The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-11-13, Page 14It 1 Lwr know $cn4i- el, W uesd* No erabey El 1991 7a Cards of hanks MORTGAGE MONEY EY tor purpose.Pay ofcredit cards. Borrow any $10=900, f ad►. y $i monthly. real- €ing;hasslesa Cali 'In gri n Fieancial Group (416) 6$0-0455. Toll free i,7t ' 24444294 FAST MORTGAGES Available , for Homeowner*, Pay bills, credit cardol Example: Borrow $10,000, repay $134. monthly' No Qualifying H.asseisl' Call Intransicon Financial (416) 6$(4460 busy call 1-800-266-1429. 43b c Sole ;> Auction L would like to say that in. last weeks. Sentinel the w up on my bottle cosi bion .t •0010.0100 te of my friends vibe -Over the y 'hoc* 'given me bottles.'Itla otos l-havo that trivet rail over. arid *ink- enough of, Yoo bring y back e to* even if :it is empty. 'Thinks . fob, Ouster, pithy-4'Sx Coming Events HURON COUNTY CONSULTATION . ADVISORY, GROUP - Meeting of the Huron CountyConsult*, troll Advisory Group, Monday, went r 2:00Pm. A SAO pm. In Clinton Town Halt BOO planning .• for the aunty -wide consultation of iia care reform, —46 CHRISTMAS CRAFT AND BAKE BALE Christmas Craft and Bake Sale, *Bur - day. November 23rd. 10 c m to2 p.m,, 350:Josep line Streek-Wingharn, beside Cruickshank Pant. AO : pads to: the Wiinghar'wand Area, �Seniors�. Day Centre,' --46 of Rome Furnishings and Antiques Will be hold at the Davidson centre K r ab `y Friday November 1 6. 0 pm., for three estates of Kincardine pyla. - • 411a Coming COMMUNITY SHOWER ,for Jane Milisnl g, November 18 at ,mw Kingsbridge Church Halm Friends and neighbours welcome. -45 LUCKNOW TOWN AND,0OU"RY CLUB T Lucknow Town and Country Cl meet in the wallow Legion HO Mon- day, November ltith, 1210 pm, POO* areal, speaker, program --46x HURON BRUCE DIABETES fAEETrNG- l ucknow Town Drill. Wedn ity, November 20th at 7;30 p.m. Ames. update, ;Draw for crocheted of han. Songs by Eari andMha. Heyid 4•H NEWS Trinity Milk Mates On October Tity Mates towed the Pine River Chen Faces, where they saw a short move *Md part of the pee being made. • l .acett hosted the Rah g during ?Ala members made sundaes with each pson.. supplying a toppa<ng. Meeting silt WO hosted by Allem The :achievement ' program was planned NovemNovember28 at Trimly+ Church. OCHALSH on by Kae Webster, On Sunday October 270 a illeilaggia c;m w pbieed in Ash- field Ash- f eld Presbyterian Chinch in Memory of the late Donald ;a Katherine (MacKenzie) l ie) M d, of /Omit their family and taandchildten. The cross was made by Ross Thompson, 'of Tillsonburg and ediGated by two great- grandchildren Flora Thompson and Helen MacLennan. Following_the :. servsce family Members enjoyed:;. a luncheon and sec social time together. Monday right Mid. tot*. . me'''hi ,. and p - .LeBreta ►d:� Taylor 61.1..:t� Lhigh`.' alntt i le .Shine .. :n. :. with24Sand5 . Games over ; - T Y _ vine* 229, •'!,±•� aM, other -conal hmonte'fKQtrr 'l~u+�krxaw : `:�, �:0004,111:1006 and Ashireld Township-. Listen -to David and PTiffin add Neta and Hilda'Grant' invite you ao aVend •an CKNX' fir partial listing, =: A /y�4od;'selecttr�rr +� � .ttln1$. Plan to attend, purview• FrklaY.after2 p.m. AUCTIONEERS: Grant MacDonald .-rRr95-". o� , W . llacceP lla . - .� ... ,�M .fit. fi�'ater 3924110 139. Educntionat IS TRUCKING FOR YOU''Let's discuss it. Introducing extended, programs, and Credit Cour ..00 William- at. 1-8 265-7173 Markel Training Systems.' •4tbc •46. In Memoriam . MATHER In 1'ovingmemory of ;Jim .Matherg,-who passed away one.'year ago. November 11, 1990, Nothing cern ever take.: away The love 'a heart holds deer.. Fof d memories linger everyday, Remempranc a ,keeps him near, Sadly missed' by Fluth'; and family. --46 Open House en•S indaty : November` 17 • 1991 from, •f 4:30.