The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-12-18, Page 5Between Dee. 0'44 Kinesdine OPP stopped 154 vehicles dig the MOB • tom. Officers gave 4xitono 12' suspension oat ow violation charge. , "ft looks like pce a *woe 'her .shouldn't he driving when y�! d�e � Stf 7 gepy�}ant'. iville„ • . , a•- 1 r A. 24 year okL Rip yw nas gi a 12 a foe blowing a c 1 + '. The, MO was stopped in Laclatow 4wing a: p 11 at 11 sem.. 0 earl lea and c ed 'OM wiopen. liquor. th d v .nth Oa Dec. la, or 14, a break Auld enter :mewed at a business on . Havelock Streetin Lucknowi 71.10- fence at the.north end of the pts erty was ,cut and st,.:vehicle was driven through. : Thieves ' gabs e ` �� un entry throughcked theoa a l window side of the. ut buildingand s $100in hills ech�.pt in"StiffAating the breaking Doting the past w R OPP Mot And one personal ,011 Dee. 11 ,.. 1110„ an. : F �on cow en . Highway . 9 BeMe .. atKineardiaorot dents to hospital - 411/4 3 mol. wonmanr intY0lb CAW Offlali Way:9 i n' n age ,rri ape 'with with car . old e o l cowl vehicle sed. the wort- h or boint's* and struck a westbound 1981.OCG Canada Pacific Exp" Kincardine F .per yore at scene to, help to remove the.. people C. the vehicle,however ` US -'.. SS the ouck *kw received no iajutes. Thave was heavy damage to the Dodge Mos ear, Dec.Oa 15 a 32 year old Tiverton'was' g■r■ end with ° 6 f 16 report in =; baa travelling soothhotand Street in hwerhurenthe cv- By Paula 1430144.WIPP Huron The fall session of the Leg slature is drawing to .a close. As, well as the day sitting the Legislature. is sitting in the evening. This session • will : be Adjourned. on the h. Spring is along way from PeqP101# "Minaratthisibriettyear, bu Aprtl is When the. budget is tabled. In preparation to the Budget theTreas- carer Floyd Laughren: presented the 1992 Economic Outlook document. He also mounded that there will be pre Budget Consultations. In the •past the. budget has been wrapped in secrecy. One of rhe reasons for this was to prevent insiders from making a quick profit , before changes were made public. The Treasurer said he wants to move away from the secret and exclusive one-on-one meeting to a mem Mealthttful consultation with. entire. secto :of the 'economy. iresSmer.tald the legislature* "these', di cult economic and fii ' times. the budge tales on ad d importance. •:Revenue '. aid spltdii g deeidowatust as. al ys, be cast in 'light of the of. the need to manage • the economy, to help people cope with the after-effects of the recession, and to generate the conditions necessary for economic He °continued, "Ontario faces some tough times, and some:diffi- cult choices. it is our belief that involving Ontarians in 'the govern- ment decisions affecting their -fives will allow not just greater participa- tion. , but cooperation, in die econ- omic rebuilding of our province. The 1992 Economic Outlook had ley: cooperative education placement as tits editor . at NX CKit:. everything f dam ' it .wore be -and more. Being a sports fanatic -for as long as I can lxement, her~, rt was a .rush !pea I learnedI ddb •wo e. t ale t e stes (7 D.M. to`midn t} i Work With Fared.- Buurt n, d although 1.d .•w waiter do the sports for yearLons .lenrkneYerinufghtekti'd be w .for andt bump, I lave icy jobs > andrespon- sibilities i rh�en I am w ' ' 'f.Nhen I arrive at the s or,,, Ifind'the` two "games well be covering. I have to keep. a ,close eye on both tames. are. constantly cord ng ea : w.heneve cc In 1992 sluggish growth ' is expects in .commerce 'const tion,. andnstrial materials, resource industries and, agricu ltnre. .The sectors whichare expected to dile relatively well are telecommunica, dons and computers, residential. construction and the' ,ha .ser vies sect which includes banks and , other financial '.institurtions finance and.insurance companies, accountantiand lawyers. The. Y >lh ga etCk.� pies.W#enthe .fie over I'll lave a°sem of numn s tapes.° Thetk;1.have to'ta ke what I think are ;the hest highlights and . edit them onto a lugger:"far' the 11 p.m. a ws.. do ' m an editing suite ont g e ! 1► amply 1, t8 Lair a^v ir7 �, „�+..,�a '4`ae^"tt 4.4 mug with m a sure along vaith each highl gbt, as2F r b .readiat.itewhile running +crt ` the : news. Dice the 'scrip is n dined :to lit''`' fection, t" p nrihe wstar-- computer. I ; then 'hand, it aver to Fied''.aed he takes over:from there. Because l ark , at C a from October. to June,.'liockey waill:be my main.•attr tion,. but baseball,, bas- ketball, football and various other sports will also have small ,per' in stay! . .*�'. .Vd `•. blot only a '1't I il8�n at Ogg`, ° but it yet gone by that ;pi "Thanks f r ur el you're here";or.teat eikobe Y";,.,.: Co-op Ct CICNX has divert Me chance o get some quality fiat on-ex'p+iwrience in•the field I,p a career m• Birthday Club, HeatherLeanne Boyd December 110.1:985 6 Years Old Stephen Tully RI182 BracebrIdge December 18,1984: 7 Yew Old Ryan Macinnes Edmonton, December 18,.1985 6 Yui Ord Joseph Archer December 19,1989 2 Years Old Jenna Vanosch December 21, 198? 4 Years Old Laura :Murray December 22, 1933, 8 Year* Old Kevin Gleruyn, December *4'1984 ,' 1984 .- Lindsay'Irwin : Deco rber 25« :1901 lO aloe O e , Jsi 'PAaoliinett shier► 25,100 , 4v_ld`.. ,�;.1.1(Xv(I A