The Lucknow Sentinel, 1987-01-21, Page 8v. \
Page 8---(Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, January 21, 1987
Reader angered by political process
Dear Letter to the Editor:
As an observer of the Huron County
political scene, I would like to share with
your readers some thoughts about last
year's events, especially concerning the
Huron County Library Board.
I am amazed at the ignorance of most
people concerning the political process
and their apathy towards local municipal
affairs. It seems events such as hotel fires
and kidnappings, things we have no direct
control over, are easier to comprehend
than how we govern our own communities.
At various times I've heard comments
such as, "Oh well, as long as my library
isn't affected, or "what's the problem, do
you need more space?"
The County's position that they are
perceived to be in control of the libraries
by the local citizens is a fallacy promoted
by the Administrator and certain Reeves.
Mr. Murphy the Library Board's Solicitor
(as well as the County's) told the Board
emphatically the, Board was a legal
autonomous corporation which handled
the day-to-day affairs of the Library and
County Council and the Administrator
legally had no authority in making deci-
sions for the Board. In fact, as many of us
know, County Council's influence Is not
subtle and the Board is represented by a
bare majority of Reeves resulting in Coun-
ty Policy often being served through the
Library Board.
County Reeves and their relationship to
Mr. Hanly remind me of the story "the
Emperor's Nevr Clothes". In the past few
years the Administrator has been found
lacking in his understanding of the law or
enacting of the law. There was the issue of
the money earned as a "finders fee" and
more fittingly. In regards to the Library
Board he allowed minutes to be filed as
secret and confidential documents. He also
neglected to name the Warden to the
Library Board but let Council protest that
the Warden sits as exofficio member all
committees, but not on all Boards. When
these problems were corrected no one
seemed willing to question the Clerk whose
job it would seem is to inform the Council
of how Boards and committees are dif-
ferent;; Reeve Tom Cunningham express-
ed in amazement last fall that Council
didn't realize that the Board wasn't a com-
mittee and by asking for special powers
under PR No. 7 they could legitimize a
system they had worked under since the
Board's inception in the sixties. Imagine!
The council is unwilling to admit to their
own nakedness and failings instead they
choose to shoot the messenger! Is it the
Board's that the Reeves by admitting own
stupidity and ignorance of the law should
be made to suffer. Collectively are they not
mature enough to admit they didn't know
and be humble enough to work within the
confines of the Libraries Act. Apparently
not, for they have struck out at various
players and place no blame at the foot of
the Clerk. •
I was asked for my resignation at the
Nov. Board meeting by Tom Cunningham.
He accused me of being an Anarchist. I
suspect the man doesn't know the meaning
of the word. (belief that the government
should be abolished). He said he thought
he livedo democracy but had wondered
since I had gone against a Library Board
decision and travelled to Toronto and
spoke at the Standing Committee on
Regulations and Private Member's Bills at
Queen's Park.
Members of the Library r, oard have had
differences of opinion d ing the years I
have sat on. Board. • .parently Mr.
Cunningha coul i of . cc • • t individuals
havin:,:inions whi ,i iffered from his
and Cs .. cils view. • is ane Board meeting
Mr. Cunningham i f: •• •d me that I
wasn't accountable t e taxpayer as he
was because I wasn't • ected to the posi-
tion of Reeve. I tried to argue that I felt I
and your 1987 Municipal and School Taxes
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Open Houses are your opportunity to fully
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ate its equity.
Open Houses are held in every municipal-
ity at convenient times and locations to pro-
vide you with the opportunity to discuss your
assessment with staff of the Regional Office.
An assessor will be pleased to explain the
basis of your property assessment and is
authorized to amend any inaccurate informa-
tion prior to the delivery of the Assessment
Roll to your municipality.
If you have any questions but are unable to
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Property owners and tenants will receive an
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ment Notice, it may reflect changes you have
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in the amount of your assessed value, or other
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Appeal Procedure
If, after attending your local Open House, you
are still dissatisfied with your assessment,
you have the right to appeal it to the Assess-
ment Review Board. The Assessment Review
Board conducts informal hearings and is
responsible for determining whether the
assessment under appeal is fair and equitable
with the assessments of similar properties
in thecinity or neighbourhood, and may
alter yo asse �sment accordingly.
Appeal Deadline/
Thep final date for appealing your assess-
ment is February 26, 1987.
Your appeal must be forwarded, either on a
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Regional Registrar of the Assessment
Review Board on or before February 26, 1987,
noting your property address, roll number .
and the reason for the appeal.
