The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-08-28, Page 1r -pros Anu rlo fanners;: wilt have an.opportunity� to present their erns to provincial legislators, i ? position Leader 'Murray Elston i his way.:; when. the°legislatore esumles sitting September 23. , Elston'm e t recall for.; the emer, .; ,envy debate late last weed n 'io ucersa., .facing. inancia ., ,wand ` thou r ib,e ac a eves . it's unp it vamp'$ t listen to farmers' ce n- er s,' cl `il`s n :after ;the egis-" atom'sResources{ . i evelopr ant ! ►I ennt orsed, a yLiberal ■re - _.sr . - rncy'rsessi j1���4� inn an+!r ations , at's .y'' ve faller t for corti, Eih mid. �y critical for the 'initial price for' wheat, more export credit,," and havin ,° . . taria goverranent cip the fede Net income'St Account SA1 CH S Y—A 'strike. vote by LUPE local 2712 means. Bruce County students could return to schools •' that have no secretaries or • education assistants on the "jobs The union members employed by. the Bru'Board voted last w . in favour of a strike if necessary to back demands for a ,ane yeaar contract . that would address pay equity, 'benefits and .salary bowel. spokeswoman Susan de' Blois gays t board has not offered an increase in benefits ..of wages and only a-2% pay` guity. increaie instead .of the 5% she says is required by law for secretaries to e with a pay hike granteein Pebruary to' unionized custodians. ,. de Blois, says pay equity issues should have . been dealt with" automatically" through provincial legislation'. Instead she said the issue was back on the table at negotiation _ time. de Blois expressed frustration with, repeat- ,. ed trips, to the Pay Equity Com- mission she says have been needed to get theboard to live up to its commitments' under the legislation, The secretaries amid adoration assistants have been without a contract since- December 31, 1990. While .boththe board and the union say they are wills continue negotiations, as of Tuesday's meeting no date ' been set for further talks. The board recently, settled a ane -yea contract with a 648% lay lake • for itis' .element teachers. do Blois said "all we're asking is to • be treated fairly" in tom to that t t. Sch of �'r taries ' now make dir ge $22,000 a year, rvhi ex' edu tion' assist ant .401,1,:lest. .Blois described the wagesas `'basica y povertymet". Unionized •hoof mattes- in Bre last Venv on strike .6 years ago. "They Started -talking seriously. mer the strike," de Blois "..sem,, but addd "now they treat u$ as if we're . earning'' a . 'sound. - incomew by , holding secretarial and teachers aide jobs, Board, is c.. ii . .. negotiating blah. Gerald Hatt did .attend' Tuesday's boardd meeting. Reached: at lie later in the day and asked about . contest talk.v Hatt said he : was °`t. particularly interested in discuss- ing it right now.',".. * *.t,* TrtiSteefit for the Bruce County Board of Education gathin Sauble Beach August 20th for a think tank on their priorities for the. coming school year. Among the; w. issues, ."trustees pondered at the afternoon sem- inar at the home of trustee.Don Tedford were -how to coopetate with health andsocial agencies, the capital. - cost of folloviing 'provincial orders to 'offer %inky kindergaen and; a 12 -rant school: yew. In pasty the board has ,complained about thincreasing Oudot education Wester health and sochd related issues. Ithas asked the' provincial 'ster of education for a delay in the junior kindergarten program" but sofar has not publ call . disc cussed the possibility of ionint seen .n svtt►e quarters a *ay . to ease the butrden .of 'growing enrolment and crowded sehoolSy Wit Of *Web are problems 01.00,fof they cowry. Tr plannedtolook- at the beard's'motive costs and a pro►posed'school for grow. int Sauble.''Beach community. -Sent- is.expeeted `in tuber. A Misssagua•. company. has •the.cont t .for over $ , worth 'of ° renovations to,. 'the science whit at the .Walketton District Second ry . School. Pcgdon. • Construction,. was lowest of 8 tenders for the job of enlarging' and` modernizing science labs at the school. Trustees -were told 'the��project will. result -in. the labs.,tliat 'are almost ti•Vke "meet .tire ministry's require,: menta and most of the. teachers wishee." �' , Finance chairman Barry ..Schen dt said the : ' project- is almost 50% more expensive' than. originally>planned, but.thanks to.. extra gets, low tenders on. other projects, and work st. • . WDSS, that will bedeferred until ant year, the boards debenture of $611, is. lower than first thought, �' a renovation �. `w also incl. and 800square foot greenhouse, ;which gs cost, he . :mrd about %5,000 alto cid grants .of 30, deducted construction costs. The Lucknow and. District; Ftod- that.anon ridis of utmost-ir Lance. S: Lucknow and District Food Bank serves a considerable area prom Whitechurch .'.Dungannon and from Highway 9� to the Ripley Bounds y floe. The Foodbankcan ' h by calling ;$28-3227. • Remember the. Poona* the ltext dine your areery °shopping. Bank y�ha�ss issued , ecial,°�pl i . area ri idc s. The . FoodB�' de low on (did stuffs jy'��(yj(��, is confit local people' will respond' with donations: da tlo • "Things are always slower in the summer months as far as;do rtions - are concerned," sales. Marion.. McFarlane, Co-ordinator. for . the' f ucknow and District FoodBank, "Church attendance. is generally' as bi before to down and that sort of thing; but people still need to eat.' • Mrs. ticFarlane says the, Food- ank is looking for ..donations of "just about, anything except tomato soup",'; Pasta, canned meat, peanut 'butter and stews are high on the list of food items -needed. Thee local FoOdllank, which been. in operation fortwo years, is bated at 'the/. Lucknow United Ch�h though all the.;coal chur- ches participate in, its operation. 'Most of die less fortunate people,: the FoodRan saves are.referred by lotal clergy and by the Children's Aid Society. tetra. McFarlane arlann w. explain people maw use dike Foedllank need only 1 the United Church for an appointment,. She stresses