The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-09-25, Page 7Former Sentinel editor wri es ntyste It U be a da and storeynight psyeide v Pau and a Member when the lights go out at the Stilton of the town.s, ° founding Public Library. A crack of light- "Mayor Ab Shiftlyp�p,� �y • lung. the of - heavy books and i fu I.m. is derr cited for the n murder to solve, Blytlf's annum • Slyth Festival is the fourth planned ed. murder mystery dinner theatre has homicide at Blyth Memorial ? afl becomean increasingly e. popular •says Jane Gardner. Director of fund raising event and this- years Communications at the Blyth Pesti- offfn,� g, The t Chapters should val. "In the past we've had political have.. audiences flipping to the back murders. a thriller atsualluereamp page to find out whodunit, Written and a bloody college remkin.' by Rob Bundy, Mu nler at the Std- Everyone in the audience gets a ton Public L ter willrary, - �taLast C = chance to solve the murder and. help �i b � .be performed ut Blyth money for a very: why. Memorial Hall on Ptida ,Acrocommunity " ' . y� p , p�rojecty There's . 25 and Saturdays : October , with . expropriation of 'town, funds dinner' included in the $25.00 ticket.scienceq■ ■or. experiment , . 1!MfT..l�. that �o� ��.1*Q'... All proceed go toe the Blyth Eesti. ribly wrong, an unknowing '"T���heir to val Capital Campaign. a family' fortune and fmes for the The play Centers around' the fate return of: books to keep audi shelves of . books at the Stilton ence members ` wondering.just Public Library,` watched. over lov- who'll `set it, and who did id It's ingly by head librarian Thelma your jobto curie dressed as your Shuster. The cast of characters who favourite literary character and frequent Thelma s library include participate in' an-evenin g , where, Folly Piddlewhip and her son Paul - Wore .than the library booki get the adolescent Bingen)* gruunpy'old "checked one Goma Benderknob, romance novel Featured in this u'bxary mystery Maude Hackerty, Police arra myth reaiduntts Laurel pacts as Chief Eudford Niggly,. bbmry board the Stilton Librarian • and Duncan chairman Dewey Dewitt, tUWn McGregor as the police chief,. Fmm Clinton, Donde Pugh plays the nadlycan lance tern with SandyStuartMarian the libr9 y board Warm Man 4 e ddlewhipfs fretful mother and G� est.as the loaner councillor who is. aeeused of expropriating' library' funds. Writer Rob Bim. from. Hof n l Sys: the Iowa �,9 psychic and the Blyth h stivaPs Writer -In -Res de ety Sean Dixon (author ;oJ, Blyyttes successful pro- duction o- d tion of :T e. End of the World Romance) plays young , Paul lkrlewbifr, g i Murder at ' he :. Stilton PUSio Library m; The 'LastChap r which is sponsored by Rowe. Pols' Linn: 1, is scheduled to lake to the moment. of Memcwial �f Octoltgr 25 t . 26, 1991. The script vi ldccb is be kepi under wraps until the last rmute, is:currently in the hands of Rob Bundy and his cast of ch• ters. Tickets are on: saie,now'at the Blyth Festival Box Office, so rake your a udon now• ng .; (519) 523-9300. up.,.!easma. "lt's the end of my :first . season as crowds at Theatre Passe 1Vluraille in der . triad', in a small town and a --- sac hector the-tl esti- 1'ownto-where- it-widl= ear~ -until- "sellliur o� wl ,moi val and I'd sayit was a great suc- mid-October and a new production Williams,; Bill Dow, Kate, Lynn' cess," says Peter Smith. "We wig' take place in Halifax on thea Neil' -Foster and Peter Smith brought in over $530,000 at the stage of the Neptune;' Theatre writer being one of the sources o Box office - our biggestding story," income (directed by James Roy, founding : u'Y� says Smith, "we are attempts y. ever, and the Ted Johns comedy, artistic director of the' Blyth Festa- - ing to explore the ,best way^ato: sup Two Brothers drew over 1,0 000 val). port- them. -'bore are tear people to Blyth- Memorial. --Smith adds that. "the;'�'ou>sng Com- m 'ethcxls: And. these are Layne Coleman's political parry this year' -created a'eollective . dlscard$•.thoughtlessly « butsif we Barbershop Quartet enjoyed 90 under : the fantastic direction ` of ' are attempting to excite and be percent houses overall. Althou�t h . Jennifer Brenn . . ' 00000 n It xwas a be&tlti�ul excited;an examination of .hour our attendance of nearly 40, show. Every so often a happenins do �t must octxiur. It is • starting to people is down seven percent from occurs - by that I mean an expert- here„n -• last year, the prertniere of Sean ewe that touches an : audience as .