The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-11-27, Page 13.p� ARM REPORT :i 1o. C9unty M A Gower resitivido SafeCour Col -Memo is required 10 puithaso Schedule, i, 2 and 5 j3sncida Many of thy' wed °control products and insceticides lucludiug those used ,for Vii. lel parasites aro included in•the e. schedules. If .you require a c ti ato ply let' us know so Courses eau, be armage i for, this winter. Cal 8!Q 4301 of 265 3. C)ntarieliabour Relations iket This -act IS under reform and the now proposals >are 'cont ed in a ., discussion .aper, prepared by the Nfinisay, of tabour. Agricultural ernpIoyoes, are *eluded- from the existing act adore-0ot adore-0pe tied ' organize and under the.. Ontario Labour Relations Act. The- proposal e • prro��possal suggests changes in this section.. - a The public 'ts invited to comment on the proposals. Copies are -avail ,able from the. Ministry of Labour telephone 416-326-7400. Advanced Payment for Cora Farm fed Corea ispow ow eligible for the Advanced Payment Prrogram. Swine Computer P ovam .M The, computer" program ° ork'•Pro- duction Monitor is based on the...old �--OntarioPork-industrylnitprQvement Plan and is now .being released .to the general public. 'lets program is. -a stand-alone data. base program designed to monitor pork production,, monthly or :.quarterly,, based: on,: physical sales, purchases, production and inventory numbers. Summaries such aspigs born, weaned and sold per sow per year 'and days to market can be monitored. One is also •able to set your own targetsand actual production to , these targets. • Pock production m ilitor is avail- able from the University of Guelph for the cost of $25.00 + GST. Call your local, °MAP` offices- for mom details. What did the -Jacuzzi brothers manufacture when they first opened up shop in 1915 -.long before their godchildren gave . the bathtub business a whirl? uit!:t�r i Luckaow Seutiuei, Wednesdays November 2t 1991 Page ,r -Several area-loath..beae new .K iot the istllow B eavers yret :• B toi ht; **Wit: K Vat deBru• : Gregory Archer, Tim Lyo 11th .. r '� ::. ic. -el I ofer.Ventre row,° a. e r =l Dorrscht,, Bradley Girichrist Cal McDonagh, 'Ames Mannn. o , r how,: Brett. Archer Kevin, , rib" Zachary Fielder and;Sheilt01L at Livings 'photo • ff ti. RALD oF,ArR T v$ gone Weicrirmw LOCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Tilos You To Worship WA Titom On Sunday, December 1, 1991 10 am, end 24o piety *Ivor*** imornino $4 off,, EVERYONE WELCOME U KNQ UN1 E -CHURCH t % hose, ty ool x.;11 wt, AM grs+aSchpro-viii: tovi erl ll_ C PRESB,, R UR.0 *len .000:4 m .1:0O•oin or area i p f��W�me a 'S. ••..a ria .tr t4 We fetid .,.syr Myerscoug'h 'family- death of Ross' - ley Myerscough 0f Br do :moral wash laselliursday.. 2 We welcome the Dunkley family from Essex, England who have: come to the',farm of Lloyd Bonnett on concession 10. They brought 11 Dales Patties-froe En ): d, • Mr. and Mrs. Walter, > reales left on Friday:for -a holiday in Toronto, to help them celebrate their golden' wedding anniversary. This , was a gift from their faMAY: On Sunday they travelled to Lon- don for the retirement open house for Rev. D.L.. klowletti who has been District Secretary of Western Ontario' for the past 14 yew, Wal- ter is awter'is the, president fortis disirict' Two long -tune offir:ers.of dieKin.