The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-10-09, Page 26) Page 2 qr lankliew.$enti tel° Werintsday9 ' Oct 1r 90 1794, MON. PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT P RTL INSTALLED RESIDENTIAL ; COMMERCIAL 35% off Display -Models 20% off In Stock Moder ..., , , . : t RICHARDSON GREENSHIELDS -OF,C ANADA ��t �AMPEIELL'R. ittl► • ,NEW REDEEM MA INFORMATION ♦ I: {{V : Jf:.Yr .}ti; rr$::i}:fin :.v.:v:.Y. N :Rh .��f •Yil, : J .r 4 : J.: ... rt ✓ ':•}:•:: •:••':{{:::} ..:•:::: ::•: r. NOV. 1 LTD a 52802213 OF Q B �!FN.•A•r • URING BONDS ON` 1 0% °AP savings Oft ail Plarit Material ' ia • e Looking for sow ..ALE. LARGER• TE QLARGE EVERGREEN, TREES- Colorado Blue Spruce SW 9Fraaar Fir 5•°$' *Audtrian Pine SW° .Norway Spruce 5w-7° *Canadian He/lock SS ®Flack Hill Spruce 6' aLAigGE DECIDUOUS TREES. ,Fairviow Maple 3p cal.Glenloven Lindell 2 ,5 cal .Emerald Queen Maple 2.V tel: 4 Grecnspire Linden 2a cal °Noway Maple 1 4.2S°' cal *Fin Qah 36%2°, .6' eat Crimson :Kin Ma 1.7S 2 *Feb 8 plc cal pelt Gala Ash rcal Strad�aat� Locust eel' °Tulip Tree 2 cal *Sweet Giunr cal .Redbud Tree & Shrub Form 14%24 cal a,p al • �attrer+a llall.2p cal pi4flQuntain. Aalr. 1a/5c Jr{•: rMtN ••ti :#M r Jr'•w'r'J. ,.I �y�•i�y�•a• h• .r,�, �•• mmy�y, Ili i-� Qualified Staff To Assist You . , .. y 4 , .. ..:. -w.ian an lea Ln _ • € LL .:{:• ::•tiff •%.4•J.•• JJJJ : h:• J.' •:;{:�::•::i:}::":iii•}:•}•• ..:.r •.rr iaiai:'•i:<i=tiff: iii {•}i:: J. ?vii; ::,••:•}:•:{•}:#�>iii:;;:; ia'iaii�i:i€iiii;:�:::.:;{.;: . • LU T. KNQW;.ON. SAT• 8:00 AM TIL 5.00 PM CLOSED SUNDAYS NOG 2H0 - 529-7247 � :•r'f�}:•:� i•:.• :. : • ' Y'r•: :ii•: - YJ•A•: L"•� _ 'A 0. .:sem♦�•� iii'•. 111,11$ •.:•. --z-.---„-, �� J_,,_;;,,�iD i0 dog); a •-moi • •:I I•:� Y} p � M Iwo •• .•.{:•r }:{: :$}i' :moi 'r:•'I•'i''h4'rih.�:'J:•:S•X•;,;{:} vk. : A• r• • 4'2 .•.< 'sr1 i J:r 0iii: r:. : h J.• h ♦ iY:•: :•:ti'- . ,.. .... ...• :;;:•}ti : { :: :} ::•:•:': :�}:•}:i•:•:{ %::•:•}:, ; ;•:•:• t;::•}:•: ::':{{�:i•:•}}}:{�:•:};•.•.h•Jr•{}}}:;: i•:•••: ♦ I: {{V : Jf:.Yr .}ti; rr$::i}:fin :.v.:v:.Y. N :Rh .��f •Yil, : J .r 4 : J.: ... rt ✓ ':•}:•:: •:••':{{:::} ..:•:::: ::•: r. .... .-. __ �sLuckncw KNOW e Rebores The Right /ti� '.0 . _,. c•. ,1 52840 � Foully ul re e i �R1 , uanttes ToN0rcna1 . To 'mit .:{:• ::•tiff •%.4•J.•• JJJJ : h:• J.' •:;{:�::•::i:}::":iii•}:•}•• ..:.r •.rr iaiai:'•i:<i=tiff: iii {•}i:: J. ?vii; ::,••:•}:•:{•}:#�>iii:;;:; ia'iaii�i:i€iiii;:�:::.:;{.;: . Congratulations} x .._ -v .,j-w:.v..w.: w..a. ...nwa.:. .m,, ..C.(x,.„J.aw c». • ' Angela Glenn for being. out. finalist in the SuperSummer .Giveaway. Contest. . Although her key did .not start the'bar, she received a lineliOd edition Peter EMl.Snyyder print along with other consolation prizes. .. is I•J r+; :: LiBBY'S Selected Varieties •.KRAFT''. Ve etc' bles g Frozen, 1 Kg.Pkg.•f e WITH THiS COUPON SAVE 30e off 1-50e';g Ja"r . CHEESE WHIZdor , penial Pride w/b coupon 2.98' with'this+cpupoii• • Offerexpl ,Oct, rias Sat, 12/91 Ci3gBG0?'14:" . . f f MAXWELL HOUSE Regular 200 g,, Decaffeinated or Sierra 150 g. Instant Coffee OLD, SOUTH Frozen 355 ml. Tin Grapefruit Juice oir .Orange uice p . } •sOft . 1' is CANADA DRY 24 x 355 fit Tins Drinks i50 ml. Bottle ■ HEINZ 1 Litre toss Vegetable Cocktail or • Tomato Juice z rr f FROZEN,UTILITY GRADE . 3-11 K Avg. Kg. ::j,.Y..};,.r (�,.r ; r;,;:}r:.:::, �.;f..::::m):::::;&:::;,...T ✓}r r.. J, -.i .. PILLERS WHOLE, HALFti MINI` . jai =`• g• 1.98/Kg . 4 - Young Turke s �r• R t . 8�59/K,�r Hsps I . , ova �'• ' • Le. ,, FROZEN, GRADE "A" 3-11 Kg. Avg: • • 2:15/IKg. • Your Turkeys . tom. FRESH, YOUNG CANADIAN PORK ' . Eooiner y pack • Pork LOW Chops ' . Contains 3 Centre, 3 iib g' End Chops � , 3 Tenderloin' f a . :.: Jr PRODUCT OF P.E.I.° CANADA' #1 White 10 Lb. Sag RAA. . Potatoes r:::•:•:::i � r •:res; :.:.Y: !S 1?::;.} .} ✓ Jrr .r .- • ' PRODUCT OF U.S.A. NO.1 GRADE j8/K \, \ ' • LS. } 4.: SweetRed Graess .:. PRODUCT OF ONTARIO Pepper Squash FOR' PIRODUCTOF 9U.S.A. NO. `i GRADE La ge < ize ' 0 .5F Kg. 4 a Fresh Red Tomatoes LB. r :r ,.. r. rnn1os requests t ! . to considr paving township During the October 1 ream meeting of Kinloss Towaship couw. elle the clerk was instructed to correspond with the Bim' County Highways Comraitteei, requesting them to coasider the 'ro ck and paving of the Bruce Comity Road 6. lion Rolyrood to Tees-. water. p Council ' da °. tpn ed a bw iding re art icpplicatrion; for -Paul MacIntyre -to erect a.bungalow. with attached.. garage. Support was gives to the. resolution of Ashtlelda Township regarding. the Net Income Stabilization Account . assistance, and the economic conditions facing Aurners today, The clerk was msh'nted: to send ;co,res to .the "•.a .F'pria'. e pax'ta� a, ` Paragon Engineering were unable to attend this meeting to . explain their morrtitorint report and the breakdown of invoices for the waste 11 V...14._ OUNCIL NEWS Kinloss Township i_r.--�,iP' % �•,�. disposal site. They will attend the nexttil eetinig on Qctober 2L , leu, Wilda and Rick McArthur Wended the meet ng to apprise courteil of thei tote proms /Or the upcoming years at 1.ishennans Cove TentandTrailer Park A rabies eiinie will be. held at the township garage on October 17,' Councilhas scheduled ;.a ratepayers: meeting for 28, 8 p.m. a. t the .Kinloss Muni ip budding, Councillor tgame gave a brrief report on the estimated costs of the PrePosed soccer field as prepared . Maitland Engineering,•The report was referred to the Recreation Committee. iciate sites... from Page 1` ofdtai saidw. redaction," I "1 don't h �ct2pi 'could accommodate entire of err 11tho though -if wobe uld -County COser to io0 ares • MacMillansaid reducing reur Sin• , blue X.systentSt C d •backyard, compoStiutand central y'-.0./.�a •T -P^ be =eh=ehthe egoal; , "If you're t'a 50 per s 0V^-tr. T.nl' yx� �M Posti •'7 CCIl` P7a � r have .is cin . �► be h # part -of thaplae' he said. It srrtie becatse 50 per cent level is, .gradual. It's not a figule rear w. ift the 4414ful would.. Julie: to i' increased. • 41as -candidate 400 hut lilirtl<all�r, sites were. listed eight were eliminated 'when 'the first level of constraints were re Plied• Nine •srwere a :second level and .el't1g°8a r lasites.- were dropped afterhYdro8�lb8;cal testing' was done. a - to . Huron county Waste ,Management Master Plan Locations of Canddate' Landfill Site Areas Note: Locations of Candidate Landfill Site Areas are only approximate N T SITE LOCATIONS Goderich Twp. s1- Part of lots 14, 15,' Conc. 4 and part lots 13, 14, 15, ' Oise. 5; Godthch. Twp. Amick Twpi #1 - Part of lots 13, 14, 15, Con. 12, Howick Twp. Grey Twp. #2 -,Pat of :tats 6,. 7, S, 9, 10, ° nc. 4, Grey Twp. Grey Twp. s3 m Pitt of lots 11,12,13, 14, Conc. 2 and 3, Grey Twp. G� i` y I IS. g5-Parttoff lets 10,, 11, 1 , 13, 14, 15, • . 14 and part of . lots 12, 3,14,15, Conc. 15, Grey . • Airey Tvi+p. 416 - Part of lots 13, 14, 15, Conc. 16 and 17, Grey Twp. 1100111161101118,* Avoid rams, vaccinate pets ifore than 62 rabid animals have been repotted within the Bnice- .0rey-Owen Sound Health Unit area up to August 31. As.'a result, 37 persons have had to undergo the rabies immunization series of needles after exposure to rabid or suspe ctcd rabid animals. The best protection you can have is to vaccinate your per • This is why in oeeGrey Gwen Sound it is compulsory for all dogs, cats and riding horses to have regular rabies vaccinations. In association, with the 'Otey. Eneo Vetetinary Association, your filth Unit has twanged for low-cost rabies vaccination clinics for dogs and cats to be held throughout the this month. Clinics will be on October 15, 16 and '17 in Bruce County In our arca clinics will be offered in Ripley on October 15$ Lucknow on October 16 and Holyrood on October 17. All nates are 3 to 6 p.m. The cost will be $7.00 for each dog and cat with a mla.ximuun of $30 for cats only. A full sch tde of locations and times appy elsewhere in this $ 0 •