes just a few moments to protect your engine and there's no better time than today. " We have a complete stock of filters for your farm equipment and vehicles ... oil filters, fuel filters, hydraulic filters and air filters. It's Change Time. For Better Protection. For Better Performance. Retool now with special values on CASE IH Tillage Parts. PR/CE BREAKER APB11 111= Save on SWEEPS, SHOVELS, POINTS, BLADES... . whatever your needs! BUY NOWT SALE ENDS MARCH31,87 CASE IH 71/2" SWEEP with bolts 4. Cash And Carry -Minimum Quantity 25 CKER EQUIPNi LIMITED LUCKNOW 529-7993 HEIM Financial programs... • from page 18 - Training, travel and relocation assistance as well as self-employment grant of up to $180 per week for up, to 26 weeks are available to eligible persons. - Wage incentives to employees of up to $3.50 per hour for up to 40 hours a week for a period of up to 26 weeks is also available. - Farmers who ceased farming between February 26, 1986 and September 1, 1986 must apply for assistance before March 1, 1987. Those ceasing farming after September 1, 1986, may apply up to six months after ceasing farming or wind down their operation no later than three months after filing an application. Final date is March 31, 1988. - Application for this program should be made through the Canada Employment Centre, 3. Federal Farm Debt Review Act - This review process ensures that farm operations in financial difficulty, or ac- tually facing a farm foreclosure situation, have access to an impartial third -party review of individual farm circumstances and possible financing/refinancing op- tions. A voluntary agreement between a farmer and his creditor(s) for a mutally satisfactory arrangement will be sought. - There are two types of applications: for an insolvent farmer and a farmer in financial difficulty. - Any creditor intending to foreclose on a farmer must provide him with written notice, at least 15 business days before tak- ing any action, of .these intentions and must advise him of the right to a review. - The Act allows for a stay of pro- ceedings for an initial 30 days and this stay may be extended at 30 -day intervals for a total period of up to 120 days. There is no power to impose debt reduction. - Application forms are available at the Farm Credit Corporation office and at the local offices of the Ontario. Ministry of Agriculture and Food. D. Term Loans 1. Ontario Young Farmer Credit Pro- gram an ongoing program,, it provides a guarantee to thebank on term loans far persons under 35 years of age. Interest rate equals prime plus 1 percent and is floating. 2. Ontario Tile Drainage Loans -.ten- year loans for up to 75 percent of the cost of tile drainage at 8 percent available through local municipal offices. Financial Incentive Programs A: 1. Ontario Soil Conservation and En- vironmental Protection Assistance Pro- gram (OSCEPAP -H) - this is a major thrust to reduce soil erosion and improve, water quality. Benefits were enhanced in January 1987. Extra staff resources have been allocated to advisory services and educational programs. The erosion control grant provides up to 662/3 percent of the eligible cost of work on approved projects to a maximum of $10,000. A manure storage grant is available for up to 40 per- cent of the eligible cost of work on an ap- proved storage project up to a maximum of $7,500 per farm operation. ". 2. Enhanced OSCEPAP II - The enhanc- ed Ontario Soil Conservation and En- vironmental Protection Assistance Pro- gram - OSCEPAP II, provides additional financial assistance to farmers undertak- ing soil erosion control and environmental protection projects. Under the terms of this program,. the Ministry of the Environ- ment will supplement the grants paid by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food in certain target watersheds within the province. For erosion control projects the enhance- ment will be equal to 75 percent of the eligi- ble cost, less the basic OMAF grant, up to Turn to page 22 •