The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-09-11, Page 8Pa 8 Luelme* Sentiael WedueStilix SePteMber 1.14 el I give you the. s: off ourback! X From September 6h to September 15 ........,Anw.,==.4=n-awcoweim=aravoal...twagtzweamympsktvw.;;;;. OVER $300,000 OF• SOLID WOOD FURNITURE MUST CLEAR. =3.121..--74..mat.mm=3.4.:Itnu&A,Km UP TO HOUSE ag011 6 ON ALL CLASSIC FURNITURE 51=10XISCVAINC=1,12AUDIM12'.:=1===.1i.-3311ZUSi= AZSO.ViSIT OUR 40,000 SQ. Fr INSIDE COUNTRY mOce77,_,,_. VISITOUR pCNEStEY PINT . .WENNONITE COWRY 5 - '7th STREET, CHESLEY; ONT. TEL (519) 363-2666 OPEN MONDAY • SATURDAY a - S P.M.; SUNDAY 12 NOON - 5 P.M. IN IISTORIC IN HISTORIC IAENNOWIE COUNTRY itechurch fol ofogrodations to Murray and kuri SinipSOU QII the auival of a sort? on Aususg 28, . Lt.lowel Hovital, a wee brother for Ala. Rachael ands testie Elliott of Brussels spent last week with their grandparents, Me. and Mrs. Walter Elliott, On Sundays, Mr. and 1Virs. Paul Laidlaw of Dorchester visited. A Joint bridal shower was held. at the home of Beverley Yundt, of Icineardine. nn Sunday, for Debbie Greig, bride of Larq McPherson and Lisa Campbell, of London. Their weddings take place this fall. Attending were Ruth and Michele Laidlaw, of Dorchester, Crystal, Nicole, Karen and Kathleen Elliott, Rachael and Leslie ELIliott of Brus- els. Mr. and Mrs. Don Ross visited s welcom. e Siziipson-:addition atid Harty Gutoside: HITECHURCH Nell* 414 )444c/i by Jean Ross visited last Thursday. with Norma Rintoul. inememonsionowomainuornmi • ' Sunday withi lido Farrar and Janet Mr988d141-59.* "114.14 Atli* - of Kitchener. We.10 Sunday visitors with Don and • , Mr. and hlitS, Elmer Sleighthollea Jean RQs$4 Went the weeken4 with Mr. and Jean Ross and Helen Oxide, Mrs. Elgin Sleightholm, of St. members. of the Whitechurch Thonms. Institute, looked after .the lunch Fern Pollock of Stratford visited a hen* -SatattlaY, at the Auction few days last week with Mildred laie -of W. and Ru$Sel. McClenaghan. • McGuire. at Hutton Heights. Win - Mr. and mrs. Gordon Campbell sham. , • - and Heather, of Ancaster and Julie : mr. and Mrs. Russel. Chapnian Oberholtzer, of Waterloo, visited last weekend with Norma Rintoul. attended the 50th weddinganniver- Jeff Oberholtzer of Waterloo spent aati of Dik. and Mrs. Roy Smith, at last week at the home of Mr. and the Mennonite Church, in Hanover, Mrs. Neil Rintoul. recently. Guest speaker shares missionary experiences .with South Kinloss WMS Tuesday evening, September 3 presented by Mary Lavis on the sung. Margaret Hamilton gave a Elizabeth Dickie was hostess for the Nature and the Wonders of Cre- reading entitled, The World's Bible, South Kinloss W.M.S. meeting. ation. Taking scripture readings The courtesies were given by Vera Directors were Florence McConnell, throughout the study added depth to Schmidt and responded to warmly Vera Schmidt and Mary Lavis. the presentation. by Elizabeth Dickie. Florence Guest speaker was Mary The offering was collected and McConnell led the closing, prayer. MacKenzie, sister of Florence the offertory - prayer heard from McConnell. ' Doris MacKinnon. Prayer Circle fellowship shared. Grace was sung before lunch and Peesiaenteitutbellelleeweicomed.ehichtded------Vera--Sclunidtee-eirene---Oik- nexi meeting of . Thank- ._ .............. ...-pn all Ii attendance. Special ifisitor, Dickie and Margaret liamiltOrt with efeeting;will„be Wednesday, Octo- was-IVfinnie MacDougall. Ruth read . readings from an inspjrational book bet . 