The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-10-02, Page 2. Pl>liil — Lue o Sentinel, Wednesday, "October 2 1991 _. _.,_ _w.......... �.,.R,�...._.,_ � ....mss. cp spy pMp �ryy +PLAY' `.�A UN .UUI M 0 P L INSTALLED RESIDENTIAL & commenciAL. 35% oDisplay Models 20% off in Stuck WOWS 1 Savings on all.Plant Materia( Looking for some r LARGER` TREES =LARGE EVERGREEN TREES- . *Colorado Blue Spruce 84 QFrrasar ir.5°-8° *Austrian -Pine 5°=T *Norway Spruce S°=7° *Canadian Henrico*k a°4° °Black Hill Spruce W 4l ARGE DECIDUOUS TREES _ 4pairriew Mapie 3" cal eGIenlev:en ,minden 2 ,5I'.° Oat *Emerald Oueen Maple 2;5" cal *Greelispire iI.in eri 2" cai0NonNay Mapie 15 225ft eat spin Oak1.76".2"62.5" cal • . *Crimson King Maple 1,75=2" cat'opall BoktAsh 2' eai;45hadernaster Locust 2".2.5" cal *Tulip Tree 2" eai •Swn 2" eet Burcal 'Redbird Trea &;Shroh FOrro 1.5"x2" cal aPatmore. Ash 2°.CaI'Mountain l i►h t.TSW cel? Qualified Staff To Assist You °ton 24ncilcal2ing . LUCKNOW, ON.TCf 140K -SAT. :,8 00 AM Tit. 5:00 PM CLOSED SUNDAYS NOG 2H0 529"7247 IAE E OPEN HOUSE OCTOBER 4th }&' Sth (Friday & SatulydayJ• "FREE o!m make it and take it Great Ideas for Costumes - and Decorating Buy a Simplicity Hallowe'en` Pattern and receive 20% off your entire purchase. TheSewingBox Lucknow 524.2000, .Christine Goodhue was named the 1991 **sail* * Of the M Fair Pe was crownedil:as*Ptithilevening by'ias( year's .ambas O- dor, Tammy Fludder, Emily ire photo) .......,.. .•.x �,�, -:m. s -•.:.r. Lerki ip L(JCKNQW AS CA.A,� 5-00� We.Reserve°The Right To Limit Quantities To Normal Family Requirements Arden Cocktail or Tomato Clam 796 mL Glass Fafc 12 oa. STOKELY Ass't. Varieties rtited. project i The results of the study conduct ur Huron County., by the project sniff of the United Way, were so favourable that the steering commit- tee has decided to proceed toward forming a United Way in Huron County, making it the 124th in. Canada. At a recent meeting Dr. James Brown was named -chairperson for the steering committee.. The next step is to elect a board pf directors and to prepare a cam- paign. Letters will. be going outto possible, member agencies in the near lutare. The, 'project staff.` and United Way , Sarkuia Lambton will continue to assist in this endeavour in Huron County. Anyone who is interested. •in volunteering to assist the United Way, either with committees or campaigns,is invitedto contact the. United Way iroject staff at 482- 7643. ANADA,DRY ft rinks 24x355m1 Tins NABOB TRADITION Vac Pac 300 g. ,ROYALE .:- 2 Ply 8 Roll Pkg. thraorrm .she KNECHTEL rr 444 3 x 250 mi Tetras HUMPTY1DUMPTY 180/190 g, Bag Potato Chips 'With This Coupon SAVE 1.O6off the Purchase 1of 3-900 g. ;LANCIA: {PASTA . ;Special Price w/o Coupon 3/2.99 L0r ExpirsSt. Ot. 5/91 1 with �. this Coupon 3 i With . This, Coupon SAVE .20 off the Purchase. 11-28 oz:. Tin • • "BRAVO 'SPAGHETTI .7 ;SAUCE • - ISpecral Price w/o Coupon .99' 'Offer Expires Sat, Oct. 5/91 SUCCESS 1©oz. lin with 1 this ,•coupons 1.080.3950 1 :.i1i �.YiW rail Juice or Drinks Mandarin btan �es • MAPLE LEAF Swept Pickled Cryovac 4.39 Kg. Cottage Its SCHNEIDERS 484 g. Pkg. Beef teakettes FRESH, YOUNG, ONTARIO PORK • 4.83 Kg. ■�/`r lb. Side Spare Ribs PART BACK ATTACHED 1.74 Kg. Chicken Legs PRODUCE Or ONTARIO CANADA #1 Fresh, Crisp Ib. -PRODUCT OF U.S.A. Nb: -1 dRADE Swpetr Red 2.18 its. elery 1h. PRODUCT • F ONTARIO CANADA #1 Fresh, Green Cabbage PRODUCT OF OC TARIO Fresh • . Romaine -ettuce emoving nits its time consuming job from page l nits may_survive the treatment. This is a time consuming job and it may take more than one sitting to complete the removal. ▪ Clothing, bedding, towels and hats should be washed in hot soapy water. Nonwashable items can be tumbled in , a :hot dryer for til to. 15 minutes . or illy - cleaned. If this is itot possible, nonwashables should be sealed in an air tight bag for two weeks. • Vacuum carpets and furniture. Shampooing,. washing and cleaning" are most effective when done at the same time, • Recheck your family's hair to ensue it. tenants s free of nits.. Pot The first two weeks check daily. Afterwards, continue to 'check" children weekly. - Report a mos to your child's school, and to parents of other children who may have had close contact with your child - outside the school. Detailed information is available from your local health unit on the control and preven- tion of head lice. 9 live nits are commonly found near the scalp - regular shampoo will not kill lice - head lice treatment on someone who does not have head lice will not prevent an infestation. How to check Weekly -checks ;for lice will help find a problem early. Stand by a window or strong light and check your child's ENTIRE scalp, especially the back of the neck and around the ears. Nits look like dandruff but are fiim 1y attached to the hair. They are easier to see than lice. If nits are found, all household members should be checked. Daily head checks are important when there is a known infestation in the school. Treatment A variety of pediculicidal treatments are available to treat head lice. Be sure to the follow the directions carefully. - Clean all, combs and brushes with the pediculicide treatment or in hot water 150 degrees F for 10 minutes. • Remove all nits with your fingers or a nit comb and place in the garbage. This takes a lot of time, but is necessary as some Kinloss byiaw clarified, from page property , standards bylaw,as reported in the September 1.1 issue Of the Sentinel, was slightly in error as to process. The correct ,procedure to be followed is: a written complaint is received by the clerk 'treasurer, who itt turn contacts the bylaw enforcement officer. Ile then. makes an on-site visit. If the complaint is valid, the enforcement i officer thein issues a written notice to rho property owner, who is given a certain length of time to clean up the property or appeal If the decision is appealed, the Property Standards 'Committee will then be contacted and they will decide if it was a valid complaint. Failure to comply with the notice will result itt the debris being removed and the property owner billed for the cost. Council's next regular mekting is October 1, at 7:30 p.m. i I;