The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-12-18, Page 19hazards cart evolve 'tett givin pets astIj a The holiday fiei0011 , almoa a Cad, Wing naturally curious upon us, Thisis' any' time of creatures, are often attracted to the .. year and certain im . t demoCaod mayhristmas t5i�h treeconsiderations should be given attempt. to climb the tree. Safely your pets. For exam*, did you lure the tree at the and the oyour dog or cat ingests too -top. Be sure to conceal all electrical much chocolate (you would likely cow to prevent your .pot m consider the amount very little), it chewing them, co010have a toxic affect on your Some 'cnrarnon holiday'plan lit ably age death? logo toxic ;to pets. Three of. the more are moot often the -Iirctiinsvictims as cad, common being the Olsson* and are usually finicky A �jto eatcyh���- ghee beth i :bony ►d'mis e� ola*L obvious symptoms to CS?e. Am Often la aware of are: vomiting, dim -heap , enticing, but if thetare : eaten they depression , incoordination. muscle can cause sew*. vomiting, di irhea... nemors and eventually seizures, and abdominal pain Keep this in coma and death, dyou plan to purchasesuchra. Monitor your .gets so they can plant for aowner: pet o. not` quietly slip '_'Fl ar or Duke"When shopping for ° pet 'gifts, the occasional jelly trans cookie or remember to assess the ,,safety"of a other sweets. Them* "lune food" can. toy$ Do not pu rchase toys, that have cause 'diarrhea and discontentment ; ribbons, bells wit gs: or Other four your pet. ; Fatty or spicy food removable pi cutch as s queakers. should be avoided, as they can legit. They tiny; . parts could _-be 'easily: to gastrointestinal upsets' for your swallowed. you ado unsure about' ped fwith Twkey and chicken are traditional a iudia 1 X end festive favourites enjoyed by people ante as well as their pets. However, Do not forget your pet at Christ turkey and chicken bones can prove mas. Animals are , often ign very dangerous,if, they splinter and ' during this hectic time ..of the year get lodged in your pet's throat Cr as their human guardians are at intestine. If.you do treat your pet to parties andother festive events.. Try chicken , and turkey, ensure the Involving the animal in 'some of the portions are . small and .'completely festivities, res i .. that.. -fee., of bones. Snaltr portions~-ar ms's +` arty routine oasely less likely to cause upset to your disturbed.' These distiubances can pet's digestive system . If your pet be especially upsetting for puppies is on a special diet, it would be and kittens. Escape from that -hectic wise to check with your environment and spend some quiet veterinarian before giving it any time with your pet. , treats. Felines ale especially sneaky, they scan quickly and quietly' jump onto n counter or table,a bite. �✓ ( .en enjoy grab �.. and be gone before you know it. , rt Tinsel is a'* common adornment .Clui.stirtas fora beautiful Christmas tree, butit t'leadl � to oar .The � ` St.. Joseph's � Catholic,_ call" -also Prove y ,y Women's League members; :SU feline. If your Cat PlaYs with win their spouses celee rated Christ ors;tinsel, the material could get with traPPed bythe feline's ro ugh°'tongue . a pot 'luck :sup ou ; the evening of December in ; the and ,swaloviied. Suing or tinsel can Parish Hall. Following the delicio block ate animal -8 inimsdne:�and this su carol sin he can be fatal. Signs'to watch out for: eve ru get in�.ilre sing �liday sp►�`t� ,. include: lack , of appetite, vomiting, i 4 h ... � The beautiful po�setptasr ;w diarrhea, lethargy, .and lam` in hi eh decorated the -tables were won abdomen. If' you sit your cat 6 has ingested tinsel seek immediate � Iucky pe0pe' .°. 