The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-10-09, Page 3dobby of logia: Where, do .theoke nockp ey ati kks go? To.. the dump? Perhaps, but for the last WO years these useless ,articles- have ell put to use* Al and Gladys Tutton came up with unique idea of using the, broken sticks to make lawn chairs. Ratherr a fitting use of something U at was used to expend d energy these sticks ui w offer a place to rest body that expended the energy. With. the • Hamiltons' long associable wi °,,. the arena, no one was m aware of the number of these sticks that were broken during a hockey season. The 1lamiltons had been col- lecting and storing the sticks for a number of years, but when they sold their Lucknow property and had to move them, it became evident they would have to find some use for their collec- tion. And so the idea of desig- ning these original lawn chairs became their hobby. The main frame is constructed of 2 x 4 lumber, with the seat. and back made of the -shafts of the hockey stick. The front brace is a goalstick: The Hamiltons'are 'particularly proud of -the one made for their Loin$-tim tlidticl:::'ands y.'bocke associate Bill Hunter. Everyone of the 22 sticks needed to 01050;,; q chair is a. different make..On-: Bill's chair they -used. the Vicki; of goalie sao*s:.for-thmghs. order to maintain theuniqueness,. this chair was not: painted.... To. date : A►1. and , G1adys have made nine chairs, then ajorkyof.-. which have been gifts for. their children. copple recycles useless Lut,know Seati Wednesd yy (*Ober 'Os 1991 Pose 3 BD --, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS &tis a ffip tutee ser e; ai :. U I nj b i nfea�.i iak pi anx, '0004 finocial ;pion coricattr And mangyoI *trwices, HANOVCII WAXER-ON NT asp W ' �,�,O ft CA • W J M,F,.,Q�piOgyoo F *J. Thot oo,, /� AkA. AL. kr, 7-.,!'►. ht � u Iu 4.y�A X917Qa pV.}�ApA�IyRyR►�{�.aCA ¢Qc a �,p 7�'l:�r(7. _ � �fq p itibler�,.:k:�n1l. A. 11'. Moro CA 3#3150 8$14211 323,259' months, BeefSupplement Booking Computerized Beet l e eding Progr )rn !eta Line of Animal. Health & Zoning. -amen more inform This lawn chair was made by *uafd Gladys Hoillgon, Fusing 22: different makes°of hockey atickss' The main Mune is e,.o!ISttu ed:ofd 2 x 4 limber and the Mint brace is a goalie stick. Being Ms tat : with the" arena tbe' flaigiltons' wer` a aware of the number of hockey sticks that ' were Oaken dining it season and carne.:lip this unique'hobby fort eeycltng`:thein. e, . ee ,t .with. -porch, s of _. A beef feeding -margin, itis` now, more itan. ever re; rim• i t rtt to ,e Om�"-started. n eep h`r gr ' in ► 9 # d p + grove g On° a' batan ed' SHUR-GAIN fe• eding .program. = `'Before you b giveLis. try" Following discussion and presen- tations tiiade ..at2 , the October 1 meeting` of- Asbi"ield e Township Council, 'the zoning amendment application by: Steve Moran was deferred until further information is received front the Heron County Health .Unit Mr. Mbran attended in support of the application on part of lot ' 1, concession 11, E.D., with cor- respondence read from the•Minisiry of Agriculture and Food, the Health Unit, Maitland Valley Conservation Authority and Ministry of Natural Resources. A report from the Duron County Planning Department was also. discussed. Discussion ensued with Barry McDonagh on the annual township insurance premium. Council ap- proved the annual premium for 1991-92 of $.11,823, representing a decrease of $126 over last year's. premium. • SPECIAL i .. . i deferred. �6ded BT ed closes.:.. fromlge 1 fonto a muniCi ds, palia'0,--0,. of commerce, healtk ie p vi • . numerous other'or •gmttzatx . and dus, ambers COUNCIL NEws saidAvanDassen. Ashfield rowrt hi ' "In Godencii we'r+e�gdt" i There'll be at least.two tables: •Tvb Commissioners will •attend the . oderich . sessions, , tie City ;