The Lucknow Sentinel, 1987-01-14, Page 16Page 16--Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, January 14, 1987
LCPS students back to the books after enjoying holidays
By Judy Lane and Allyson Haldenby
The LCPS students are back to school
and into the books more than ever.
The students are pleased to welcome
three new pupils to the school - Steve, Scott
and Sherri Nicholson.
Grade 1
The Grade 1 class made some super New
Year's resolutions for 1987. Some of them
were: stop watching so much TV; try to
exercise more; and do more reading.
In mathematics, the Grade 1 students
are learning to tell time. Mrs. Bell's
students are learning to write sen,ences
using proper punctuation and are doing
very well. This week they are starting a
unit on snow.
Everyone is glad to be back at school.
'Grade 2
All 'of the Grade 2 students had an en-
joyable holiday and are looking forward to
a great 1987.
The students loved Mercer Mayer books
so much they decided to do a reading unit
on him. They are making good use of the
school librarian, Mrs. Maclntyre, as she is
helping them make a book about Mercer
Mayer's critters.
Grade 3
A great holiday was enjoyed by the
Grade 3 students who are eager to work as
hard as ever.
The Grade 3 students read a story about
dinosaurs and then made some of the
prehistoric beasts out of plasticine. the
students .also started a new unit in En-
vironmental Studies and are learning how
to read maps.
Grade 4
Mrs. Broad's Grade 4 class also made
many new Year's resolutions such as help-
ing mom and dad, keeping their rooms
tidy, getting along with broers and
sisters and improving their work habits.
Currently, the Grade 4 students are lear-
ning to become better listeners, the most
important skill of good communicators.
Grade 5
All the students in Grade 5 have settled
into 1987 very well.
In Environmental Studies, they have
been studying road maps .while in math
they have been working on division.
All results appear promising so far.
Grade 6
The Grade 6 students are trying to learn
the names and locations of the towns and
villages in Bruce County. What the people
do to make a living in Bruce County also
represents a part rif their studies.
Grade 7
The Grade 7 class had the pleasure of
welcoming a new student, Scott Nicholson,
into their room.
Everyone started reading new novels for
novel studies and, hopefully, everyone
picked a book they will enjoy. The students
are finishing their duties as cafeteria
helpers. As this was their first time,
everyone enjoyed helping and they can
hardly wait to help Mrs. Martin again.
Speeches are starting again very soon, L C p S
and they are hoping for many winners in
the Grade 7 room this year.
Grade 8
The Grade 8 class was excited to find
that Canada Post had not let them down.
Before Christmas, letters were written to
newspapers4across Canada requesting a
copy of the paper. To date, 10 papers have
arrived from Prince Edward Island to
Alberta. The class is looking forward to the
comparison study.
Volleyball try -outs
The girls' volleyball try -outs have
started again with many talented girls vy-
r.:ing,-krearn a spot on this year's team.
Studentmaking good use of library
By,,JasowCameron and Adrian Rau
1987 is starting out as a busy year,
especially at the Brookside school library.
Everybody is reading. Grade 1 is using
bookmarks; Grade 2 is finding out how to
use the new calendars; Grade 6 is beginn-
ing research on animal coverings and Mrs.,
Ottewell's Grade 3 class has completed its
research on North American animals.
Many people are also beginning to prepare
their speeches and finding some informa-
tion from library material.
Many birthdays celebrated
The Grade 4, Room 9 pupils have just
started volleyball which they're really en-
joying. They're also hoping for some nice
weather on January 30 as they are going to
visit the West Wawanosh . Conservation
Area. Pay Day will be held on January 27
and Hot Dog Day is scheduled for January
The class wishes a Happy Birthday to
Mellissa MacLennan on January 4 and to
Heather Alton on January 11.
The class is also going skating on
January 23. So far, Grade 4 is enjoying 1987
and hope things stay this smooth.
Reporting for Grade 4 are Jocilyn
Logtenberg and Tracy Neil.
Cold water experiments
Grade 3, Room 4, Krakatoa, is doing ex-
periments on cold water. They predicted
how much H2O a cap full of snow would
make and whiclrwould melt faster, loose
or packed snow.
The class is also making ,a mural with
paper people painted on it. The people
figures are members of the class doing
something they like to do in the winter.
This week, the class is "introducing" June
de Boer as the Special Me.
The class reporters are Nathan Durnin
and Lee Drennan.
S.tuding-Huron County
Mr. Culp's Grade 4-5, Portable 2, is doing
Social Studies activity centres ' about
Huron County. It's a fun project to do.
Some of the centres incluc 'e': population,
roadways of Huron County, slides and lots
more. It's fun - and the class is leatning a
'The -class reporters are Wayne Hunter
and Michelle McClinchey.
Winter activities
Mrs. Ottwell's class has started winter
and snow activities. On Friday, Mrs.
Graham is coming to the class to do weav-
ing with the Grade 3 pupils. On the bulletin
board, the class is showing their ideas
Local home afte
Mrs. Beryl Hunter of Lucknow returned
home in time to celebrate Christmas as
she had been a patient at the Wingham and
District Hospital since August 30 until
December 23.
On August 29, she suffered a fall in her
home which resulted in fractures to the
tendons on both heels.
After being taken to St. Joseph's
Hospital in London by ambulance to ac-
quire the proper treatments for the frac-
about "What If.../. An example is... What
if snow was colored
Reporting for Grade 3 are. Adella An-
drew and Jennifer Storey.
Started new novel
All students from Mrs. Tebbutt's Grade
6 , class arrived back safely after the
Christmas holidays. They have started a
new novel called Wilderness Champion
and in science are working on a research
project about animals.
The Grade 6 reporters are Janice
Webster and Heather Jefferson.
r hospitalization.
tures. She returned to Wingham hospital to
endure the only treatment for this type of
fractures - to be completely off her feet.
During these three months, she received
physiotherapy by the Wingham hosptial's
excellent trained staff. This was followed
by the difficult task of learning to walk
Her highest praise goes out to these girls
who so skilfully worked in this area of the
hospital, day after day.
Cocktail 28 oZ. • 99
FrieSLKG. 1. An
Stews 24 OZ.
Crackers 450 G. I •
Meats 340 G.
Cookies . G.
Toothbrushes .99
�/ Shepherd's
�ET`f+• 39 Pie ,„ G.
1 2 LB. An. ples BAG
1.19 Headcheese I. nn
1.69 Cabbage
• 6 EA.