The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-08-07, Page 132& Holo Wonted 7 IL KlithiN PENES Steel $I law ji Tye not onset - 321:48 $5665; 49,s 64 Welt 5046'.$14,871.- non=espandlai3le ess3d(s),a other stize available limited steel '.Paragon - 24 Hours,1$00,26 Q4' , Q-24. THE LUCKNOw SENTINEL now has.' The. Godaa oh :SignalStare. Walkerton , HeraldTimes and Thellincardine News;: available every Weals. 21tfn " oNsAT. Canada* weekly 'Guide- to.. Satellite V �� now `p available at Luck now Sentinel $ R0O per INSTANT FAX. The Lu f rmw' 'Sentinset- n'►o NeVIP, faxing, Dry in and see us or, ll 5282522, for full details. -1 t x . MANUFOGATION, for as litiie as,,1,2 int per gal. ,Cali M Wild Farms, 0 -7+ ,481 GILCHRIST FARM SUPPLY- Pati and Marline belt fes, conveyors, *do onloaders„ Flex auger and Stable e rrp- ment. Custom belt i ng�. l Retie* FIR., ;. 5, ' Luck HIowa 395-2.851. w.20er SALE at' ,3 Seasons Game. Sam, August:. 10' from 94 p m, Truck accessories, home baking craft yot�itor-articles 0d numerous tomentiion. F STREET .Y D. AtI E ` Satan, August 10th, Starting ha Galo're`31 32s>.. ROSE ST YARD SALEr August 1,0 drum Sat, anrarunition; Weav$r. scope, 'scythe% kabinet :hardware and- much motw , HES- WANTED ,in fool buses, cooiptiter knowledge and 'bookkeeping bxpVrielice nocessaitiplibitio rgetaur int work requirecL Phone 528.30170 31,32x DIRECT SALES PERS qualified leads ,suppliedxoeiiehf commissions. tall 5248374 or 1 . X1.32 -1°6-FIGURE INCOME" Marna or Music and VCompany opetiti into Cana mobvtat commissioned tribu a 263 900 24 hr Iine9; EEDEXTRA S M Gifts► Demonstrators to ,salt "t! ys and gi ; Home Pars.. No inv borax onsite re40.1rad,, establish y' tltnipr Cali today 0'519) 79051. FOR SALE Y TENDER to' sattie the Estate oft. Late J., Aldo floppier 100 Are Fawn, Conc.1 tots 43444 in Kinloss Twp, This farm has ,approximately 40-waes bleared and the balance in. woodlet without build, tenders will :he received Mt on Friday, August n'illi Hoffman Et 118Msln► Street *47 HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA eon help, Phone Goderich 524-600tor Win 381-3$35, —46tt NOTICE TO CRED`fi lO S AND OTHERS Ali claims against the oertate Y a - of HAROLO RICHARD ELLIOTT late of the Village' of Ripley,, in fh County of Bruce, deceased, who died on or r about the 10th, day Of June.1991, must;be herd with the undersigned on or botcra 30P/ember ;2p, 1991;.thereafter, the Executor of the estate wilt' distributer. them of the estate'^;having regard` only. to the Claims of thith the under. signed then .hes notice, Dated July 19, 191. o + EORGE J. BRGPHY, :Barrister & Solicitor, Box 910 LUCKNOW',.'Ontano 'NQ► 2lam.30,31;32 rawer; with WANTED: old :wood cabinet radios, l 14►xy' parts, tubes. etc..Also old, damaged lot in Port woocisiniu, torture, painted or unpainted. 32-69°5' Don't thr w: it. ;out , it might be ; worth sornoihrnbx Phone 5281231 19Si' CHRYS .E NE PORT' BROUGHAM, V8, a.., - ► burg ndy, AM/FM cassette, triometer, :PS, PB, PDL.,,.: tilt,., cruise, AC, tires _lika nevw, excellent condition, $2250.00 certified.: Phone .335-3888 0/Ingtiam.-32,33x 1975 DODGE 4 door sedan with good motor, body and tires. Will sell for parts, ., May be seen at Sepoy apartments. Phone 528-21,22. --204432440: ° , 7E. ''Motor cycle FURNITURE REFINISHING ; and old. radio restoration.:, Guaranteed vwork at reasonable) pric . " 25 :yews experi+ ences usin Pieper furniture lacquer and"stains ;btt'282317,. -3033 - INTantiERint a AND ` EXTERIO house Experienced, reasonable rates, hest ,estimates. pPhone 4ohn Alldwbray'395-5373 anytime.