The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-09-04, Page 9What do you do when you have a problem in rum/ Ontario that needs sol v g? You, approach the Women's Institute to see whether with their ears.y�oofexperience and diversity' Of talent something can be dons .. That's exactly what tho Royal Winter Fair has done for this yea's. Fah' The Federated Woraeres Insti- tutes of Ontario O), at their August board meeting in Guelph decided to accept the offer of the Royal Winter Fair to look after the Country Craft Section, This will feature WI member demonstrating and displaying a variety of Craft work that are done by the rural women of Ontario, from the ttadii doral to the Unusual.` ' As well. FWIO is hosting Women's. Day at the Royale For many years the Royal Winter Fair has featured and hosted various other groups, but when •FW10. President, Peggy Knapp pointed out that 50% of the reputation was ignored; the Royal inter Fair was happy to give FWIO the opportun- ityy to host the event. All the details,. of Women's Day have not been Luelstrow ednesda x��p►«aiher �� I��. � ���� 9 ememmeasememeemmimmaingi IlLEY by Ao Wylda over des la . s Royal Winter Fair finalized but it wild take place on November '7. Among the other new activities planned by MI0 is the start of a sees of week long courses titled Personal Growth and Renewal, These are modelled after the highly ,successful Denman Colkge Courses in England, where the English WI hay a year round college devoted to giving a variety of courses rant ing from Computer Training Flower Arranging, first two courses in Ontario toren early next. year will be on Musical Appreci: ation and Battenburg u a,and will take place,at Oleg Bill Centre, nearr Guelph, ThiS is Thisanother example ofmFWIO seeing a need and responding -to it, This your WI members :at., all levels have been ,asked to plant a -tree at the provincial level a: Nape tree was planted by Peggy Knapp, FWK) President. and Sandra Kell, Chairman of w 'the-Erland Lee (Museum)•. Home the, (Museum) Home is, owned and operated by FWIO and the opportunity of the' tree plan was used.: toacquaint the MO ° ' v`incial Board; with the ongoing programs at the Lee The Challenge of creating new WI branches was met with the ;° establishment of a ew Branch Co- ordinator* Bade Morden. A goal has been has been set of 14 new brandies within the years to coincide with the 14 Awa in the past FW1has usually exceeded. any g is has set so no doh they. will do even better thaa /4 new branches. As well there have ,been many people eiqn� abou�:.o� WI who arenot AM a WI biranch, e.g downtown Toronto. FW1° has established a Contributing Member Status any one who would ;lam to iye ' benefit belonging to the largest Ruud Women** 4xsanizAtiont H Ontario, The Living Willi a resolution that. MO has been working on with Dying with Dignity + has now biome law in Ontario, This was a successful conclusion to a MO Resolution as, re by the FW10 Resolutions onory Joan Law. FWIO is ad'organization that will be years old in 1997 butis looking forwerdforward to the Were with the courage and dedication to face the challenges ,it will meet in the future with the same courage and dedication it, : has us , to conq c len s in past. Whose tennis serve was the fastest ever recorded? ° Bill Tilden's. It was measured 163.6 miles per hour in 1931.: . amomomparmamormaaverism Rem on Friday afternoon last week in Ripley was Mrs. Edith Landry on home care duty from 14 p.m, It was a fill in job, She is a regular school bus driver and she is a native of Sarnia, MacKay R011111011 Civic holiday weekend saw a happy reunion of the grandchildren. of the late Norman and (IVICRitehle) MacKay of "MacKay Blocri concession Huron 'ownsl ip. Where were children f Murdoch , and Nellie (Fraser) and Elizabeth (Witherspoon) MacKay;Tena c ) and John D. Smith, �e and Mary () MacKay. Atendiing . the reunion were relatives from: ,' British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Port`Frances, Keewatin, Kenora, Devlin, Toronto arid' London, While here they were happy to meet ,for. the first time other cousins front ; Kincardine, Ripley and area, : Luck.now and Whether novice or master, e erg coach can benefit from taking a course ill the National Coaching Certification Program (\('CP). NCO' courses provide an opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with other coaches, to be introduced to new short science infor- Illation anti to have important training rein- forced or introduced, Certified coaches haN e the training to pro\ ide com- petent instruction in the techniques and strategies of short anti to create a worthwhile and positive sport experience, National Coaching Certification Program As no one ever knows the actual Cost o electric heat (hot water, toaster, stove, : ights etc. are on the same ball). Grant used a test case in his daughter's lr d . uet,efficient prefab Royal Home with standard baseboard elect ricJheatin Heinstalled bra oil star- agt tank, oil.,furna e,J Beckett' burner, duct work, and w et+ rte isolate er+d meas re . W electric heating only. Fact quantities of oil.•and hydro used divided into elapsed Degree Days in that period to determine the K Factor or the homes.mileage on each fuel•. 1990-1991-jeating $easQn July 1, 1990 to' June 30, 1991 i. • a ? a h . p� r WHEN September. 27, 28, 29 '91 WHA° WINGHAM TOWN HALL Degree bays' 7483 K FaCtor 37.4 Litrs°s of Fuel 864 Cost partite 355" includes GST • Total Cost Per Heating baso $300.60 ELECTRIC HEATING Degree Days 7463 , K. Factor .696 KW #. 1072 Cos per kwh 07 ticludesGST. • Total Coat Per Heating,Season' 150.50 727 Havelock Street, Lucknow It's experiences such as this one that make Grant Chisholm as comfortable recom- a mending oil heat, as it makes' home ownersvho use oil. dollar for dollar, there's no fuel that can feat clean ,efficient oil....the beautiful fuel s# choice, 14AA (' ESIT REALLY cps •FOR H Gln rmti n suppil by. ontar Ministry of ~ rqy Ae:of August 14, 1091 OIL kir ELECTRIC . Vr PROPANE' 1 Litre w 38,516 AT y I Kjirmiltt Hour .: 3t13 Bills' 1 LItre g4,1878TUY Current price .0490/Litre Current Price .05730 tcwh uritdrif Fate A60A lire aA4915 x 86% X88.933 0673x 100%L. $O718 6p x t 4"!e=63,iRi 1!S1'i1.� 'U' '1.00 BUM .00 GST is•EXTRA ON ALL PRICES ** This is a steady state operating efficiency 85% with . a cornbuation eff cienty of 98% test t)flitt 1. EMurgQncy mice -to your home day et bight gating heating season. . Full waritei ity on the Operating partaand controls of your domestic Oil heating equipment. a. Annual Cleaning & conditioning of your furanco and burner. 4. Advice and assistance on heating mems at anytime. PLUS a - A guarantee to maintain the 'existing inside oil tank in good o ratthgcondition. A now tank to be supplied, installation extra. • lO Equal, Monthly payments (from September to June) calculated on the basls°fyour average yearly heating bill. • Nointerest or carrying charges. . • Completely detailed monthly state- ment. •Overpayments or underpayments adjusted automatically at the end o' the heating season. • You use your own post-dated cheques. ALL THIS FOR ONLY - • • T ►taI.. gmfo stem With Convenient Add oolin ��,Y :Accessories * Programmed Thermostats Air Conditioning Electrostatic. 'A,ir• leavers * Humidifiers * Other Auxiliary Devices * til Service, ' Hours A Day With Highly Trained Staff. • on ehensive Parts InsOrance InsurancePlan including Oil Tank Fuel Efficient Fur aces'and Oil Burners '- V Dealer for I offer frock Furnaces roved o Side all Venting , IT PAYS 10 STAY WITH