- lough t -lough Branch of the Bible Society'' retired in. October T. .May Boyle, secretary and Bessie. Maulden,. treasurer. A card of good wishes and a' money gift vete sent to Rea . Howlett, who plans to go the 1Vtaritunes.:for a year. Farm pumps. MAW 440 'In a war, Illl !.nag Ono... re nO just an udder slyest Store ' o+neer, gSTIMATES''fes DELIVERY 'EVENING APPT. 40A0FESSIONAL INSTALLATIONS` Poll? IHCltMow 1eJi . 04.11400.604014. ©sr dogma ar1 trfl nus 5294551 Row 5294967 �s Alex =Percy is aw patient in the Maginot' and Distr'ict Hospital..We send%get well Wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Guest of St. Thomas visited here with _their Cousin, Nina McDonald. On Thursday, Bessie Johnston and Nina McDonald went to Kincardine to call on friends. . Volaine Hodgins • ntfended a con.. venton::in Toronto on the weekend. Agnes Hodgins went with • her and . visited Lenore Sutherland. ' .Lorraine MacPhersotr was lcs;•: Per guest with Mtn, and Mrs. -Jac C Barr on Wednesday vening. _ . :... Porth -five din Mr. and Mrs. buy nby the Institute ani Sates, t their annual (hristmras tel': new families were wcome and Ayne at;rQ f Glen and Penny `re. ,IIiiv+e•L a the4 ii.99r _tiro** ` . was .het t Doug Dahmer and :a a I aldenby.. Relativesw present frrom. • Corn v Newmarket,- Toronto, Aylmer and Sidon: ' Vera, Hodginsformerly' of here, who has been a patient in Oliver- sityHospital, London, - was ,mored to Wingharn Hospital.. The Kinlough and 1isllae't Bible Society canvass has conhplcted and sent to the London.'offiiice, The amount:coll ted- as VO4.25 the e ,t canvass ever collectedin ;12)0a.our:. thaw} ' t ane ► Ialtrr_ Broadway. - :and entertainer school ""runou t Oe.of his poor `ns" uCKcno $500.00 Winner ....; Barb.Hacketrr L,ucknow . !1.000A' f trice Ihthie - .f uelrn+ew c ►t $1000. is 52 calls 1100. must go ressive 1't000. in 50 tab ►tel,:who was born Samuel a ,zW a • iur present to,you :1 oi'da prices, quality;vehicles- - eh cles nd unbeatable finance rates. .(op to 36 months VW! Oer i$$ 1118,810168.1080„ ' 1101001ek 00 11010.0 likottra 110 0h v X Cab 4x4 $0 Mazda itX7QX Fully loeddd, iflre W Lollikrs Umlte d $111811108 1F t+} !«#t, Pt2i.:"Petitretti, ' , fully buil" tbaded,. cruisst, lIlt, aassolte, only raeciad Iti61tk d. only 41000100. bast.4110., km 48i i 1i I,I $ 1-7110 (0.01.0- 12- iyoritha Up,to`1-,nomrths MOO $ siAMi� 44800 1 II. jt' 1“) 1lu4cke16ark 81. 01408106 *Mid dr A04800 w. i fbtit01614Y ' Lqaded. Air, mite, tilt, $14 • $5 Igo �`10 ss I►tkliC soeo :IM Cl .1006f $7 olMS '414 404 Autbmatic, PAs p.l4crca.0101 , • 4,0 Vek' 00;3001401110. tt power tbck tiiG , �ir,�ac i rip tills C3•.B'r. �18. SO voilitiv6 seas ds Munk Century Air• coo otte. Ail Critl5o, CVUIse, 011; casseltd • tilt. 914400 07, F Cro*$ B7,Pontleo 4000 'klti 001. tX Station 188004 ullylatiiiedf truly :720.10N01.1_411 ed 441140 00 SO Cli.wttr Cc.Mtes Ai?, 4 dour, • I S7` f4 taleta , , 7r1 OW .. i altwitit+Mi t6lrltite d 115 01S i.lrtilt.d LN+tiir. tldiii�t�trt Fully dot kel ' aed, 0810h° • 1000000i0. e4if6r &$C, Vag autcxt�3TiC. es ik nt0 +8,I s $4140$010' 1K'Q 1,0141tieil MllMWek flow . 1%d, s Ctrtrata Miiittioutin11, (*woo skylark Ait • puny ully INA*. ton d. s4 so olds t tte t>JaU '1,100 • seug Noun Thurs. I~& a.. gal.• 94