-3Otf s; i„ 1981 HONDA 400;. IOW Miles,. $650.0 Phone 3304488. VtfinlOtalt - 32,33x FAR14.'HOUSE" for rent, 3 bssdroowr r�'' $725 pet month, neWly renovated, north of Teeswater,: barn, shed and? some land optional. Phone 665-7818 or,3,37- S CITATION TRAVEL TRAILER Huron` Ridge, Chariot Saila, Northiander park models " Good- Selection.: of previously': owned,on campground: .item,;: and on sales lot. One mile'sohtkof Kinloss On Bruce. County ,Road 1, Fiahermah's Cove, 395-2757.. -Ott„ ,sesnoom HOUSE ores required, utilities, available to Bei( p3 c'J'o 'th 00X, +too. L titovi, NOl :MATURE SUFFOLK'.; rwum. sinaildisy ,1991. with l inibing ” Available. Putebroyearling et ram for r Phoye5.29.o a 3 p er.40.21i32.34ne iLING FARM iLTD4: LIVESTOCK,; -'Replacecalveen,;Holst 1n tor veal, beef calvestlt• for lightstd:. tem Pepper at 519-482-1536. 1 . ,form Produce cr- •AREA DISTRIBUTORb emits Mental ProdOotito 1 Early 'Ecology,, RR p' . Smit will , Ontario LOA 2A0. fhone:ri416 843 4252:32 M ,EXPERIENCED.' ,.ICA '�' Ret .E Air' ;EKlr PAINEI ' iequlrod'Oart4lorto 'fOr 1rl�p'bile pre�insu'rantca exams V040 00010 skit s +essentiai Car necesaerk ttalt i` at `M dllsst. i '000,665W1E$ f . 2bc '.NEEDED:1'0 r►idmanagerslrt IfweMereXii t10' who want Its earn .ritOntilk slag provided. High lneon* • titliw try Cryan &.Chlna..2741 an Rd. Westtmt /42#,2144 0101):, LYNN LOWRY FARM svatEms LTD. :RR I Kimura,* Ontario. Fr* ail your.: Wowed feed and grain hlindring- quironients cafi3064615 or 406 2616, us' Amber*. Ws handle almost -41r INTERESTING #'fUNI' Ottatblish niR►lo ; wl tors pet irrsM�rait I srrrrs orgoniaatiort. Strouseskri potion must heai "soft *tenor an entrepreneurial spirit, Strong tookOrclurtd in ad;retrtis atm eseellntittl., !Oersted '$n la 'prom amt Mie WA** enterprise? Sod' at brief deitoripVerr of your earner to Slot O� P.0. sox 4st Oa isle, Ontario, 8A8 Un order b arrange an intanikow too REFOR NEW Local home .buildote and contrators areltWited. to'subrrrit. Sealed tenders . and guotsition"�''for anew manse 0n.; C,leyli Street in, Lucltrtow, Ona Plans: stdecificati a=;'are, available at:. L. rcicnow, Homo Hardware 626. ampbell Strareti tucknOviii; Ont, Tenders must be 'returned to 'the' same address oil' or "before 4 p,trrc friday, August 23rd, A 1014 patfor-. Mance bond ,mint be submitted by the ucci'bidder. •T lowest or on tender nots r ily'accptod.. Please m rk tender, ,Attention ,,iy►+Ml clotow 0', ,GA ' airs Mies Man .. Ie For further information infortnatiOn contact 1444 Richard t 6284008,82 fi INCONSIGNMENT IONS ►L afF ., Hoar Furnishings etritM Ant s ue s.:wili e,r.Id at.RIpl.y Huron Compr.ir`tor MVIRS, YVONNE` RIDER ..of< i�u.cksna r arid, arse�rrr; *into* fart- Tiverton, Kincardine and Southampton on. Frith ", August 9th • t s►� P TIAL LIST INCLUDES;:Dinin room suit., Heintzmari piano,; model #3751AltrYll dilr"Su er Sprite orgsert and 60,10.h fllftr hof ter>rw wa n; ffe of &'end tab eq Satall •' .roll tstip desk; brass salt trete, prrr- liar': set of dishes; Coidspot tali%-', triton Frigidaire dryer;.Admiral :• 30" .:'.TSV.;, Wall. unit.sbow.css ;. enteii'f ttnmernt centrerwall unit; plOulatot clock; office:desk; 2 ttdof model radios 1 -Rogers MoitietiO * 1 Deforest Cros ley; ' White bathroom vanity; whit . e+• tot sink::antis> ua furniture; bids one with, box spring_ mattress;'ahead of drawers; washstands;" quantity of plumbing inippliost hand & garden tools; n Champ Sunbeam electric while/Ott Seat* 10 'fi.p,. E opted riding; lawtr. moaner, pi'et<':: :otherr articles torr atdrnetoos to " �. O.shL tie tar subject w st r►iieyr► f ENIER ~''S ,SYNDROME, Niausse; Tinnitus . jr, but. successfully tOritolledwit out she ., My test 1070. Oeteilt, RA. Lefebvre 111/ Leonardo. omvoill, Ont, KG1M3. %