The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-12-04, Page 18RANSTON, irk evin.0 memoryof ,;a dear huksbando ,tattier and ,grandfather„ Jerry Cyton, who passed.away December S. 1976. Bond arra the Iles that are broken, Dear is 'the one thatia; gone, In memory we shall keep hm kn as the years roll on. • As we loved him, "se we miss .him„: in our mummy•he is dear ved, remembered, longed for always Bfira9i0 Many a silent tear. 4n siiQnca we remember. Forever remembered and sadly, missed by his wif0 and family. -45X. CHRISTMAS TREE :$ESoUt.ED_ Duni to 'the woeither the True lightinil has been rescheduled lo VVedneaday, December 4 at 7 p.m? at thei tome Post Of carol singing and. ,cheor plate. ,Children brim ormeneriat to help decorate the tree. Sponsored bY LucknowBu iness A.sso iation� osier WC1 ►W TOWN. AND COUNTRY'C#.UM *ha; in the L ucknoiwy' pagion�” Haplil:q:Manp� day.D PR:d n. b Hi 9f�F 1 0''4 .R.r pa7fl ...1'ot Ilrck meal, hrastmas.' prngramb birth- days, —4 E fCHR yTOURNAMENT LLCM'S DOLLS PLUS wish to thank everyone._ who helped, make my Christmas Open- House a Sncce e. Special thanks to those who, helped, mo gut ready for it and lob worked` so hard that, day. `Flank you. 'Wye S +licholson.- 40 MILLER Wo wish to thank all our friends, neigh* bouts and family for •helping. IA Of. ebrate our 25th Anniversary,' All the good Wishes, cards' and gifts were greatly appreciated. • Allan'and Lu 49ar TAYLOR We wish to th'+k oar relatives. friends and neighbourswho.ca ie to 'our 50th Annluorsary :celebration and made a very memorable day for us Also forthe' pihone calls, visits cards;• flowers :nil gifts. Speuiaithanke to otirT0 1y. an •to Mine Orchestra• for the super music. Albert and Catherine. --49x .ENARY.• I would like to thank my family,, friends, neighbours and Trinity D C.W and Sunday School for . rementbering me with, cards,' flowers and. (rest wishes white I ,was 'in the hospital:; Everything was Mtioh appreciated. potty. =4 December f 4, :Dungannon`'Agricuiturei Hall Registration 1;OQ ." 00 • p,m. Euchre- at 2.00 ;p.ni r, Adiniesion $ �.od per' person . Prizes= $50., `$40., 5a0Q Lunch and special contests..-49,50ar PI GNANT AND ALONE? Looking for come answers?µPlease tune in to CIONX. Win e0 on Sunday,. December %Wet: - . .. in o '�j� lip nye}© F�aP,+►.'4'.�+r,a Special .�s �"a O�I;�I�M,I)tA�rll"' lion of "Teel the.Hear` at" .A sympath etio personal; douumentaty hatlobks at unwed mcth+�rs; tFiair ooulrbge, their„. 'eke ;`LVC. no r huts w needs;, and. what is being done to help. ; fours mevy' ill embers tai Ate them, �-49 CRAFT SALE alt. ledhiil Irlginse, Senmiller, Fridaiy, December 6 reiO4. p.m. and:SaturdayiandSunday, Deoem ber 7 ands from 1' 5 ' w49nx Sf P . t�L-SEAVlC.S A se,vicrf divihewhealing will held •o�n' Saturday, Dpcembe�.. 7,at S ppm. in St. peters Anglican Church,; 4icknOi.• Speaker: Perwyn Dock#n. Nbrsery> noir provided; Everycne'walcome - 9 CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS PAR Sunday, December 16 at 2 p.m. Jubilee Room Lucknow Legion. Puppeteer.;'. Santa Claus will visit with treats. Ail rcl ildt'eri' in the ares 'are. welcome 1 would -like Of thank ,every attended and contributed; do muniry ehnvier ` VoUr" gifts S it/ are greedy appmclated. as viell to Joanne and' ae organizing the evening. Jayne. —49x REDMOND t wish to extend our sincere thanks to the people . Who put on the Benefit Dance for us in Dungannon at the Agri • cultural Hall may. thanks to their!, for all their work; To the ladies for the leve, ly lunch, the band The Temptations for their music and to alts tho people' who attended and made It a successful erre enjoyable evening. ;.It was <very .. much . appreciated and will'amraya.bn remem- bered.. Thank • yon.,' Wayne ',and . Mal Redmond ,and Stephen Pick, 49nx MlilN The, family of the late Edward Clarence Irwin wish to express their since e thanks to relatives, friends,' neighbours- and the girls fro* Homecare and VON for all their kindness and support during ` theth0,10se of aldeerhusband.andgrundfa- , ther.Alse