The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-10-02, Page 14• Page 14 LMckuiw Sentineta 1winesday, October go,1$ j 36 Announcements 6. Announcements lection*1991 Township of Huron NOMINATIONS. NOTICE 1S• HEREBY GIVEN to the Muniolpai Electors of the Township of Huron that Candidates for the following offices may file pornination papers at the Clerk's Office Tuesday, October 8th, 1991 to Thursday, October 101n, 1991 torn 8:30 aim. to 4:30, pan. and on Nomination Day, Friday, October 11th, 1991 from 9:00 p,me to ;tQ p.m. d REEVE DEPUTY REEVE COUNCILLORS PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEE 3 to be elected 1 to be elected for the combined area of the , Township of Huron and the Village of Ripley SEPARATE SCHOOL TRUSTEE 2 to be elected for the combined area of the Township of Huron, Village of Ripley, Kinloss. Township, Village of Lucknow, Culross Township, Bruce Township, Greenock Township,Village of Paisley, and. Village of Teeswater Ali Candidates to be elected for a three year term. Each nomination paper must be signed by at least 10 electors whose names are entered on the Preliminary list ofelectors or who have made application to have their names included on the list and who are entitled to vote in an elec- tion to such office. Nomination papers will be available from the town- ship clerk's office. Each person nominated must first be registered in accordartCe with the„ uniicipal..Elections_.Act,ifshere_are.an-ipSufficient--- number of candidates for any office; additional nominations for the remaining vacancies may be filed inthe office of the clerk on the Wednesday following Nomination Day between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mary Rose Walden Clerk and Returning Officer Township of Huron NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF WEST-WAWANOSH Final Installment of. 1991 Taxes is due Wednesday, October 16, 1991 payable in person or by mail at the Municipal Office. Hours - Monday to Thursday ' 9:30 aim. - 5:00 p.m. Friday - 9:30-a.m. to 2:30 p.m, Note Failure to receive a tax notice does not relieve the taxpayer from payment of taxes nor liability of penalty for late payment. Joan Armstrong, Treasurer NOTICE . It is my opinion that, and to show protest of the Farm Credit Corporation's action of passing up their lawful right to first mort- gage money on their Security #160448, registered in Bruce County, July 19, 1978, and pass- ing an indebtness to the Guarantor of that security mort- gage #16704S on Lot #4, Con. #7 E.D. Ashfield Township,regis- tered in Huron County, July 24, 1978; an indebtness far in excess of the intent and purpose of that guarantee. To the Farm Credit Corporation, therefore, I James E. Beak refuse to give up possession peaceably. - 37. Mortgages CREDIT PROBLEMS? Need a consoli- dation loan? For fast, confidential ser- vice in arranging a 1st or 2nd mortgage on residential, commercial or rural prop- erties..call Mid -Canada Financial Ser- vices at 1476-4914. Bryan. Hodgkinson - Mortgage Underwriter.-39tfbcknx NEED FAST CASH? We have mortgage money to pay off your bills! No qualify- ing hassles! Borrow $10,000 low month- ly. repayment. Intransicon Financial (41$) 650-9455. Toll free 1-800-268- 1429.--39bc 38. Auction Sal( STOCKER SALE at. LUCKNOW. COMMUNITY SALE on Monday, October 7/91 at 1:30 PM ALREADY CONSIGNED: 80 Char Steers - approx. 950 lbs.; 50 Char Heifers - approx 800 lbs.; 70 Mixed Carves - approx. 450 lbs. CONSIGNMENTS STILL WEL- COME. Gordon H. Brindley 529-7625 - 529-7970 or 528-3211 EVENING AUCTION SALE of HOME FURNISHINGS & ANTIQUES will be held for Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ford of. Wingham with some addedconsignrnents' In Teeswater Agri -Curl Bldg. Monday, October 70' 6.00 PM AUCTIONEERS: Wallace ealiagh,leeswater 34266170 Grant McDonald, Ripley 395=5353 ALICTIDN REGISTER C SI NMEWESAID n Centre Frlda,+r Oeleber 1t 1991 IF YOU NAVE SOMETHING TO SELL ,GiiE USA BALL: Grant. McDonald Wallace3954353. Ball��h, 392,4170 AkJCT7ONEEF3S, 398 Educational I48. coining Events . likqUILLIN MIXED, YOUTH DART LEAGUE I`. Ou➢ like to.thankeverYOna weirs so l►ind With iFiSitS0 ulna feud and flowers at the time of my dear son Sam's passing. —40x 1 Every Monday night from 6 P.m, to e pan. starting ting Monday), October TO Ages: 1Q,10,. r40gr . . DUNGANNOH. UNITED CHURCH The :Dungannon . Board of ,Stewards • would. like to thank auctioneer lirindley,„,;,Our auction on Saturday waa :a'great. success. With the help of all who donated vouchers and- articles to our auction We raised over $2l it towards a own*, We could net have . achieved this without all the people Who showed up : to purchase our items. Thank you -for your support, Others who deserve recognition for this day are the UOW ladies for providing the bake Bele and all who dodated food lo be Gold. Donators who did not makelast Week's paper are: Stan, Leegtenbur;,g, Dauphin Feed, Arnold Stothers. Sunset . Goof Course, Helen Dawson and Dunganno n iMachiinery, (Rene Arsenault), If we have missed anyone we :apologize and thank you for your help. Dungannon Board- of Stewards. -0 LEARN AUCTIONEERINGatt eSotuth- western Ontario School ' of AUcctieoneering, Next class: NoveMber g- 15, Information, contact; Southwestern,. Ontario Schooi ofAuctioneer ng. RR s5, Woodstock, Ontario. N4S 7V9. (619) 537-2115. --34bc i 4.. Engagements JEROME-SCHAEFER Sherif-Lyn Jerome and Randy Francis. Schaefer are pleased to announce their forthcoming marriage on October. 