The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-12-18, Page 3utoation funding will be issue oard of Education chairman s term (IS -The- new c� Of the BoardBruce County 'Education says "the kidscomei& is ie motto* but education funding is the bisissue in the clog tem Thompson pson` moved up to chairman ofafter - r e��:ess= day. . . as, �ndhig,'one year as vice -chair and two as tutee for Bruce and Greenock townships, • his,.. inaugural rem% Thompson praised outgoing Chaff-: man David. Inglis for two years Of: gndied d at e& oke. tVave's motto ' as .a truitee'has been "the kids come first", and J hope he won't mind if I borrow that motto because I believe • that philosophy must`form the basis f every, decision we,. makes . Thompson said. . . He pledged to continue working toward` go els set by'thei rd, ear - 'ter s' year,` said: 4`the best . way to accomplish these goal as. by cont ruing fm strong committee system, givingall -awstees theOp- portunity tomake ;a difference for the children.' He also noted the election • revealed public . colleen' about student literacy, native issues, labor ' relations, children's, services and` • _..,—„board-accountabilitvilevredieted that by addressing, those , issues "with a• concealed effort" through the board's' committees, "we, can't . helping meet our stated, goals." Later, .' Thompson "said. financial issues will also demand trustees' attention in the coming. year. He said the province is beginning to -realize the problems caused, by' the huge difference in.. tax revenue . 'available to. Metro • versus . rural boards, but --predicted there will be no solution this year. "It wilt be another year of saving our dollars. mid making diet? go, as far as possible." Thompson said he personally viten t-spend<a lorof •tt%ne•lobbying. for funding. changes, . but added "s Meone Vile" • Thompson. was chosen chairman by acclaii ation When David. Inglis Comecon declined to sun for a td ten in that iso Vz a=cbak Pon W 1 of*able Beach was also chosen by acc. clition when frank Eagleson declined to let his name. std Tedford hseed six years on the bid. and said in his brief remarks that he wanted to be "the trtst tQ echo. Chairinan 'home pson%s , remade adding "I support most of whathe said This term Will see six new *salt of the•I5 that sa on . Dolce board. Four 'trustees we wotnea, all elected or acclaimed in. the November 12. mi ,elc a taonsa Hc3pth4f ::' ..th Ashfield To nshipnousiossimmovisomistssiNis' . ac�ne -his4lpyed P ! background is Ja S>iitl ►and one Ashfield Township council i regular photo) Lucknow •Central 'tu bliss � il's� • ' Readers are asked, to note that ckgr y> { meetings will be held at 1• pan. during the winter -months . of January, February. and why We apologize' for the error.` . BEAT T �"'Henn a (leanurnin ., w odstov *:lira *Regeft y Napoleon ' *old Time . *EPA certified 410 hour bum time. 'fear Glass •Very high eficiency. 'holds V' ,togs STU'SP CHI] AR #3(Whitechurch) SING.. ` EATiNG a new,generation Open 9- A/krt.-Sat • mem,* ;at week."t mice. (Pat Livingston Lucksow Sentinet Wednesdayy. December 1$, 1$fl wAa0 MAUL' 41. thin r i wick; o iti'i>u, lux gni% pitiparid iii SONOVIR _ gl�i titifeist CA, Li Mil" CA Hoes CA aft, Cies Thoo., 437 -12t i 1-71-7 irmitrurrt Page 3 JN `t^ ' • clodmain egui t *arise**, MOW MOT PONT g� N-+� =1b t i cerC a MM�*yy1;S. ,* C1 ' OA" i, CA 423-2351 8 -WO FORM AOPRt�In4xCT 1980�i'IGE OF APPUCATION TO EXPROPRIATE ND INTIM MATTER OFan application t the County of Heron forappro0 it to exproprjate land,beiingPart ,gf 1..of�$, .Concession telt Division; .Lot4, 'Concgesi es- Western."Dtvia ion; and Lot Concession 9, Wootornpivision.Western irh .the Township of .Ashfioki, in to ceurtlY of Huron for the purpose of -wideningimprov ent of County Road Nu. 24, TIKE .IS HEREBYGIVEN 1HAT liostion has been made forapprovv to• expropriate- the landdescribedas follow* . BEING: 1)part of Lot .aa, Concession 8, .Eastern; # ivasion and being sator aeparti r r22Rly3de023 rooasPart4.anDPatty ion Plan deo heLRgary. Office r�l riv ionof Heron (No. '01).01 of LQt 4, Concession 8, 'Western; Division an t be ing morepar tioularly described *as Part a on a elan deposited •theRegissrtry Office forto01.141,149.40Y Division of Huron {No.22)as NOtnbet 22R-3024. 3)part of Lot' 8, concession( 9.: Western Divisi n .. an f being moreparlictiladYdesorfi eepart2 on a Plan depositedi Regfetry000eroi the Reg tqt ,Division. of Huron ( o. 22jaa nutn ber'22R':' .325 0. • t `' Any oipner,of tends in respect to which notice is en who desires inn irrqutt_ , inti' whether the taking of such land is fai a, s*I nd.re assary- it athe-achievemnrotAN c'tives ofthe-expropriati g oothoOtY: h41C somOtifY °thiti approving authority lo writing, a)in the case of a registered owner served personally or byregis-: 'toted mail within thirty OitYa after heist*: is servedWit h"ftie"notice, or. when he/she,is serv►ed'by puliiicatiorptirithin thirty days-aiter the ° firstpublication of the notice. " " b).in the case of an owner who is not: a registeredliner,; within thirty **salter .the firstpubli tion of the notice. • The, approving authority is the Council of the. County of•Huron,, Court House, Goderich; Ontario.- TFIE'CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY' OF HURON MGELBELLCHAMBER, c9.1.101Y9kgRIC ,• NOTES 1.Tho "ExpropnationsAcrprchviides that a)where °cn inq ie requested, it shell he conducted by an , itghiiry of appoint by the Attorney general, • 1 0 Eery deli '4,0(0001,41 cid t0 ex $s, ithnr p .0or b* h s C an *multi r" ►txi iexamine witriei nt ev> :or. ▪ ii)inaY reroimmndto the approving authority theta party to; the inq iiry.be paid a fixedamouratfor his Costs 4"f.the inigtiiry, not cbxaihed , and the approving alonty'tray al its disc retic i, Order the expropriating 00hority to gay: such its forthwith. " r and'regietare d ioi ►r r"`ur+esdefined in the Act AS fellows: i)"owner" ins a mortgagee, til nant, executicncreditor, a per son entitled to aliranited estateonriterest ih land,. -a committee of the estate of a,inentatly irtothpetent person or of a person inca ▪ p:tbla of Iflarlaginit his affairs, and.a guardian, executor, a loins. tr• atorortrustpe inwhorri land is vested. 11• )"r tered owner *sans irrier.;of land whose interest • in the land is defined and whose nano is specified in an instru Hier ht in theproper land r gistiyy or gift's °Wic , and .includes a person' shown. as a tenant of land On the last revised assessment' toll. • Obi expropriating authority, each. owner who notified the appro+.cing . ty than he/she desires abearing iia:respect of the lands intended to . be expropriated, and any owner added as a -party by the inquiry' • ofker are parties to . the. inquiry, This Notkiii first'publitihed on. the Fourths day Of Decamb i 1991 kit(); 1970,`Reg. 285, Foto) 2 " • • r•,; r -r:• :{- ;s T.‹,...T�ilii....:rr ,^'�?^' 1.••:�::;,`f1,';:;:$;'r;;;}{: r;,ry:•}} i°r".;r rt,'✓'ti;.: ::{:Js}r, 7 or J