The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-12-23, Page 2Page $ Lucimow Seutirael 1Woliday2 December Up 1991
image freze must address•
From gage t •
administration : live to work w
students on the: issue, Johnson said. _
"A sense of oneness is needed: so
children see from a. young age that
by hurting others they are hung
themselves," she said.
The policy would also rec gnize
the influence cif "violence,
degrading and exploitive materials,
and take steps to rein ve theta from
the -soh
Johnson said that means
everything front t -shirts
offensive sl Bans to etmplex issues,
and n ted a recent effort to ban
offensive t shirts is having .a
positive effecton the atm sphere at
one cunty high school.
Later, Johnson said she's happy
the Bruce board is looking at the
policy on violence.
"But I'll be happier when the
province orders it into all the
schools," she added.
The province wants a wage freeze
for board of education trustees and
senior officials, but Bruce County
Board of Education trustees say the
order has to be across the board to
The province says the wage
freeze, affecting MPPs, deputy
ministers . -and -appo n^ted§ ,to
provincial boards and commissions,
is part of its plan for economic
recovery. Senior officials at
community colleges and hospitals
are also being asked to join the
.• But, trustees Alvin' Thompson and
Ray Fenton. said at the board's
December 17' meeting that the
freeze has to address "the whole
problem" and not one small group
if it's going to work.
"I have no problem with it, but
why are we singled out?"
Thompson . asked. "It has to go
across the board to work."
The issue was referred to the
board's new labor relations
committee. With members from
finance and the three biggest
negotiating committees, Chairman
Gordon Thompson. said the
committee's goal is to find new
ways to bargain for fair contracts
when "the writing is on the wall"
that there won't be much money to
give in contract talks.
NEW coma -17. s
Language skills. native issues and:
money matters will all get special
attention this .. yei from new
committees set up by -the Bruce
County Board ,.f Education
ece ber 17.
Chairman Gordon Thompson said
este finance committee will be
exploded "due to the level of;
interest from ratepayers and the
amount of work". the committee
faces o; z 1992,.
Based on c o, mments he heard
during the election campaign,
Thompson also wants to answer
widespread concern about literacy
levels f county students.
"We have ti get the message out
that we have a. sound language
skills program in the county," he
The committee will identify
parents' concerns and make
recommendations for change in a
report expected in June.
Thompson said he won't be
surprised if the committee finds the
schools are doing a good job, but
added "we owe it to the ratepayers
to look at it. It is not an issue that
will go away."
The native affairs committee will
work with the . Saugeen and Cape
Croker bands in __effort_ ,to
improve services the board offers to
native students.
Meanwhile, Thompson described
the Bruce Nuclear, Power
Development (BNPD) advisory
committee as a "pet project." Its
goal is to raise awareness of Qob
opportunities at the BNPD for
county high school and post
secondary school graduates.
Cottrill - Joe and Cheryl (nee
Haldenby) are pleased to announce
the arrival of their daughter, Jen-
nifer Anne, born December 16,
1991, at Kincardine and District
General Hospital, weighing 8 lbs.
Proud grandparents - are Bill and
Irene Haldenby, Elsie Cottrill, and
great grandma Maimie Roulston.
Jennifer -is a new baby sister for
Blizzard like weather,. conditions were the cause of a Sunoca trattor trailer, loaded witir42,000 litres of fuel,
rolling over on its side last Wednesday:Attuning, at approximately ^3, ani., one mile Oath of Dungannon.
The tractor trailer driver, who was barely crawling along the road during whiteout conditions apparently
slowly enteredthe ditch wherelbe trailer proceededto roll over. The 'driver was not injured..
Poor_wpa_ thercJontribLutes$o-ta a o...s.�.a..••+mu-u'•"y' • r. • .. ..
A tanker truck with 42,000 litres
of diesel fuel crashed on County
Rd. 1 just. south of Dungannon
early Wednesday morning.
No cargo was spilled. Driver Ian
Runnalls, of RR 8 Watford, was
uninjured in the crash.
According to an OPP road report,
the vehicle went off the road during
a white out at approximately 2:30
Sunoco, • operaters • of the-
Freightliner, responded quickly to
the. accident. A London-based' en-
virothaetatai safety unit was on the
scene a few hours later to be i
pumping'' the fuel onto another
tanker. .
Mike Simmons, driver of the
safety unit, said the landing for the
truck was ideal.
"I guess the roads were pretty bad
in this area last night and the driver
just went over on the shoulder and
the rig slits right into the ditch,"
Said -Simmons. . -
"It ' looks as though there is a
good cusp On of . snow. there.
Damage appears to be minimal but
you can't really tell."
Scholars will receive certificates:
from page 1 '.
school students including ones from
Bruce and Grey could get Catholic
religious education at the schools.
That changed Friday , because of a
recent court ruling on religion in
public. schools. .
Bill ,Brown, separate board
director of education, said Catholic
students in provincial schools don't
have a choice . about attending a
separateschool, and should - be
allowed to• continue their religious
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education as part of the school day.
The Bruce -Grey Separate School
Board will recognize the
accomplishments of some of its
young scholars with ° dial
certificates. - -
Recipients are Jocelyn Auger of
Chepstow, Melissa Soers of
Formosa, Amy Zuber of Hanover,
Lisa . Weber of Kincardine, Carrie
Joanne Weber of Mildmay,. Nadine
Schlenker of Port Elgin, Marilyn
Henhoeffer of Teeswater and
Caroline Cool of Walkerton.
In addition, Jocelyn Auger and
Michelle Dales of' Sacred Heart
High School, Walkerton, have bene
nominated for the Provincial Youth
Award given' by the Separate
School Trustees Association.
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