5th, 1991 at 3:00 p.m. Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Mildmay, Ontario. Sherri is the daughter of Phyllis Jerome. Lucknow and Wayne Jerome, Relgrave. Handy the son of Francis and Sea Schaefer of, Belmare.--39,40x 46. In Memoriam LEDDY In loving memory of a dear mother, grandmother and great grandmother Gertrude J. teddy, who passed away one year ago October 4, 1990. We do not need a special day, .�► To bring you to our minds . For memories are like a thread of gold, They never tarnish or grow old, A lonely house, an empty chair Something missing everywhere Simple words. butvery true Life's not the same since we lost you: Always remembered and sadly missed by her children.. grandchildren and great-grandchildren: —40x 47. Cards of Thanks KILPATRICK I wish to thank Dr..Shubat, Dr. Flowers, Dr. Omole and nursing staff for .the good care I received while in Wingham Hospital Alsofor cards. visits and treats. Cliff. —40x • CAMPBELL We wish to express our sincere' thanks to everyone who helped make our wedding day such a special event. Thanks to our attendants and ' their friends for all their assistance. Our parents deserve special mention for all their help and airport. Thanks to Gramma Fairish for her help and open- ing her home for,the rehearsal' party. Bev for her many. talents, Rev. Nugent, Karen. Marlyn. Lift., Elaine, Marie, Trin- ity United Church 'Ladies, Lucknow Lions Club, Gerrie and Tom and to everyone else who assisted or offered in any way. We wish to take this oppor- tunity to say Thank You. Your gifts and best wishes were greatly appreciated. Tammy and Robert. —40 LUCKNOW AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY would like to thank everyone who helped to make the 1991 Lucknow Fall Fair a success. The exhibitors, the competitors, the parade entries, the fun - seekers and all those who unselfishly donated their time, gifts; money and expertise. —40ar WHYTOCK We would like to express our 'heartfelt thanks to our fantastic family who organized our 35th wedding anniversary dente. Our thanks 'to all our relatives, friends and neighbours who came to help us celebrate a very happy day. We would also like to say a big thank you for all the Cards, gifts and "flowers that we received. We will always remember this special. time. Lloyd and Roberta. -- 40 Il1IDLAW I would like to thank my friends and relatives for the cards, visits and treats while I was in hospital and since return- ing home. All were greatly appreciated, Special thasks to Cr. Shebat and the nurses in ICU, Ueda. .40x LUCKNOW AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Would like to thank all those who helped make the Pork Carcass competi- tion and auction a success - the pork • producers, ,the very generous buyers, Brian Rintoul, auctioneer - and the Lucknow District Co-op for their con- siderablee support in this first time endeavour. Congratulations to Otto Weberr'fcr having lite Champion rca and: Jim MacKenzie the Reserve Cham- pion. Special thanks to, Lorne Cook for handling all the extra paperwork.--40ar SMYTH We would like to express our sincere hanks to the neighbours. friends, and relatives fer their genuine support dur- ing the recent passing of our daughter- in-law. Cindy. Special thanks tolhose who brought food, when it was very much appreciated•, to oercustgmers and fellow businesses fortheirunderstands ing and offers.of help; to our employees for -their extra effort to keep things going during Barry's and my absence; and to Joan Pollard of MacKenzie McCreath Funeral Home for her patience and guidanceduring the very -confusing and emotional week. Cindy wen ,a. unique person and shall leave a great void, in our hearts. We shall miss her. George and Barb. --40. ' VANOSCH We would like to thank all the participat- ing merchants for the baby. keepsake plate for Kent, This act of kindness Will always be treasured. Thanks, Morris, Janice and Kent. —40x FISHER A sincere thank you to friends and fam- ily for the cards and gifts we received on our 50th Anniversary. They made our day a happy and memorable one.. Mary and Jack. --40x STAPLETON We would like to thank Dr. Long for his excellent care over the past year. A big thanks also to the O.B. nurses for their care. A big ' thank you goes out to Grandma and Grandpa H. for giving Jared a "new" temporary home and for giving the rest of us a home to come. to. The help you have given with Dillon and Jared is greatly appreciated. David and Betty Anne. —40x MARY KAY I would like to thank everyone who took part in my Mary Kay draw at the Lucknow Fall Fair. The winner of the draw Was Dora Alton, Lucknow. Irene Markham. --40 . 48. Coming Events SHUNPIKER MYSTERY TOUR Sunday afternoon, October 6. RegIster from 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. at South Kinloss Presbyterian Church. This is a scenic drive by car to enjoy fall colours. Sponsored by the Presbyterian Young People to raise money to build a cabin at Camp Kintail. —40ar WEDNESDAY NIGHT ' MIXED BOWLING beginning October 2. Anycouple inter- ested nterested in bowling regularly or as spares please contact Bev McNay 395-2201. -- 40x DABBER BINGO Lucknow and District Lions Club, Dab- ber Bingo, every Sunday night, Lucknow Community Centre.. Doors open 6:16 p.m. Bingo at 7:15 p.m. Air conditioned, wheelchair accessible. Potential prize board ,over $30. $1,000 Jackpot on 54 tails or lets, $500 must gol Bonar `T TURKEY. SUPPER Lutow United Church Women are making plana for their annual Tur . • key Supper; It will be held on Tuesday, October .22', Plan now,to attend, -40 TOWN AND COUNTRY BOWLito, will begin: ThursdaypryQpygya'ffteprpn� afternoon ctober3. at 2.p.m, Sew bowlers welcome.. n -4O ECUMENICAL SERVICE A service of divine healing will be held ort Saturday October, 50,110' s p.m. at . . St, Peter's Anglican Church, Lucknow. Speaker - Don Beatty, Order Of ,St, Luke, Everyone r,ielcome. Nurser)/ pro-, vided. --40 TOWN AND COUNTRY SENIORS, meet in the Lucknow.Legion:October''' at 2 pin.. - bring 2 prizes. Ali seniors. welcome -LA0' SOCIAL Ev. NING. for ''Paulett+ ` Lippert and Mike Hunter. October..11, Teeswater ' Comrnunity Centre. 9 ,a m.. 1 p.m. Ticked $5 per person., Lora*, and DJ. -40,41 COMMUNITY SHOWER for. Debbie Greig, bride-to-be of Larry MacPherson will be held ' October 7, 8:30 p.m. at the Mayfair Restaurant. Everyone welcome. --40x Legion Ladies Aux, Br, 109 are present- ing . ;a Microwave Demonstration, by Shirley Couillard. Wednesday Oct. 9. 1991, Goderioh Legion 7:30 p.m Sev- eral draw prizes - one a microwaie, plus others.. Advance` tickets WO. At the door $7:00. Contact 524-8195, 524- • 6534 or 529-7563 for 'tickets. -x40,41 FALL COLOUR TQUR An event for the whole fainily! Plan to attend the Fall ' Colour at Wawanosh. Valley Conservation Area on. Sunday • Oct. 6th from 1 to 4'p.m. Enjoya walk along the Maitland River, a wagon ride through the conservation . area and a' cup of apple cider in the Nature Centre. To mark the 40th 'anniversary- of :the Maitland Valley Conservation. Authority • birthday cake Will also be served. Admission .is free. WirWano`sh is located south of Wingham. west of Highway 4 on Nature Centre Road (Concession 6-7 of East Wawanosh Township). Contact the Authority office for more information 335-3557; —40 , CENTRAL ONTARIO WOOD SHOW October 18-20. Metro East Trade Centre, Brock Road North, Pickering. Seminars, demonstrations, competi- tions, morel Admission $5.00 Cryderman Products (519) 351-8344. -- 40bc 10TH ANNUAL FOREST CITY Nostal- gia and Antique Show and Sale. Canada Building. Western Fairgrounds. London. October 19th, noon - 9 p.m. 20th, 11-6 p.m. 60 dealers, Admission $3.25. (519) 679-1810. --40bc 13th ANNUAL LONDON Arts & Crafts Christmas Show & Sale. Centennial Hall, London, October 25th, noon - 10 p.m. 26th, 11 - 10 p.m. 27th 11-6 p.m. Admission $3. Info. Olga Traher. (519) 679-1810.. --40bc LONDON ANTIQUE AND COLLEC- TORS SHOW, October 5 & 6. Centen- nial Hall, Downtown London. Two floors of exhibits. Admission $3.50, under 12 FREE. Cryderman Productions (519) 351-8344.--39bc FALL MEETING of Ladies Auxiliary to winter sports (booth moms) on Wednesday, October 2 at 7:30 p.m. at Lucknow Arena. "All moms please attendTM. —39,40 86TH BIRTHDAY The family of Clara Crowston invite you to a Come and Go Tea to celebrate her 85th birthday from 2-4 p.m. at Lucknow Presbyterian Church Sunday, October 6. Best wishes only. —39,40 BLYTH LIONS Dabber Bingo every Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Blyth District Community Centre. Jack- pot of $1.000. on 46 numbers. Reducing by $50 on every number called. Mini- mum jackpot $300 must go.--17tfar BINGO Goderich Knights of Columbus, Thurs- days 7:30 pm. Saltford Valley wheel- chair ' accessible, Potential prize board over $3.. $1,000 jackpot on 54 calls or less. $500 must go.- tfnar 1