The Lucknow Sentinel, 1987-02-18, Page 9Michigan woman pays visit to sister, brother -gin -law Mrs. Anne Halsely of Sterling Heights, Michigan visited on the weekend with her sister and brother-in-law, Finlay and Margie MacDonald. While here, she at- tended the funeral of Malcolm Campbell of Tiverton. Mr§. Louise Millar of .Palmerston was a recent visitor with her mother and sister Rhetta and Marion MacLennan. George, Andrea, Julia, and Michael MacDonald were in London on the weekend visiting with Peggy Heffernan. And, it being so stormy last Sunday, they didn't get home until Monday. Charles and Mayme Wilkins visited with their daughter, Barbara Wilkins in Paris on Sunday. And the weather last Sunday played havoc, leaving them in Paris for the night. However, they made it home safely on Monday. It was a very bad day last Sunday with the winds causing a lot of havoc with the hydro that day. The power was off for 12 hours or more in a lot of places, causing a lot of inconvenience for many. Pine River UCW The Pine River UCW meeting was held on February 1 in the church. Following a delicious dessert, the vice- president Betty Jones opened the meeting with prayer. The rollcall was answered by. 15 members and two visitors. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. A note of thanks was read' from Dorothy and Les Wardell for their Christmas remembrance. Betty asked for voting delegates to at- tend the Bruce presbytery meeting in Lucknow on March 2, 1987. Betty Jones and Margaret Ferguson volunteered. The members were reminded of the upcoming "World's Day of Prayer" at Pine River on March 6. Margaret Ferguson gave the tre-asurer's report. A motion was made by Mrs. Cliff Elliott and Mrs. John Ferguson to order UCW envelopes. ,Mrs. Margaret Ferguson was the con- venor for the meeting. The theme was "Stewardship, Mission . and Service". Margaret 'led in prayer, followed by a Bi- ble quiz by Nancy Campbell. The offering LUCKNOW DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE OPEN DATES AVAILABLE MARCH Friday 6-13-20-27 Saturday, 7-14 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 Lion's Family Night CALL THIS NUMBER BETWEEN 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. ONLY 528-3532 Welcome to the Sentinel's new Birthday Club Blair Savage R.R. 1 Kincardine February 20, 1981 6 Years Old by Kae Webster LSH was received and dedicated. Margaret Ferguson introduced the guest speaker, Dawn Wilson of Point Clark. Dawn's husband is an engineer in the United Arab Emirates ( UAE ). This is one of the youngest states in the region of the Arab Gulf. It is a neighbor of Saudi Arabia. The men are the superior in this region with the women kept in the background. The Moslem religion is the most important thing in the country. The Moslems pray several times a day whether it be at horne or at work. In the Arab states, the. people do not marry for love, as the marriages are pre- arranged by the family or the government. Moslems don't eat pork or drink alcohol and everything is given and received by the right hand. The country is run by the military with the laws being strict and severe. Bertha Scott thanked Dawn and com- mented on her beautiful jewelery and garments she was wearing. The Emerates Hymn "Creator God We Come" closed the meeting. A social hour was enjoyed by all. A poem Today I smiled and all at once, Things didn't look so bad, Today I shared withsomeone else, A bit of hope I need. Today I sang a little song, Ad felt my heart go light, Ans walked a happy little mile; With not a cloud in sight. Today I workell with what I had, And longed for nothing more, And what had seemed like only weeds, Were flowers at my door. Today I loved a little more, Complained a little less, And in the giving of myself, Forgot my weariness. The.author of the poem is unknown. • • Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, February 18, 1987—Page 9 Advertising helps you compare. CANADIAN ADVERTISING FOUNDATION 19.6% FROM US or 9.2% from them No Load -- RRSP INVESTMENTS Es INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. Financial Centre 122 The Square, Goderic 524-2773 1-800-265-5503 CROP PLANNING AND FINANCING SEMINAR Tuesday, February 24th, 1987 9:30 A.M. Lucknow Community Centre Topics covered will include "Making Use Of Government Programs" BRIAN HALL - Huron County O.M.A.F. ALTERNATIVES IN CROP FINANCING" BRIAN, HORNER ---Agri_ Finance EVERYONE WELCOME LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE ..LUCKNOW 529-7953 •1 1,/0,400,4: a CARPET COMFORT Let `Finlay Decorators Beautify Your Home With Harding Carpets Hard Twist - Plush and Sculptured -Tone Qn Tone A WO QIN C1IJJX RAT 2121 A deb. welrle wane %4 h a men y tint. LUCKNOW 4 NATURAL WHITES Latex - Flats - Semi -Gloss SAVE UP TO MONTHLY SPECIALS $ o0 up to 0 off SO. YD. 10'?o 4 Litre Size CARPETING • CUSHION FLOOR AND LINOLEUM • DRAPERIES CUSHIONFLOR AND LINOLEUM \0''R COMPLETE HOME 1 E('ORATING CENTRE DRAPERIES FINLAY DECOIATOIS WALLPAPER AND C -I -L PAINTS 528-3434