#.m, at 'W0104411 United Church In honour of the 50th Wedding AmliVereatYAnniversary Of their 'parentes, Bill and Sadie Tiffin. No gifts please., =- 46 . 47, Cards of 'harmks It is with siuc ere OreciaIwish to expresses my gratitude, +I r iha?se who helped tl frigh44f my housetire ofd to diose who called the Fire Department. Many *mike to the Lucknow -Firs- Depannientrfor their etfortS to )save my. home and for i it uksc respons, to the eaene, to!' serve a home. Thank you tOgte,elearomitter felt the hard wort ba ae : Scold day, The, cads, offers, Mealkand doriationa from neighbours, friends ` and family Were greatly appreciate). t wish to Drank the opposers otthe benefit dancierid,104 who attended; for their generosity. Your kindnesses. erre ' amply appreciated and will long be rememberedd. Brock Hasty. -46► LEGRAND Our sincere thanks to the people of Lucknow, who helped to extricate the family 'from Our ditched Car- on Hwy. 186. A special ' thanks to Stephen MacGregor of Kincatrfne who witnessed the mishap "and comforted ue To all familiar faces of the Lucknow Mitue Unit who dontonstratod concern for our predicament, our everlasting gratitude. May,. foe, Margaret and Francine. --46 STANLEY We weu ke to thank our funds and relative* 'fors all the diem and gifts we received' on our anniversary. Lot% of love and thanks to Lori and Darren, Kris and Jeff for alt their surprises . you've truly made it a: time for us to remember. Wayne and Marg. 46x • READ I wish to thank everyone who attended my- relative shower held' at Kinlough Presbyterian Church, November 3. Special thanks to Edina Jean for organ- izing this shower. "It ls a pleasure to be joining a family such as yours:' Ali your gifts land best wishes Were greatly appreciated, Penny. - 4g WEST HURON.JUNIOR FARMERS West Huron Julior' . Farmers ° Alrnri$l. Banquet and Dance, then anion° Agri- culturai Hall, Saturda y , November :,28 1991» Guest speaker: Kevin= Stewart'. Music by OA- Banquet 7 p.m.: Dancing- 9=1 Children 5-12, $5.00; eender „„t5freee;' adults, $15:004200 Couplebanquet and. dance; $5.00 dance only; Oa It 5. - 7439 or i§24-9910 for tickets.' . RELATIVES. neighbours and friends of Elmer and Alma Black'are invited to a 50th :. Wim anniversary 'par °at Dungannon Agdcu tural;.Hall on Friday, November 15th. Dancing g to •Tiffrn's Orchestra.w46nxpi THE GRAND WOOD -SHOW, equipment and 6 17. Admission District civic Woodworking, tools,.. crafts. November f 85.80. Brantford Centres 1-00-563- tilt `out ry 8dy=was A, Fir'with 247 and a'doub 4 n'shtgh amgle and4Ouble wen ,o'DOtina��to =Bill 0h� 203 a Geor8 e n dy 2,18. 'Taylor 332 �y� i 1 .. high_ _ r e�� .l> and. �ve1c: , ,'Fill ; a c T. a loi 253, :. l 'uldriks M 20 ,: Dave. .:f t Ladieshigh 'single. and ire . �..�' , .' ',Taylor .169, v, 163, Ian S?kertY 158,a'Harm Laves 158,, - W ' . G& one .Jobs tp .:158,, y� ‘ Far— POPPer 7.573.: Games over 2�. lliotf tariff a e+ .185 :w 'Arley -Brooks- 206, sic a; John Andrew 208, Don •Silver • tr ."1 rine 61, • Canadians 'SS. Mabel Wilby 166,159, lel mer. , Teamgeint8 Tulips 18,;`paff`tdils s� 17, :Hyacinths 15, Snowdr+aps i Crocuses 11, ° TEEN DANCE. Ripley. Huron Complex; Friday,.- ber 15, 8 p.m. :F12 p.m.:$5.00 per per- son..D.4., James. Taylor. Sponsored, by •Ripley- Huron Complex(Exparrsidf Fund Committee. -45,46 CHRISTMAS CRAFTS Ladies get. jready for Christmas kJoin. us , err Wednesday :morning, Novorrtbet 20 .from 9 45 .t011 a,m.at the Luekriow United',Church 'to' 'make. Christmascraps Cootie' $500. Nursery ;and story hour provided. Sponsored by Lucknow • Coffee Break. '--45,461: BUSINESS AssocisnoN • DINNER AND DANme will beheld -Saturday, November 23 at Lucknow Community ' Centre. Tickets. available NOW -. from , Your Favourite Things and Valley Green Flowers: Din- ner at 7 p.m. --45,46ar BAZAAR AND SAKE SALE.., Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home, X399 Bob St. Lucknow Saturday, November 16 from i p.m.'