fertile. beat tiful floral tributes , charitable donations and, sympathy.. cards'.. Special thanks : t+ Iev.' McFarrfar a and,to the fOnaraldi�rector3 for:, ` their U derstanding and guidance --49x i0D0KIl1iSL'Itlt Our sincere thanks, for all thecards flowers,; gifts and ,visits *bile 'in the hospital. A special thank, yeti -' to,. our family and „good friends for ,your love. and concerti' since the birth of our on. A very special ttranks to Grandpa Grandma Henden for ail their love and **port iven• while' taking,' such wonderful rare ofBradley arid to all of'. us since returning home. Speciafthanks • aro cgtoodad to tar. H=ion cod the nurses in obstetrics for their expertise and excellent care. Your 'kindness was Very much appreciated and wilt never be. forgotten.: Keith, Berbera, Bradley and Jeffrey. Oe49 Thanks to the Legion Dart League for. the basket of fruit I received.'Spooia' thanks' to' Bob Humphrey dor the icinc' nest shown at the time of: myaccidenv`>, Everything was mut appreciated. VE PERS RViCl Sunday, .Decenniiber 8 ;at Lucknow :Presbyterian'"Church -49: 12TH CHRISTMAS ORAFLT FESTIVAL, Progress Building, .Western grounds, London 'acre. Dec. 5, IAC,,. Fri, ay/Saturday;< Dec. 661.11-10:, Shin• dray,.. -I ec. 8 11-5. Admission $325. 10o Crafts People," �-49bc O r a *nal, s ldred M , Olympi fit • A lin`der K Chfist as .'+Coll CAROLFEST dinner 7Lucknew United' Church on D tuber at 6 11 at 8 p.m..-48,49,50ar • • ' , FUND RAISING:..DANCE° for "A Line • In The Dirt" .Saturday, December 'yttr at. Lucknow Community Certtro� :.Musicby Scyd`s Orches tar Plaaso'frleg IurteltDame aid support ,your' farm com 'i unity --48,49nx BLYM LIONS t n Dabber Bingo every Tuesday 7r P.im. Showman Blyth District Community Centre.,Jack- `award ;.x. pot of $1,000. ort 48'num hers. Reducing COrn by $50 on every. Humber called. Mint= • MUM jackpot 00: must go,-17tfar ... Code' derich gni llscf;C lumbu-i, , Tirs- da a 740 .rSaltfo• Valley whesl... chair accessible, Potential accessible, Potentlet prize board , over $3,000. $1,000 Iackpet on 54. calls or, less. $500 must go.--tfnar 114060'60r s eoltectahts Show Suntta g December 15 Port Elgin, community Centre.. • > Ad ssfdrf $2.00 per, person tree. n. wider b. p`roe door pies tyorY every hour. l nquir1ee t '304 t Brae C well sympathy extended'.' 'the Percy damn of info h with.the recent . passing of+ Al x potty. Aryan .Brio lcb -nom. 1 auntAveryof int;n. d�f Kincardine..and dile 1 eith, aunt Mery'le Blackwell otAntiowi. Brenda:and Kett Bridge enjoyed 41intet in G cif- on Saturday evening with hert*Ilc innonof iivertoni: : '+ e annual meeting , of t o OnitY1.1all was:: held at le Grove on ilturtday,Nirv. , e KINE, 'TE CHRis6lliAS BAZAAR Saturday, December ith at the Lucknow Legion . from 10. *A, to 3:00' rtlr111. Admis ran $1;00. Door prises. Lunch availahle.' '48,49 wild arkingo any treat: between the hours sof 1 o'em� + w •' ..nn. inclusive v during 'the, months of November, ermlber, Jamuasy, February and orch The parking infraction' fins is 05.00 i la ge of tocknw y� yex�tt, WaMa iA- itcrp Clerk' tober 21, a male Was observed at the rear door and'Another=male t of the slut .. y 't �` tell) tie Ir f. ts` t ,,'11 , twee 1'2 and. '. 5'U p aeg sirs wearing .bl eans'A dam . tin Of'the,aCCOrld party isnot av, b : time, ase t il+. were driving 197.77black to Carlo widi m bine coloured. yl. roof an i •may wheels* • Between •the . ..ems =14,1991, cigarettes. with an estimated value of $52,00 were stolen flub the, rear storage room ;of k variety store on Victoria St+,' Godetith. i►vadgatiouttveals thatt cl %k " on duty may love been ke busy ' by two males buying. 'tickets Wile. a into the back room tales -.ear:, 1$00160 lbs. *rte'..buildi clear complexion, ttuuted, shot W', wearing a traCk suit, possibly brown in colour.. . du have any information about these, or any other r crimes call *Lilo 'S ; . ,i of 1 uwn county 1.800465-1777 . an� you could receiv~e a reward of up $1000. You will never have to give your nameand you, will never have to apPear in court.