The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-11-13, Page 6*ado; November 13,1091 Use our phone orders service ;gid buy direct from bone . njoy premium a • Ill with a outaituding valuet Deluxe °temp ed steel oil system far added strength. •, Marvelous Addie has extra support where body weight lb Ctfle trateda . • Co layers of premum rum ger surface FClontinue study on Central Merica ft ! a o remembrance w the tie for the meeting of the mak. now Presbyterian WIVIS.:held on Novel' 4, .at the home of Mildred Lome. �. The poem Peace and foyer by Mildred opened the meeting. ferns a�'Donald esented . the meditation, reading_from John 14: 2649; Sheread an Acle Honour our Fallen Soldiers wbib had been ,written by a tomer solider„ w 1 J.Yost. Nineteen ladies answered ; rolleal With a verseon pia. Vvian Wilson reviewed the Glad Tidings reading partsof r. ferentarticles; ' The Mi01911. Study for bio ► . has beenon Central rico . d the :study was concluded - with; a °' id prepared to go along With it i de tin po S ;. maty . views-, of the countries, the people and, some of . their problems. ► For a v�tety punt Graffi ammieplayed a couple of songs from a tap of Roger Whittaker., ; During: the business period it was Durk* to send a donation, m our birthday money, to the CNIII ° o gtl!erldonation, are to be triode tri Sl ping Children round the World and 't%e pros.. teritut < World Service ands. De`s eIoprnenti lessie Jo °is Johnston led i ` prayer following the closing hymn. Area students receive award Sever area stents were recipients of away, during the annual mmencernentexercises held t 9� y.s� q. + LLQ scop ap l. A 1 sf�jh�? �✓f�k �ala+MiF Vic, daughter'of an:lc Shensi, received to 1 phst education award. Cadin 2 Whi isu gently ;studying . .13 Ian sujects at : E+�, and hopes to :enter the U'niver ty of +uelph envy ►m stall . ;gent e � y ia Elie OAC she ist,. English andhistory ' awards Went S . Bro ,1►y, daughter " of eorge and' o> ne. S h presently earoled ill the an science. proa?m tat Laurieir University. ' ul "Helm,: son ;of Evan an Bim, "received the ,lexati McKenzie Endowment Fund award. Paul studying co-op the ist the University . of Waterloo..{ Debbie Nicholson, daughter of Harold and ,Lloya, received the and Mrs. Wim bP. .Mc Donald sward. Debbie is uttenn ding p`thawe College, studying the; , socia service woikers Steven Ring i l received .the West Waw,anosh• Mutual ins she Award, The son of Neil Helen, he is ,continuing- his education in the agricultural1ield sit + nt ralia College, °;Sandra Van 034. daughter of , .Atone and >, Delores was rrino, recipient of the Paul V. Memorial scholarship.. Sandra is studying ..natural, . donees. at �. cater tiniVersity in yainit. ton. Q Our congratulations to.all t students.. If by chance we its .a local scholar, please give uu call, We will be pleased ,- include them. -next week. building permit for a lean-tv m hack of George riving shed' was approved, of loss 'Township council's Novemt 4 me gt. e , winter. ' preparation , for: nonths the clef was in; •dve„ iso ►site lob sal si S tendersdiSpo,at' The clerk will obi of most related 'to-' road allowance at draft -copy o the fencing 'mini lagoons and pits ' by the township so e Correspondence uperior Propane Pa 'so many ways! For.alirnited time, the .uperior Propane Pays" $ n °a'°al booklet of 4 Credit Cheques is available to yoti. It is worth over $10"in:total.and entitles you to,fantastic savings on Propane Furna , SPace Heaters, Fireplaces, Water Heaters,. es, and washersdor t '° And that's not alt.,: pact' of this limited tme offer, you vile advan- tage of: • O% Figquo Year or Longer Tenn - cing At Compe- titive Rata range -of Doi tic %talka . • Cuatometiteferral Bonusb '$ 5 for referring Mend to Smog ProOane; • Igor—Citizen's • and a chance to Win $5, with "Superior Propane •Pale tet Match. Win w ane;... ` e the"Superior Pripahe Pays' booklet for full e is 'l "aimyour free By:all or visit your"lc B t todayutburry, this ffetwoe foreyal titiesare limited ire reN mb aiim *1O% (lawn ivottentlettittql, On epptavett relit Rues rind available at yotitiod Sttpoiior Propane urate. vie dunk Vis, thein we acct British. antd, let our MPs 'ids Ps thi* for.us comp g all the t p rapose that hecanse eve not the illiterate population that once vias, but rather vianeewspapers, TV, radio;,, tellites computers, faxtc. rx the,ethicated 3 mord 'nom ever l town.' We are not °my, above being w ed; aroundy our ivesbut so an`� halo•-'. m that:not only doe' not rve dbut pop those who:, ere be Nde We . must . lkixe flitic , notaserve , and they do whatever they -darn well:; X for the four or five years in miner, that 'they serve the . patty they . belong to and nOt :those who pay and .employ them. if we know this iltOe 15 oily Ono lush step for.na the electOrate rote .. the change of • 'the systenisystem each timewe vote. We know we knot trust politicians so We 'must bu ld the system so the public, protected from them. I think we would accomplish tit, and°, gat change resulting in us having a say bybrin►g in a system that s steptbrward . t.. acludes t ger :prini�iples of ad-: vied dern acy it: cisreferendums on<" r all n ortatiit�andl l t ccml" issues., uutianve so that ;,good ithat w 1l help the econoah etc. ca>it come from ; all. sec rs," +o the•; pop tions to bevoted on, The t irrd' principle of recall rs tie p eiple 1 dt w�or a on o r i st as 4n our mid slide inti the quag mire in unity, : environment and' economical issues, ►e . t to .public •" have stop forward soon 'to step our decline or puffer the politicians to our c asst. Robert McQueen, Dungannon.. .tics and Tit Saperior from page 5 .thought that by having announced a coupleof months ago (not to run) that pple would have put rite on the side. and that hasn't occurred." a owever Elston said he Wats to , satisfy himself that any decision he makes "won't be of the warmth and spur. of the ttao►ment a stuff this meeting has developed in me.' "I don't want to be curia away byi the flattery of the, - moment: Politics and passion don e well." rathizes with addiction 0"But it has to be mated, I don't believe in a double standard. 'e' kids*ds, are just addictedas the adults:* he said. • In the end the policy was adopted with ' ;card Thompson,. Fenton, Eagleson and &wog:pain oppodL "Yes we have the right to tell people they caul smoke, but l think on the board property should be for smoking," Fentoncsaid tram page r byduts Ray rental* rte' Mit Harriet cwaquain but failed to pass. It promPted sever trMs to relate dies of family t *es and health crisis related to smoking. Gerald Ott told of a family history. of smoking-related deaths', and said he can sympathize with the addiction. 44:.i LillSJ:�X<`Fi•«'.5;f iFi',.3,�.