• Cornflower Blue by Kelly Rebar Dixon's • The End of the World deeply as the performers. This Romance brought in a fresh' new summer that pend here.” continual to wind i� way -to 32 audience to Blyth. As' a result of Workshops of new:a dm - visits ` In ' Qnta>cio and Manitoba Ply' visits from manyartistic directors after' . i� tinned throughout July and August:'enjoying attendance figures of. across -this country, R o' mance will Included were James Re°ane y's y.. % this s_.'e ason, close Prairie• Theatre Exchange's Tei bIe Sword Anne a tsea rs1n' pegin 1992Cri lett's Ya eNtitions, Eli ith Nichol's The Stone Angel - the ' Palmer's The Persons Case,: Robert adaptation of Margaret;: Laurence's Clinton's My' . Last ° Wif..e: Keith - classic novel isenjoying capacity Roulstnn's piece examining a mar='. Lucktuw Sentinel, Wednesda KARATE ck.OB first Degree BiEck Bel instructor 10 week course starling, tirsdat. Doti 3/ 7:00.PM ' . lapstairs at theArena z Ages 14 yrsilo. Adult 135000 Per Penton Contact, Greg Nicholson Arena Mondayto Friday .83002 to register NOTE° who* 'or 10'1)00 00 requiredby Ftp Sept /91, for this dib'°b prated • September 25,1081 i' . Page 7 UUNOW DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE, poina_1 sows* .yamp9�' � 29,1991, • Septlionber Dianne Brooms &Dean Ouvall'. eatordoVlctober5 tualotow Lions,OCTOSERFEST OPEN DATE 4OPTEPABEF4 Friday .a • , �}pp'OCTOBER . if( ays 4, - 11 "�,•1 ` :ata ay iia • •ONLY CALL. X532, FTstorx book committee needs your help with project The West Wawanosh .. History • Book ,committee, and researchers, have been' -busy compiling farm, and family histories, over the sum- mer. What is still ,needed >s public= input and a search for old photos, and tidbits. Eileen }ianna„chairperson for the committee,'has sent Out word that a search is itegessaty for scrapbooks, boxes of journals, even old cook- books that Gramma may have. slipped favorite clippings of family events into . o • •: Whet you are -looking formay bor of little interest youbut would; an invaluabio mouton of.data for thea conaidttee, Something as simple as an' old bo chocolate at f of pingscold an infortnati :g ort �o' mln 11967,aaada'sta enter ii young, ° and. old °.kept'. scrapbooks of events that 6601010d in theirlives`as well as that of their . country.' It is this round of -Material that members of ' the committee would be unlighted to 'have. accost .11 HEART AND STROKE rOUNUATION Of ONTARIO Improving your odds against Canada's #1 killer • to. If you come ' across: ,a few clip- pings,'or a box of information, call Marion Zinn at 528-3710 or Rhea Hamilton Seeger at Your material will be reeturned in 30 days. MARK NG, PHOTOS Be careful show youmark old photos,.Pen acid some markers will shoal .through f om.:back to. front and effectrvely damage the photo. Ideally, amalt label tiled on the back allows Spacefor writing,. and Will ntat altow' markings •` to b , thigh toll* front of the Flour If labels are not avaihtbier the: fe r !nano', n should he written in :Abe -Marginarea on the back. The eomnntitree has had . . family trees submitted and fnmiilnea °fru WestWawanoslr should consider. hang upluodate pichires takertUf "their immediate family ;�fot `sub' mission. • Ow 'history- never ends but con- tmttes on with our children. It pelts in Your Mouth, but. Whet A Your Arteries? Canadians enjoy food, but sometimes that food contains too much fat. If you could make only one choice to improve your diet, the best ono you could make is to lower the arnount of fat*.eat, - • The health of your heart dependds on it. IF& Moo bitotentation rt tMMtt y *Moto cwt your tai oltaltor of then► Hoot Mut Stroke)Orottrolation of onto, ; You Are• nvited, To The j r , RAF* FESTIVAL at the - O Goderich ' Corr nonity Centre dhrie T llc, Ontario (Just on Hwy. 8 btttvctn' CrOprich a Clinton) Display and .S are of Chats Knitting Ceramics - Wreaths - Wood Crafts - Mop Dolls Jew deity (Organic) Assorted Breads & Mihir o Chocolates, Horne -made Janis & Jellies Paintings (China, Cil and Tole) - 1 oduce and much ,, muchMore. ht L.chea & y* October 4, it•.a.m g p.m, eobnts Avolloble astetdity, October 5, 10 * 5 pm. ►Cor emery,. October e, 1 a b° 5 p • , '-'•L.- V'. " Y WYri.7.. 11 •