The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-12-11, Page 11Wim. aleamallataile #° a r f !f h Elf These young children, (let t to right) Joanne Miltenburgf DarylAitehison, A ll Colwell, Darlene Aitchison, Lori lllake sad Amy Brake, sang aselection or -Christmas at the v etycertt for Senioreilizens last week. The event was sponged by the Lueknow Junior Women's Institute. ►t Livingston photo) Wedrnes y afternoon .*out 22 women met at' Wilda Thompsou4s for the Christmas meeting of the. Purple Grove Women's Institute. Christmas readings and contests were enjoyed by all, Everyone. joined in for carol singing. What a great treat, it was to have Leslie Blatt explain how simple variations of Christmas chocolates could be made and what a treat to watch as she made some up for the members° to taste. Thank you Leslie. I'm sure many of the members will be. trying what we learned. Harvy Thompson's sister Myrtle Percy of Kinlough was a dinner guest of Harvey and Wil4 on Shy evening. Wilma Sutton reports that several from Purple Grove attended the carol singing and lighting of the gazebo lights at Gore Park in Ripley on Sunday. Two members of the group Power Up entertained and ` Glen Boyd, Gail Lowry and Bob Rutledge ted the carol singing. Thanks to evefyone who attended and to those who brought donations for the food bank. The Ripley Business Association is hoping to make this an annual event. The Christmas meeting of Knox W.M.S. was held on Tuesday at the home of Dianne Simpson. Special gnest,Was Lind , a mpbell. of fine River and there was :a surprise visit from that -busy man, Santa himself. The Christmas candle lighting service will be held at Knox Church Ripley " on Dec. 22. Everyoneis welcome. Marion Gamble and Donald and Alma Gillies -spent five days on a bus trip to Wheeling,West Virginia where they attended thefestivnl of INSTITUTE CHRISTMAS PARTY The monthly meeting of the Dungannon Women's Institute was held Dec. 5 at the Candle- light Restaurant in Goderich, where a deliihtful smorgasbord meal was enjoyed Wall. The roll call was answered by each member reciting a Christ- mas poem or reading an interest- ing tidbit from a paper or maga- zine. To round out the program, Roberta brought herr song sheets and portable organ keyboard and we all joined in singing Christ- mas hristmas carols. Snow falling outdoors added to the Christmas spirit and every- one left for home wishing each ether a_Mem Clnittirinn PAI, a hope we will all be present again next Christmas. 91RTHS,H �8 p prayed a Walkerton ld Joanne � of %trcltri®w. momommakuommommaromiiima Alton Kent and Jan are ecstatic to announce the new addition to their family. Tyler and Danielle's baby brother arrived at 8:20 a.m., Nove r .- ber 28, 1991, 'at VictoriaHospital, London, Special thanks' to Dr. Robins for his care and expertise and all the nurses helping to spoil our "Mackenzie Douglas He's everything we've hoped and ra e for, Mackenzie is ;til+ newest of godchildren i rren : or Garde* of�. and,ton a ton,, : - e, pURPLE GROVE Lights,. They had a wonderful time and took in the Jim Nabours show, the dog races and even had a little time for shopping. .Thursday evening eight friends gathered for dinner at Marj Thompson's and enjoyed J an evening of cards. Friday evening Ann and Doris Rock and Marion Gamble enjoyed dinner with Bette McLeod. Sunday, Marj MacDonald, Marion Gadd , `Gladys ri 1--"W a b . Brook attended the funeral ' ,of Francis Reid in Kincardine. Joyce and John Farrell hay, a just returned home after a great, week moose hunting ;with friends in Northern Ontario. Kathy Martin and the boys spent the weekend on the farm with grandma and grandpa Janet and Jack Farrell. Grandma and grandpa Farrell were in Wzngham • on Saturday morning to see Jammie's fust game of the season. Fran and Jim Farrell and family visited on Sunday evening in Bervie with Raine and Mel Arnold and family. Mari Middlecamp reports that while renovating a barn at the 8th concession and 25th sideroad she found some interesting papers stuffed in a clay pipe used long ago to hang harnesses on. Abe found two sheets of