The Lucknow Sentinel, 1987-03-18, Page 34Page 14 Numerous financial programs available in area by Don Pullen, P.Ag., Agricultural Representative, OMAF, Clinton, Jan.'87 Various provincial and federal govern- ment programs are available for Huron and Bruce County farmers. For more detailed information, as well as Changes as they may occur, contact the local office of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food in Clinton (482-3428 or 1-800-265-5170) or in Walkerton (881-3301 or 1-800-265-3023) . Financial Assistance Programs A. Operating Credit There has been an evolution of operating guarantee programs. While clients may be enrolled in any one of the three, CUR- RENT. APPLICANTS CAN ONLY ENROL IN THE THIRD. 1. Ontario Farm Adjustment Assistance Programs (OFAAP) - The Ontario Farm Adjustment Assistance Program was in- troduced in 1982 and was reintroduced in 1983 and 1984. It is now in a three-year wind down operation for those already on the program in previous years with a renewal of existing operating loan guarantees on an annual basis for up to three years en- ding in 1987. 2. Ontario Operating Credit Assistance Program (FOCAP) - The Farm Operating Credit Assistance Program followed OFAAP in 1985. A two-part program it pro- vided interest assistance on floating rate loans and operating loan guarantees. With the reintroduction and enhancement of OFFIRR, FOCAP is also being wound down with no new applications accepted after August 31, 1986. 3. Ontario Operating Loan Guarantee Program (OLGP) - The Operating Loan Guarantee Program succeeds the guarantee portion of FOCAP. It is effec- tive September 1, 1986 to August 31, 1987. Interest rate is prime plus 1 percent. Eligibility criteria include: equity of 10 percent to 60 percent; minimum $12,000 agricultural production. A broad range of agricultural production including flowers and fur farmers are eligible. Application forms and procedures are similar to FOCAP. B. Interest Rebate 1. Ontario Family Farm Interest Rate Reduction Program (OFFIRR Plus) - The Ontario Family Farm Interest Rate Reduction Program has been reintroduced and enhanced. - application must be filed before May 18, 1987 - the program provides interest rebates of up to 7 percentage points to $360,000 of existing debt as of September 1, 1986, down to 8 percent interest. In 1987, 70 percent of the benefit will be available; and in 1988, 40 percent will be provided. - the eligibility criteria include: equity between 10 percent and 75 percent; family net worth under $1,110,000. - the eligible debt is reduced by $1 for every $1 by which net worth exceeds $750,000 (up from $500,000) . - maximum eligible debt is no longer reduced by $1 by ever $1 which is covered under the Beginning Farmer Assistance Program (BFAP) . The OFFIRR assistance is calculated on the basis of the "net of BFAP rebate" rate of interest on debt. The reduction for Junior Farmer Loan is $2 for $1 of loan. The rebate is reduced at the rate of 30 cents for each $1 of off -farm income earned over. $30,000. - "operating" debt may be verified at either the first of the month, the end of the month, or the 15th of the month. - documentation includes personal and/or corporate tax returns, net worth, accrual income statement, cash flow plan, production plan and verification from lenders. LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO-OP YOUR 1957 CROP HEADQUARTERS See us for all your crop needs: • FERTILIZER * SEED • CHEMICALS ALSO CUSTOM APPLICATION OF FERTILIZER AND CHEMICALS Everyone Welcome To Shop Co-op 1 Adverse Weather Assistance Compo- nent to OFFIRR - designed for 1986 crop only. Provides special assistance to farmers who suffered crop losses in excess of 30 percent because of adverse weather in 1986 and who are eligible for assistance under OFFIRR. - eligible OFFIRR loans m an amount equal to the value of the crop loss in excess of 30 percent (on a crop -by -crop basis) of the county average yield can be brought down to 0 percent interest instead of the usual 8 percent. 2. Ontario Beginning Farmer Assistance Program (BFAP) - The . pro- gram has been in place for three years. It provides up to 5 percentage points reduc- tion on interest, down to 8 percent, on mor- tgages of up to $350,000 loaned by approved lenders. The mortgage interest rate must be fixed for at least five years. To be eligi- ble, the beginning farmer cannot previous- ly have operated a viable farm business. The 1986 Ontario spring budget proposed to enhance the program. Ideas under discus- sion include increasing eligibility criteria and providing a phase-out period. C. Transitional Programs 1. Ontario's Farmers in Transition Pro- gram (FIT) - . the re-establishment assistance component has been phased out as. the federal Canadian Rural Transition Program was phased in early in the fall of 1986. The other parts of FIT will remain to complement the federal program: (a) Helpline 1-800-265-1511 - a toll-free line for a listening ear. Staff try to match up callers experiencing financial and/or emotional stress with agricultural ad- visors and/or social agencies. (b) Independent Farm Family Advisors - Peer counsellors are provided to help farmers plan for change, Farm families can access advisors through OMAF of- fices, the Helpline, and farm lenders. 2. Canadian Rural Transition Program (CRPT) - this retraining and adjustment program . is designed to help people who, for financial reasons, must cease farming and find new employment. - A transitional grant of $1600.00 is available to farmers and their families between the time they stop farming and the time they start a new job or training. Turn to page 21 • BASF lowers • prices • from page 3 Loose said. "Just as he is having to lower his costs to stay in farming, we at BASF. have been searching for ways to lower ours. The price cut is a direct result of more efficient manufacturing for Basagran.' Loose expects the lower price to in- crease Basagran usage as a primary her- bicide, as well as a follow-up treatment to control weeds that escape preemergence herbicide applications. In addition, he feels Basagran will be more widely used on white beans and certain vegetable crops like snap beans. "Our action will strengthen our fran- chise among satisfied customers while ad- ding new users," Loose said. He predicts the new Basagran price willaccelerate the trend toward more widespread adoption of conservation tillage systems that lower machinery, fuel and labor costs, control erosion and save topsoil. ,BASF Canada Inc. is headquartered in Rexdale, Ontario. In addition to Basgran, it markets a wide variety of crop protec- tion products, including Poast, a postemergence grass herbicide for soy- beans, potatoes, canola, flax, dry beans, dry peas and certain vegetables