. 3 p.m. 45,46 • HORTICULTURAL' BANQUET All:. members please purchase your tickets at Valley Green Flowers from Novembeer 4th - 'November 18th." Ban- quet on November 26th. -48 la?1 BLYTH LI Dabber Bingo every Tuesday 7:30 p.m.. .Blyth District Community Centre. J rok« pot of $1.000. on 46 numbers. Reducing • 44 $60 on 'evert, number called. Mini- mum jackpot $ O'must go. 4-17tfar DABBER. BINGO Lucknow end`District Lions Club, Dab. ber Bala, every every SieidaY night Luc know Community Centre. 'Doors opens 5►15 p.m. Bingo 61 7:16 p.m. Air conditioned, wheelchair accessible. Potential price board over $3,000. $1,000, jackpot on 54 calls or less. $800 must`go!-dtfnar BINGO Goderich. Knights of Columbus, Thurs., days' 7;30 p.m. Saitford Valley wheel. chair accessible, Potential pria board' over $30000, $1,000 jackpot on 54 calls or less. $500 must go.-4fnsr a g ' and Suzanne of Luc ow are happy to announce the birth of their son,{Andrew hates, on el ear :.29, : 1 in . Joseph's ctobHealth ei te1, weighing St8. lbs. 11 oz. Proud grandparents are Betty and David Kirkland land, l .:R 2, Lucknow and Helen anHoward Blake, R.R. acxleriah, r. k Woman and Li r �,: a>ciz-weloaeamte with . love . they son; Zee Leonarrd,Novembe ghame District weighing:;8 lbs. 13 oz. Zad wee brother for Michael; grandparents are Elsie and Pa Palmer and J C. and ,Emily. Dr R. Van $oven .:n Joe ` and ;liner, of London6 welcome with love their Ug+hter, Janeee Elizabeth, born X i + .Yictor'ia ° e spi ,. don, W itgtung 6 :lbs, -. encs Bany and Betty Mc gh, tuck- -now and Jack and- Ruth Lockhart ,Goderich. Seairlewelcomes with love and;.pride his new baby.. rother . i7iiatlI°.brens'' Jeffrey Jam 1,991 at a we$- .8 Cable's joy wren and Jerry of geafcyrth grandparents, Jeff and Lynne Ford; Clever heights, ; till and:. Johanna Searrle, Lucknow; .great grandparents '; otby Munda. Sehforth; Jlna . artd . Helen Ford,,, Moant ;sand c ung, fuck{. now Gilchrist - Dale and Moil e,are delight to announce the,birth Or their rot' child. Erin. Elaine arrived on Norrernbeer 8;199al)d' weighed Ms; a . oz. loud*god�nts . are Bob:: and June Gilc�ir'st and old' and ' ;arilyn 14010410. Pleased if grandparents ' are Mabel' vast, ,,of. Ripley and -Virden t Mowbray, of Lucknow. -� ` 1t400W ove* • I PAULZINN . 42$.2411 Ai.VINAOES 1041/4 WARREN ZINN 0*4714 99:AtrRES-'KINLOSS -' Lsheepped barn, stool cover,, 95 acres workable. $85;000. - ,3t'SEDROOM BRICK HOME - .with ear Kintor e, ,7 ares. $65,000. ELD - 100 acre ;farm, 4 bed— rooms rom, vinyl skied house.Sm, al beef ban, `24 x 60 shed, S5 acres in hay. $110,000. DUPLEX': 3 and 4 bedrOoni units, ,se *tate he•hhydru. Havelock St. •Asp $85, at& . Y'ACREAGE Mies, 2 storey brick home, a bedroom*oillwood heat, Originarl woodwork,. WBS' WAWANOSH Brick country home,wit 28'x steel workshoPend x Seibert". WHEELER STRE ET', �2 bedroom ren - 044 bu owG newwndow, bath - em. woodatove. ($65,000.}yj/(yy,(�yj . 50 ACRES - KINLO; - 2,900 eqq, h. bungalow superbly built Ai decorated, r garage, 30 x 100 ham. Great borseihobbaint NEW LISTING - 2bedroombungalow, fireplace with electric heat, hew win- dows, excellent retirement home on Rom ata. gill- ACRES Kinloss, 4 bedroeni home, "V'. shaped barn, 34 ties, Workable, $113,000. 3l';BEDR.ODIiit> OME on 2J`3 acre lot, edge of 'Warn*, new cupboards win- deews end Inmate, nicely, treed lot. 100 ACRES d Kinloss;112) reinrested,, mono mixed Web. omit fteam.$45,0011 O � yY Ali i.i.i—a. 1f.e$ aitf v.a1.s�.du��.:;.....AiAv •...ti: