The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-09-11, Page 15Weather conditions were roger the annual Luc owe Labour Merchants la 'hoivihig tournament old 2. A liood number of taitherisert groups 'arty ear-old-Chris-}Scullion.of Kitchener, aloe t his'dad," fit . who` was sizing 1r,butch.: Tbw second year h� t" o� xu �:a Q RJ a b vui►gs" p_ ()cleric duo mains Labour" n � Day tourngy ;'lie Ryan and Dave (lough, of 44oderich were the winnl's of the Luclmow: Labour Day Merchants tournament. Other three game win; nem were T Gardners London;- - Jim . Deev4rInk, over: Ken putps rink, Luck4. now; Art Finlayson rink, seaftoak Walter Westbr► k's rte;. itiii hells and Tack`; Tre ven.'s, rink, Tfuck The winners of :he Ladles Pair's torment at the Lucknow Lawn Bowling Clubontepte L 4 were threegame, ",w lei , Lois' writes, Clinton; Eileen Ada tso ! oath, -and highest two e ; rin Grace Scrnima o od+ f%hxxJane Treleaven Lug ow• Lucow dead Matie s Win ham �. e^.onso. 1 th c atxon prize goingtO Vera Lindner; A Utak ow Sentinels Wednesday, SePtember it 1 , Pag Motorcycle raises Over for. Lodge The 4th Annual Participation Lodge Motorcycle Rally reached a new hightbis yam° raising .Sg.276. Members of the Oeorgian Lakeland. Touring Club and the Raley Owners roup were joined by other bikers in a 160 km.''scenic ``tour of Grey -Bruce, in an effort. to ra4 public awareness about the age avid provide*fmanciat support for its work with `the physically c%1 Raged,' Top pledge. ever for "this year's fu dr " ereo first Lloyd and Bea Wilton, le er n, 1,07$.50; second place, Dieter and Ruby Scan, hatsworth 805; and Bill and mon kedpath,, Lie towef. y • Poker hand winner's. mcfnd`ed, Sea `. Wilton, F'l sherton;, `. ,Schoen, inimins and alis# cevilie, ,M • Schoen was- ft}r. attending drivzreatet distance. ec1abb Director of vel,Ap cn sl d that '"this atr- 1 o fa�n i e. zh LISTOWEL CAR CITY * LISTOWEL CAR CITY • LISTOWEL CAR CITY ive Them aBreak Campaign; to- . prow dde .services for the many visitors conning to the Lodge. Even with a down economy. the bikers died this year to go over last yea .'s tOtal by 22 peg cent. For this we ate very pleased and thanttla. 1t year's 'lly is scheduled for August 23, Anyone wishing , to contribute for this year may mail, oins .: cr Participation Lodge dive - 'hemi a - Break, Bo 139, HollandCentre, Ontario* NOR 11(0 rtelephone the Lodge at 794 for more details. A :1.3 C4 � �. �n�{�, k. can . ori# `' .. � . . '^t Lx er a or ne. 1 a a' and confidential confiden aerviCe101 h. plenty of tutors an supplies due to =die generous»donations from the uron Lakeshore.'" .....; . �.., .,., .q a. . t.on- l�ruce oq��y 13%srr ►ith the Kinsmen as a haekup. The s student 'and. their tutor -:from the este year are very ple1ssed'with fihea p�ogress and:. Would be very `happ tit•help' Others. Don't F'be afraid. to ask for, help, its only a phone call away :"Tip of the week; n'lave° cifers tea. 4a you have any news or information for "'this Point dark. Column .pleaFridaseycalf. ''hyllis fiteid by.; noon +nn is on on we're r c r too=Year "deals.: 17 - PRELUDES. l P -REL ESjg .be: so to " r tt Your' O rr A i ire -"stock ter co rng 8 "v Lifetime! . .:Pedeern bio upon pi inch aslrig any dew_ of used vehicle from Car City • Honda. Iistowoi , Make Out bo eat. & thea present this coupon to:quoli , A one4day. wining school to team abouticte ltheapedloSw, torpitsheadnsegeciosnsrgidmw.i ll wantreagroietmldenxn **time to•sendtwo and c in a roux Will be among :o epics c+overed; Au". orgy :yup. service club or nfo groups are welcome .to clpatc .in t o►urs. The groups pay to send the' iwo leaders and these 'leaders in turn � pass On the.infor nation tothe' ir,groups. course, has beenwritten by and the training;. schools will be` present by Vie. • "lines• Elbrougl B.A.Sc, and h r: ► a ► l esu 1 ►.S nwho..lives' e�ai lrttwood dot` more inforinatiorr on the east and to resetve a plate .at the training school eontt Mahon wry', R. Ri. Kincardine, N2` 04, 'f will be held Sundayie , September 1ST; at the Tom' • water Lions Park from °2 to 4 p.m.: 'The fun day kicks off with a "be- - &h .d&h t' volleyball" game at 2 p.m. All 441 fannies and friends are invited to the barbecue. leverages and a hot grill are being provided bLy the Bruce County 441 Youth ouneil. Bring your own food and dishes. Conic prepared to have fun and mike new 441 friends. for more ufoiratiod: call Cindy Fief 392- 6577 or Brite Ball at the OMAF office 14.65O.