The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-09-18, Page 4P4ge '4 Ludlow �IOWA WeduesdaYp September $ IN`s • .mss ' .-..-M.;boll ..,,, Pib l woolly by[��� *wilier �r i dip Q iingUla t t eqe 1.1407-$113,00t,y� {P Q.. box 40%• �F ern.#tat ie f�' HQ' ' 520 ? Fax (51 ) 62S-3520 Established. ia7 Thomas Thompson,— Advertising Manager, Pat. Livin t n - GeneralManager Editor:, Subscription rates advance: .Lgai Regular° ia nus 1.26 OAT.- 1or Local Senior sit # A plus ta tGS.T 04 le Local - � � 7.air�. .�derichp Harm�'a�: �rp tailtr'.plus G. AL43tArea (40 miles) sr plus postage i14s 0.$. T 'Foreigt9+A % , u lic tion _ mail registration n&0847 held at l.ucknow„ Ont. . Cha es off.addres ordersfor eubsc i ions i•.e.. , : �i. �,9 � , $ r,pt , , and s�in��l varr�i�lo pep (return postage guaranteed)are to be sent to; .t ucknow $entin l et . :a th above . rye act reAdvertising i s od ontheconditionrnevent , � , thatin the;fie t t a or C a h . i aerror,the ort`° • 1f portion the advertising du rtsn space . c .i .b � .. � R, ,pa e . g sRa occ up eon y th erroneous item together with a reasonable allowance •fcir signature, will no be charged for, but the balance of the advertisement will be paid at th applicable rates. I t y Pat LMh19StOTl 'You know°the old adage ache/She y the ends ofKelloggs . bias to cbild d * Well. t n s ce� way tilat never presumed that line would be tly' ves the eater of same ed,wh n refuting to he love of some sudden burst of en ymen . yet!.n . ,to ��1e� at least not I mean- �k�[� 'this �'t� ��aste justl because s snow en his , budsCannot be received'from a rooftop„ don't *eon his_ mind . no -name brand! has turned to nsh, but: for sole while the lecture -was going. on, r�n�. he's.getthn n lido fml . °t l edrover check if my (Wender how: many brow) wasrunning a. high fever° I • pests T lose.' on this one?) rnea ,may, if l si ly Recently, before retiring oaa: hey don't taste as„'good!' evening, he deckled to have aprobably would, alt, have arg c bowl nrr cereal rt ade' from e$' Canadian cora).When be p,' e the lox from the cups he politely informed me, that in e future, he would appreciate if I would. buy only Kelloggs corn e" flakes! Well;, pardon mei' I`ltept my cool and politely asked.what the difference Wass., Altera', the b box I:�h d pur`eha was: en. le and. to me corn. is corn flakes! =�� 'twoaltal ,td sefati lowed on'Ke►a o�thet of `corn flakes.lloggs Dido yon i :Ielloggs` corn: flames: -ownspecial- shiape°on Agricultur� in trouble ed� it_a. A u o en . ;�aVeeiC . s of. ani �uiahi . sad commentary for the agricuituraii, Indust ry but •oneihat was eit- rated bythe speakers last week's meeting"A�•Line t►p In the€ Dirt', •held here; io Luckno . ' Over 1:oao `people 856 ariners, .y'04°'cons imers and business ,persons lammed the Community Centro to listen•, to presentations ' outlining the ,crisis facing the -fanning, Industry *day. ° , . As a former t ember of the farming'community, I could only,: • too, easily gs. Identify with the strong feelings Outrage felt.' by. these nYe � Out, I•question how marY tenite�truly understand today's'situatien- in the agrleol lra1,ind• l y . As Paul Fr'ayne said, "People only :appreet nt the form*. when they go to the store and, there .no food!" biome siness people in farm communities1ealiz6what the Op*: will be on them if farmers do net receive thte d perately needed- aid they seek. ' chose` who are not from a ,farm' background; more ,than likely do not uinrstand why this crisisr situation has arisen. fin this week's fir, there :are: sever l stories explaining thile: if you have urba rite•relatives . or friends why not clip these articles and send onto be read. We Must got 0001 100 myth ihat;f ermersare always Standing _. there with their hands' out waiting far sidies.. Urbanites must. understand` why�our farmers are making this iast.dbch f4, attempt to get °potrernmental� attention. Until they de, It will be a small number of them who will throw their support, ►hind.• the farmers, rs, 'who represent 2.4 per #ctrl, of the populati00 giving them the clout they need to 'deal with our eieted' politicians. Bev Hill, a cash crop farmer from Varna, provIdoct.someprovided interesting, albeit depressing figures on the purchasing; power of a bushel of corn. in 1978 It took 9,00010 buy a 100 hp tractor. In 1geo thhe identical tractor took .114000 i0001fe s• of corn to purchase. Aconbine'prurchased;In 1978 18,9uo 0 bushels of corn, skyrocketed to a cost of MOO I ushels` In 1988. Y •t Doug Scott, a fourth-generat%Ashfield Township far`rher told the crowd that he, has a►n friveitni001. of a qUarter ot million dollartt. and In 1890 his ret Haeme levet was under:' $4,000, which, places hisfeimily well belowthe poverty level. His wife, whotook off 'the fart employment, has ..an •in- vestment of in a car 'and a. plastic 'lunch pail, netted grin substantially higher townie,: Si Much ao that She Vial him, as a dependant. is it any wonder that the:.optlnrrism of farriers has revolted d , t0 the int, :whirs thi haw u' � � iM. r, ,intmorning,"f r1 ood