The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-12-04, Page 12Ludt -now Sentinel, Wedneaday, Deteniber BEAT THE RISING COST OF HOME HEATING Clean burning woodstoves *Elm ira *Regency *Napoleon Id Time •EPA Ortified •1O hour burn time iear elass *Very high 'efficiency hOlcis ur logs Powells have busy week travelling to celebrations Mr. and Mrs. Reg Powell had asass ma%aji busy week. They went to Markham Kingiulkolan to a pre -Christmas family ptuty, by may so* thea to Stivxtaville f"a Pte- 'amumurmememaamsamilit Christmas dinner and birthday par. ty, 144ex ttiey travelled to ligan McDonald and her brother-in-law„ for the American Thanksgiving and Edbert Bushell 10 help Edbort visited with Susan Hughes and cel his birthday. family, Mr. and Mns. Tom Court; Edna and May Boyle were dinner nowt* rirkebri! cal 4-4a; 44444 ana M. Marvin Mrs. Delbxt Giffen. Christensen berm his mother, Mr. and Mrs. But Thompson and Esther Christensen, who has been Nina McDonald woo dinner guests _visiting widt them, $003 to London with Dr. and Mrs. ?VW MacDonald for the winter months with her and Jeffrey at who are •danghter- going to Maui for a vacation. ?brine Sieloff and her sons Cal - We extend sympathy to 'Myra Vin, of St. Clair Shores, Percy and family in *oda* of her visited with relatives here On ed - husband, Alex Pact, last Thursday nesdaY".Mr. and Mrs. lack Scott;ot at the Wingham and Districtj iRipley, joined them at the Winghtun Hospital, Alex had beenin poor. and District Hospitals, where they health for sometimes visite(' with ,Vera Modem we Mr. and Mrs. Sid Linton hail Nina . extend our best wishes Vera* • we cun' : , , - p r 0 s I) e , throughinternationalBut there1 l s,9 . . Canadians must be able to compete - To succeed in today's world, ' ' use oull;'.jO directlydepend c, •,, critical factor , on the coin- - competitiveness • Canada's ulti matepotentialdepends . upon it Our competitive secure The,prosperity we want for-operatioWe n mt°011Y°fw°rworld edge will L. „ , . "LIC SeS mitten- iif:i?cIiidu4 a a ourselves and our children'. Prosper- ,,u7/9. , others forkirtg in. ity that's measured not only by pro. class achievements in peacekeeping, ductvity but by better jobs, greater .rned*F.,1 space ex*rati°".: WeVe got: -the opportunities for young Canadians, Now, with business, labour, govern- It's time noW. o support for health, social and senior merit!, academic and social groups' • eat ost edortimni 'tt ... - , • citizen programs - and Mem : - • • ,WPrking together, we cawac 'eve pg for a Ore0§ ii • **can achieve it by investing in ....„ 8 C our own abilities and Luta country .' . • Yes can. • We've got A look at some of Canada's success siOriesprOves it can be done...: with real benefits for individuals, communities they live in and for • „Canadian industry.. • • Hundreds of Canadian companies: •.-are achieving remarkable internatin- • at success. They're creating jobs, developing new skills and opportniiir', ties:tar thousands of Canadians and! creating markets around the world for Canadian products. • Pe°P around our ,. llenge yet... (vs future, As individuals, there's a lot we can • daPut yourself in the picture • through further education or skills development programs. rellts:oWev.ali encourage our • en to stay in school IOnger and Start weer planning activities sooner. • 4s employers, we can think of training as a business investment and• - encourage a Work environment .where excellence and a commitment • to learning are celebrated.Finally, as • Canadians,: we canbecorne a positive ' Of the processtbefoughinidve: • rPentin the consultations on our economic inturo: TIM flYIR1IJ1JT1tES LIMIND r 'is a1oa leader, inpkytitent has increa than 2 $ito the - re BonsbittYlier oi isOntanc, '.'•'.'• " ;niih.FaUs,.-Ontarkcertainl ha roii•H!s .i'uskgfmiWon and mi*er twining retrainingnil winch will 0414e, InOirfaseetn. nini 901 1peg,Maereatkm:Up 82( na ffMt New flyer IfldusfriesU 4t4 of ccefzreda 1991 Canada„, • • - niaforstwths in the U.$. Ne **1100...*MtxMiddle East.. Sympathy extended 40the' to family of 451adyss, '01100116passed away Nov 24..f: • Tip of the -week: Should the heating system fail in extreme cold - weathei and the water pipes. be in danger of freezing turn faucets on to- ' a trickle. Moving water ...isn't, likely to- turn to ice. • If „you- have, Any news Or interinatiOn for this Pain( Clark Coining call Phyllis Reid at. 395. 5445 by ,noon on Friday. • ,Agh tht .• tandit% by eaCli other. •:••• • . . . imossiammansmonsimimmunatau Support the. -Complex Pxtrtt r-414, • midget 'hockey team are telling .Christmas trees' on Saturday, Dec. 7 and 44 from 10-uitui to 4 p.m. at the complex. These trees • are, grown by Somerville Nurseries in Allison. They won first pito at the Royal Winter Pair and the treos.are.,s014 With a. special IOU Kringle PtOfitto fmnt this special project** go to the expansion fund. "Buy locally;_ Bur in Ripley and support the atone', c The churches and service clubs of Ripley and ninon Township are packing ,Chtistmas boxes fof the needy on Thursday, Dee! 19. }loxes have bon plate in the. Stoma and • we ask you to . be generous • with'' your donations. Please contact ono of the ohnrohos or ot member of tho tonmlittOt if you know of SOMMO net414 ....33.1s..a ,s.ert iittt,•••kia ALL ital. AL,,,d41,,,111,* a; um ix • aw• 'a.' ...III,. 1.; .1k,i 4,4.1 ja 1, .211t.' .• '‘e Le k a , AL b 1 dr.,' LAS A-4.1