To assist you, Notice of Appeal forms and
the address of the Regional Registrar of the
Assessment Review Board are available at
Open Houses, your Regional Assessment
Office, or your municipal office.
Schedule of Open Houses
Township of Ashfield Mon. Jan. 26, 1 p.m. - 8 p.m., Dungannon Agricultural Hall, Dungannon
Township of West Wawanosh Mon. Jan. 26, 1 p.m. - 8 p.m., Dungannon Agricultural Hall, Dungannon
Village of Lucknow Mon. Jan. 26, 1 p.m.,- 8 p.m., Lucknow Municipal'Office, 526 Campbell -
Township of Kinloss Mon. Jan. 26, 1 p.m. - 8 p.m., Luckhow Municipal Office, 526 Campbell, Lucknow
57 Napier Street, Box 190
Goderu h, Ontario N7A 3Z2
(519)524-7326, 1-800-265-5192
345 Eighth Street East, Box 670
Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 5R4
(519)371-1121, 1-800-265-3187
in county
was responsible to the users of the library.
and that the Board's very existance was to
maintain minority interest of 26,000
residents who use the library system, and
not only look out for the citizens whom I
would represent as a result of an election.
I've seen many games played these past
few years, when we start discussing the
closure of small low circulating branches
the Reeves would speak dramatically to
save their own little redundant branch but
never say anything in regards to another
branch somewhere else in the County. Of
course, you didn't dare criticize a Branch
from the Warden's or Chairman's area
that was verboten, and wasn't a wise
political move.
It is' my understanding of democracy,
that the County paid approximately $500 to
place ads inviting citizens to appear before
the Standing Committee supporting or op-
posing Bill PR NO. 7. Mr. Cunningham
may have thought only those who sup-
ported the Bill PR No. 7 had a right to go to
Toronto but my definition of democracy
allows all 'des to be heard. It is in-
teresting t:r:: to that at no time did any
other Reeve follow Mr. Cunningham's
comments with a differing viewpoint so I
took the stance that all of the Reeves agree
with Mr. Cunningham otherwise they
would have been willing to speak their own
mind and offer their opinion too. The herd
mentality may be alright on the farm but it
should not be acceptable in .Council
Chambers. .
Any interested citizen wishing to read
transcripts of the committee may write to
Clerk Tannis Mannekel Queen's Park,
Toronto and ask for October 22, 1986, Oc-
tober 29, 1986 and. Dec. 17, 1986 transcripts
of the Hansard on the Standing Committee
on Regulations and Private Members
Bills. The reader will then be able to
decide how well the arguments for both
sides stood up in front of the committee.
The irony of it all is that County Council
forgets they gave up their right to. decide
by seeking a Private Members Bill and the
Provincial government is have a great old
time playing games among the parties.
I've been told that the Opposition wanted
this Bill debated in the House so Conser-
vative members reduced their number on
the committee allowing the vote to be tied
again for the second time having the chair-
man (a Liberal) vote in favor of the appli-
cant; Mr. Reycraft's Bill.
Where are the general citizen's in all of
this mess. Down at the bottom of the heap,
I'm afraid. About all one can do now is
write to Jack Riddell and tell him you are
against Bill PR No. 7 and write to Larry
Grossman asking/him to support the Act
`that his Government put into place only
two years ago. The New Democratic Party
has shown rem-arkable maturity
throughout the whole affair and asked a lot
of reasonable intelligent questions. They
are not merely a labour party but showed
great concern for Libraries.
I apologize for the length of my letter but
a lot has happened in the past year. I wish
to lay blame at the feet of the library
patrons as well. Without public attendance
at our Board meetings the conduct of
members can get very egotistical and
things are said that would never be
repeated if the .press or public were pre-
sent. The Library Board needs a watchdog
to ensure that everyone behaves properly,
that- the .Chairman has control over pro-
ceedings and that the secretary takes
minutes and doesn't interfere with his own
opinions, and that the agenda is followed.
At the December meeting the solicitor
suggested that we look closely at our
responsibility to the book budget. Later in
the day the secretary reminded us of the
lawyer's suggestion and Warden Arm-
strong moved that the Board approve all
book purchases before we order the books.
Mr. Ritter and myself fought very hard
against such an idea. I got the impression
that the assistant Librarian, Sharon Cox,
was not in favor of the idea as she asked
Members if we had three straight days to
come in and choose or approve books
before the ordering must be done. There
Turn to page 15 •