od sretire ��� n �� �. ha9i� . , T. i 9i. , As Jack 'Wilkinson, first v10,0 the Ontario` Federation' of A riculture id, °it is 'a sad state.Of` affairs when a fanner winds down his operation,�goes' oh welfar � and his -standard of hiring• gotta up€"'• •n Brian 'Ireland of Odeon's Bush .,Ministry!', an organiztion • involved with "punting fractured farm lives back lOgetthor. gave frightening examples of how the di astrrous financial picture faced by farmers today halt become a moral issue as. well When farmers plan tliiir own dith by accident ,in' the belief their families wilt be; tern off, we must all agree with Mr. Ireland's statement, °This human tragedy'cannot be allowed to continue." Farmerst have drawn a line in the dlrf i will we stand behind. thorn (ow Being of the temperament I am, •I'4ecided to tryand refute some"e bisbeefs. I started with, "The si and shapearc,not important; y©i 'riuthem ."in hot water anyway and it, all turns to mush! What does it' matter if the ends aren't curled up? Since when did. you Mme a connoisseur of corn flakes?" t imply stow nth listening tirade, af►d quietl zm: just doesn't have the' same, as Kell.` s. ? Ithou ht4 ll When>:refer to.hrn: .mo rands rands bran{ ow°that '` a v r• a their s? Dict WOOlelt Who either have it or rtrtl. When welled finished our `t •ussion" Oltvont flakes, rear it boiled dow.w , fact tlsat,when'ae was.•<a little limn at coxae* his mommy only urchased' KEILOCiOS", CORN S!; Believing we had ended, , conversation, % left hint` rying" over •his ,nc-fit ;own des and decided tooff to bed, AS I. #. :sem down the hallway, ;he said, h°, by the' viay.`.1 wo ildni't'r)mind having �r edded wheat at for a change* a,` don't' buy -those ;. tluinthe �$# wantthing." As I slipped between the sheets, the TV commercial featring "may", the .thetitlthat will eat anything, flashed through my mind. I wonder if that kid will be as -pernickety when• he grows up � � + orfla battle"j5. =a over: yet. If anyone .has. an empty. Kelloggscornflakes box, please drop it off at the Office 1 f ly a�ntend; to, ,Put to ' s °se's p Y Y i�dS..t�► the ultimate �stl • Everybody .treets xEv rybod , Lucke** Pair. 800„, •Palmer'. u 0 sn : � ► be there.; >. Can -eiv'the • ekiddiee:y they :MesrryRo+Go nd. Practice 'marksmanship Gln the sheet- ing i+ungle, 'fe years age et her,.2t,.1921 D aIIybath.ban h tubercetos -: - " ` every one took a daily , hotlortuberculosis vurl �d would from: the World, as Ls d beingah. itt e United Star A dail is a g oer factorforthepr ervatinn of health 'than all 'the ' medicine ever brewed tot Conco d. The h, a•of this town where we are Meeting. should: e- mount 'slogan of every.;phystciian !it the world." 'Sten WaS thegist of an :address delivered;: . Ba, England,' at a' Conference of the Sanitary spec tors', Associion. by the president:, James . Cricihton-Brown. lfo insisted that he believed the English. be a best w eed peoplefa Europe, but outside of Europe they were'..being .hard ;press by. 'the United States and exceeded by Japand 1."Wo have still along� way to go, bowev`cr , he .said, before we attain a proper standard of personal cleanliness,moves from the, blight of unwshedncss ueath by , the MiddleAges. Have the time of your .life in Penny Arcade. Von one Come all and enjoy youtc selves. ~ TheOu`.attracti cilli big leer+ from Tuesday. • Sept; .27 eon Sat. • Oct": 1st, i>tidrsiv�, . ymber, -Z921) �� eu ago . . r , • y o September 14, Closes barber shop .- Jack Campbell, local barrer, , closed his shop here for the duration of the war having signed _ ups -for active service with d: 99th Battery, Win° gHallux which ..recently mobilized. Jackhas�isp�s� of, or stored his equipment and has vacated the shop. Local curate to be ordained this month Rev. C.Ws Mixer„ acting curate , of St. Peters' Ariggetin Church, and + fiat d parishes, will be ordained on Sun"- day, run-da , September , after which he will :flume his duties as curate at St. James Cathedral. . 25 years ago September 21, 1966 T , couples on Holland trip Three couples left the first of week for a' tent, day visit to Holland. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Simpson (EtbthElliott) of Loelndsh, MC and Mrs. ten McFarlane (Betty Elliott) of Kincardine and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Elliott of Fine River went to Moal by inandnt b plane. frontrem. mon- -can weor ►y. y �e t eoeples:lento be away for ten days. The trip is atranged by the Dutch Lamin 'for relatives of servicemen buried in Holland, while • serving in the war. fie Elliott, a brother of the'twa 'ladies and Jim, lest hislife , 'e, ri, e in � � �' World � andis buried in a Military eery them, His mother made there to Holland sonic time ago and visited the 'cemetery. ° 10 years ago September 16, 19 1 Names Miss Lucknow Pair o� Paula Murray, 17, of R. 1, Hol , was trowned of the ektiOW Fall Pair at the annital pageant herd at the Lucow Com- mmuty Couto Sammy, owcning, Bleycrl ladies participated for the honour of representn the fuclomw Agricultural Society at this weekend's fair.