6 ve�Deritna�r'care. If t1113 1s the ease The,: .CWL' wishes errone a emergency surge y wall . be necess4 : 'myY Cfuistinas and a: safe acid ary to remove it. , NeW Xeart 4 Between Soptauber 29 and 30, 1991, a theftufaua r' OWIAttedat: lot number 24 Balvkia. Ccs,:. Oodarich. The owner advice that the blue dual.a'xel,, fat bed ter (ent *y., steel) is :appruxhrtateey 20, feet in length and six feet in„widtb, with a one foot high steel mil around the outside. The trailer, had a large orange'rtarp over it to COWitems onit, which were stolen with the. trailer. .. The,, items inclu gold- .- colouredrefrigerator, g gold. -' coloured stove, a wooden cabinet for a stereo, component stereo i boxes,oak writing ''desk, ,•severala. boxes of° clothing and she's toys, 10s- Seita we r saw, Bek and maker s1 saw, 'several eaten son ,For two boxes of asso d haul assortment of ho old dont(b mete.) an`ant�ulue motor col schen. .° The trailer hadint Omar o license plate number of E11412. If, you have any information a`iut Stp� erre �►r� Huron crime call Crime I-80°- 265-1771 or 524-6851 _ could receive'' a cash re*ard pp to ,$ipaci« Rememberc ' d ` Pay = ane Stoppers does. 'Early rides Called ,for nine: players ,y on each. 'team instead of sec and there were no shifts, Today, 'lockey is the only maj art sport that allows, substitutionof players,,whe play is . . iii Progress - Deck. , die halls with l of money,fa la la la la ... is that how it goes?. And Fm only talking about financiing. the Christmas turkey. I. don't know where my wife Lm' finds 'these 'birds, but the one she 'hauled 'in this season'would have kicked- Send . ,in the 'face of its scrawny Thanksgiving cousin. This ,, is a fearsome bird. We always name oChristinasturrkey, end this one is.called' "Sir" because we had to ask ourselves the obvious what else do you call a pound turkey, anyway? So "Slur* is biding his time in a sub -zero holding cell in the basement right now while Em and I regularly accuse each otheror dipping into 'the other's purse or wallet. The fact of the matter is that if Christmas is the hap -happiest time of the' year, it's also the most expensive. Last night I even dreamed . that .1.tried to use my Canadian Tire money to pay for two carts of groceries. Of course, four people cavil eat that much stuff Em has invited most of her family to,co mte for Christmas din- ner. r. I'm taking a small measure of comfort in the fact that we can use "the "econodycle , `feature of our dishwasher :and put the microwave to good use in the grand preparation and clean up of"this huge dinner. When we bought our energy ef. tient dishwasher; . the sales compared it to buying a car. *i of the most importantt considerations is fuel consumption. Why buy a car that's going to take you to the eek when 1t ods tO''.operating iit" In the saw Way,-r+au'11 save X yr tliousands'of dollars over the; lifemnes of your, energy efts Ment a ppliances• • • If . you buy :an energy efficiennt• fridge,es f, Love, dishwashers, n washer..and- clothes dryer You: can count on;, ssav g ..$3,250 'biose six applia `use over 30' per cen't electi cry you toe in your home,.and offing :the most. energy efficient appliances possible will cut your operating costs in half, ,"The secondice,t g" of an- applies since is,. l your car, how- Much . you'll spend, to *rate it, and it's worth finding out what that -price will be. Look for the "FnerGuide'" label on appliancest . this label lets you compare energysusmptionof various brands. You can take it a step.futrthear with a pocket calculator - and ,mil iply;the EnCrGuide rating by the cam per kilowatt hour (about $0.065, but you can call the number on yourhytho bill to find out your exact cost) to figure out the month- lycost of operating that appliance. I wonder if there's an Ene .Guide rating for � a turkeys??? This news ,, in conjunction with Ontarioo Hydro, is brin 'bring l s Basement to help . b'r; home" ideas On how to save one . To receive the brochure. " g' and Using the Energy' Effective Way, call Ontario Hydro at 1400-263-9000 and tell. them Phil sent you. Advertising, 3:00 PM' tditorial: Friday Classifieds . Decernber'2Oth. Advertising , :00 Pi Editorial . Friday • Classifieds even b9r 27th