The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-12-23, Page 19Litektiow Sent s.el„ MOAday, December 21 191- Page tt McVMV V M1/ \ NtVX A look at. Christmas 50 years a.o Seed and you shall find The struggle for every Individual and every generraat_ion is between Truth and illusion Light and darkness, Spiritual Health and sickness, and ultimately, Life and death. Our Christian 'revealed' GOOD NEWS is that Gods, the eternal Light, Words and Truth, became one of us 119991 years ago. The °'GODNESS9H of Jesus was hidden at Bethlehem; The real light which gives light to every man (Le. 'man' In the universal sense) was coming into the world. He was In the world, and thru him the world was mades yet the world did not know who he was. (John 1:940) The "GODNESS" of Jesus was hidden on the cross. The real °TRUTH' was too hard to bear. Jesus, and the `presence of God' is hidden in the world today. If we are to find the Truth, Light and ultimately Life, we must follow the example of. the Magi, who also were `forei- gners'. They searched and asked, until they found the Truth. Jesus promised, `Seek and you shall find.` The power of His love is everlasting. As we reflect and remember, Christ's message is forever. We take this joyous occasion to express our thanks to all of you. MacLennan Farm Drainage Stuart &. Ken 529-7319 B.R. 6 3 GODERICII 639.7365 Father Harry Reitzei, CR Pastor of the Ashfield Parish Cbristoas Fifty Years Ago Around Chose atlas SO years ago they used a horse and cutter„ : a team 'and sleigh if the snow on the roads got too deep for the ears. `['hey ltd .Christmas plays and things at the one room schools, Ev nary grade helped out in the pro, gra. 1 e people that came were family and neighbours, The night before Christmas they would put stockings up and hope they were good enough to get something frorn Saint Nick. They got a few presents. What they would eat would be duck or goose mouse they didn't have turkeys. At the parties they would go sledding or skating. If they went skating they would go on ponds in people's fields. Sunday mornings everyone got together to go to church Melissa Campbell, Grade 6 Lucknow Christian Christmas in the II World War I think that 'it was a very sad Christmas if you hid Jews like my Oma and Opa. They were always worrying about German soldiers and not having presents for the Jews unless you made them. - They had -Saint ' NitlCalid-Blank- Peter coming every Christmas, but he never left a present. But they thanked God they were alive. I think it was sad for Grandma and Grandpa because Grandpa was taken to a Concentration Camp. For all the world to share, simple joys of a country Christmas. Thanks, friends, for your kind support. Chisholm Fuels. Grant, Wilma, Bill, Peter, Neil, Eldon & Bill Searle Lueknow 529®7524 And so she only had Aunt Jauep She couldiet take are of the Tann soshe went to her paent? house. She liked Christmas, though, The bestt gift was. when Grandpa came. home after four or five years. Stephanie .8roer, Grade r e 6 Luelow Christian. Fifty Years Ago Fifty years ago., ►y Opa lived in Hoilaud On. Christmas Day Opa would got to the bani to fwd the Jews. Of course, he only had tittle bits of food. Always, before the Jews would eat, they would pray.. What they prayed for would always be that the war would end soon because some of them were thin, But Christmas Day was different. Opa would go to the barn as usual. But this time Oma went with extra food and little presents for all of them. Then they would have a little Celebration Matthew Piel, Grade 5 Lucknow Christian Christmas 50 Years Ago Christmas in 1941 was a hard cold year during the Second World War. Food and clothes were rationed, which means people could only , have so much. Not everyone had._.._ a.__... Christmas tree, ' because money was scarce. The people cut trees fresh from the woods. Their decorations were handmade mostly. Presents were homemade and few, but the families still had lots of fun together. They had few presents but they were mostly sat- al i:ed. People got together and told Stories, sang cools and dance. They still had turkey and an almost regular ChristOmer, Even if they didn't have a two Chrishuas dinner or presents they could, still rejoice inChrist's birth. May Geertsiva, Grade 6 Lucknow Christian 1941 Christi nas oh so long ago Was very merry but quite sad though, War was on and popk & gone We look for him through ' the old curtain Songs we sang While snowballs rang Tree now inside We look at it with pride. Decorations that are homemade. `This year no town parade. Instead we shall stay at home And for my present, I got honey- comb. I hope that soon pop will come home to stay In the meantime I will pray. Michelle Vander ,Vaart Grade 6 Lucknow Christian .. From our home to yours, have a great holiday. Thank you for your loyal patronage. The Andrew Family 17se Fairview -Dairy Beatrice Distributors for Beatrice Products & Juices LUCKNOW 528-3725