2 - at 67130 -p.M. Our - guest in her greeting from the•Glad Tid:. of poems. Hymn, Ged:''Moves in a • speaker -will be Bette Sergeant from ings, Winds of Change, followed Mysterious Waywassung. the organization "Sleeping Children PmYer• . Margaret Hamilton and Tra-Dickie Around the World." This project For the Beauty of the- Earth was entertained with several old -tune , • 6. .. sung before the business was con- piecekon Piano and violin. has been supported through our ducted. The minutes of the July /710rence McConnell introduced 0111) gime Jan • All felbw Meeting were read by secretary, her sister and guest missionary, rirtaeunPda. are c°1.diallY invi- ted t° Ann MacDougall. The treasurer's Mary MacKenzie who upon retire- . report was given by Doris ment chose to teach in Africa tinder • MacKinnon. the SIM -organization. Tier slide - What unusual coincidence has been noted about the names- of - the Interesting articles from the Glad presentation and speech were most Tidings were overviewed by Ruth enjoyed. There were ‘alth articles secretaries who served Presidents Lincoln and KennedY? " 1 Bell before roll call, whichwas from Africa on display. Mary Lavis • answered by a Missionaries' name and Ruth Bell thanked her for her and station. -. most informative discourse. •• Lincoln's secretary was named Kennedy (John); Kennedy's was The Bible Study was. very capably Hymn, 0 Safe to the ReFk .. was e nanied Lincoln (Evelyn), , . • 6-.•,•,, • 00 's. We go the e tra distance to - . .. ..A. , Wen ..you're ready to harvest, you can count. 6,tiVook's to handle your crop efficiently: With 8 branches, and 11 licensed white bean satellites, we're well positioned to,get you unloaded fast and back to the field. And when it comes to marketing your Crop, Cook's international connections can give you a Competitive edge. We'll keep you informed of world supply and demand to help you market it for maximum returns. ' This fall bring your crop to Cook's. We'll go the extra mile to help make your harvest a profitable one. • Division 6f-Parti$11& lielnibeeker, Limited . • , Hensall 1/45T9T4262-2410 kirkton c519 229-8986 A rnberley -(514) Z7195-360 1 Parkhill (519) 294.6256 • Ceritealia (519) 228-6601 Walton (519) 527-1540 Arwood (519) 356-2292 BeechwoOd 519) 232-4281 Licensed White Bean Satellites: • Beeton: Simcoe District Co -Operative 6 Bornholm: Fra -Laine Farms Ltd. 6 Burgessville: Homeland Grain inc. • Caledon East: Mayfield Elevators * Dashwood: Harold Schroeder Milling Co. L. Dublin: Dublin Feed Mill Ltd. • Kerwood: Glencoe Grain & Seed Company* Maxville: MacEwen Grain Inc. • Milverton: Topnotch Feeds Ltd."* Stouffville: St. Lawrence Grains Ltd. • Trenton: Trenton Grain -Elevator *Division of Parrish &T. Heicribqc.lzer, Limited of Jams Riehaidson Cz, Sons Ltd, "Whereyou can trade with coly cience." REMIN Residents of the Townships of Ashfield, Colborne, Goderich, Stanley, .the Town of Goderich, and the Villge of Bayfield. You are 'invited to the fourth meeting on WEST HURON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - • .Wednesday, September 18th, 1991, 7:30 p.m. Goderich' District Collegiate Institute, in the Cafeteria (fordetails caHC. Leeming 9Ministry ®1 or Q. FiSh,er at 524-2188). ,lakLic=crie Oman° • ONE WEEK ONLY • ONLY WEEK ONLY • ONE WEER ONLY FALL LUBE S LE ° SEPTEMBER 16/91 IULLWEEKS EN EDWARD FUELS is offering you great savings on four quality Shell products you n'eed, right now; when you really need them. Including... RotelOT0R 'y: YOU SAVE PtA LITRE SAVE $41 i /DRUM SAVE $411 /PAL 40 SAVE In /CASE EDWARD FUELS TEESWATEHI3926100 A0DERICH/524.8380 CLINTOW4824381