newspaper "The Globe Toronto' dated April 28, 1914. The papers gave market prices for farm commodities that are sadly not a lot different than today's prices. • i • • The bani was formerly part of a farm owned by Don and IVIary MacDonald and it was felt • the,, paper had been use41 to slow down a draft blowing through. Doug and Stefan* MacDod curled in Ripley on Saturday at the a`MacDnnaid Sped"4 The. MacDonald Spiel is • an annual family event and it was great fun to visit with cousins who made up the 12 teams and those who came to watch and cheer. R �. Manyy of the -children enjoyed the dance on Friday evefting, in the Ripley District school gym. • The dance was put on ,,: y the Ripley Dist act-uth-organization..A ion 49 students from Ripley- District School attended. Thank you to those who organized its - and the volunteers who superOsed. ;t. Luck*ow Sentinel, Wednesday, ]December 11,1991 — Page 11 UiW A!tIW Pi ow/4 1 STATi SAL ij i�, 4 .' b+.itin. ule-t��Ats_a neo w�ad new gp iw 13a ui t0 {�,Fp�'1Pa 3L DR,0014 t3RICi HOME«, f�w�i y age, near I iroloo9b, .?acres, 5,00G. • R W i acreefartni 4 bad , iii i sided house, t beef barn. 24 x : fid, 35 acres in hay. $110,400, TOUPIX X a bdire., 44i t%, dose to iwi tows Stauffer St. $04400. OUNGANNO le yr, old, sidesply, 4 s, firepl e., Willy room, ZuOtry lot. Reduced to $105,000, Qa11 for viewing, WEST WAWAA S11 Back county. lion* Wit ; afi" x aa' �steel. woKjep and. ; 44 �f.' 3O am.. $94OSOO. WHEELER STRE'. bedioomnren,: apd bpagaiow new inflow. bath. 100,110,poodstove, S:0 . - JUST USTED 3 kin, sided home, newer windows and roof, full bairn. $49,940, 98 ACRES e IGnioss, 4 heuroom home, 'L' shaped barna, 34 ties, ?6 !'ori able, $1i8,000. $3:00790,0:m HOME, « on Ya acre pot, eeLk now, new cupboards° wiry d�rr�ta , nicely treed lot. 1x OBI E - O ertooking• 't,bedrooms,1 ' x.1:a2 tot . uirnTE.cIIU by Jean. Ross annsemiaminommoiseausimu Mr. and Mrs. Baarrryry Elliott, Ryan, Kyle and Nicole celebrated. Christmas on Sunday with, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Itonings, of Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Falconer and family visited last weekend.. with Mr, and Mrs. Angus Falconer. Rev. John Neilsen had charge of the service on Sunday morning at the Whitechurch United Church, in the absence of Rev. Cook, who had been a patient in Wingham and District Hospital for a shoft time. A pot luck dinner followed the mor ning service. We are pleased to say Rev. Cook is horhe and everyone wishes him good health. Congratulations to Cassie Mowbray who celebrated her°90th birthday. adore low send it se4! 0 0 el tinsel Wit? .00 t Nio YS`ASe�tiFNhy Birthday Club Mark: ackett a .arnibe ins 1 ' .b Vaa Heathe•teanne Boyd • 13.0tornber 11',' 1909 . 2 Ment Old' v Bobby Finlay •Decembe 10,190, 2110am:4td /41k *IL II 1101011116:1101111k Automotive Windshields - Custom Cut Tractor Safety Glass - Mirrors - Sun Roofs - Rear Sliders Upholstering K OW 528%4004 WEEKLY SPECIALS December 9th 1361; . ENGLtsH $4.99� Toffee ,Tins X400 . TEA 'TIME .99 Gift Sets DELMONTE chunks,crushed,sliced Pineapple 9.9 PLANTERS il .49 iw ktaL nr cin. rhaern,4 Peanuts Walkerton. Glatt • Auto • 579 Campbel OALucknow 2714 17,1 Serving The Area For 3 Years 0 We offer: Free Pick-up and Delivery 0 Free Quotes On Customized Work We .Do Repairs When Possible0 4 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE 5282286 . BONUS COUPON' C AN1 SAVE —.r :— ,war w — w .Iw P — — w — wrr — 1 i Merry Ohristrnas - APPLY TO YOUR From MY Famil . To Yours DEDUCTIBLE Hoo y : 0 have the "teat Hot* youwhen you have your bro. I n.the NewYear ken glass replaced $5600 XPi Di ..3i /91. (exot., Staiekkeiti 10.4 P!elk► Do 't Drunk And Orly. w Win CanclT.Cane Coupons • inter our draw to win one of 10450CANDY ANE OUPONS (Coupons can be used as.cash at participating Merchants in Walkerton unti1 December 24,1991) VISIT CANDY CANE LAN (H & RBLOCK across from Wrights EMA) Every Friday y 7 PM to 9 PM. Every Saturday. m 10 AM to 12 Noon -1 PMto4PM PICTURES WITH SANTA DEC. 13 7400 P.M. TO 9 P.M. * FR ABYSITTING* OTOY SHOP *Girt WRAPPING (no lin :1.fee) 4.1