The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-07-31, Page 7• 7. LiteittieW Senitiuel, WedittesdaE July 31, I991 Page 7 IPLEY by Ab Wylds iiimisiggimparagwomiummuummus A group of people who are ° involved in compiling a hist/11y of Ripley met July 25 to review prog- Telnattess to da were !yiargaret Funston, Elizabeth Fair, Bill. INtleCreatli, Gladys Arnold, cam MacAuley, Mary Culbert. Gwen Harrison (editor), Don and Moo °McColl, Don Oillies, , Dianne Heinisch and Kay Collfns aiSeussion centred around the gathering of historical data and the financing of the, project. . Regarding the former, the group were pleased to hear the response • • by the public in proving data has been most encouraging. although . the job is not completed. The group_ hopes to complete the gathering of , historical information as soon as possible. They would particularly like to hear from ex Ripleyites, They should send their information to Cameron MacAuley, Box 89, Ripley,group l2 The0. stresses that. people , Maximize their contribution of information rather than minimize it. People tend to do the latter. In regard to finance, administra- tors of the New Horizons program have been approached and it is hoped the book will get support there. In that regard, the group have received the necessary municipal sponsorship from the village coun- cil. There will be a public meeting at Knox Church in the not too distant ' future and the group hopes it will be well attended. Residents in Ripley wish Don Peterbaugh who is in hospital in Goderich a speedy recovery. FurchaQig vohic 'is a. big docs tot iltip yCiii M0 the tiyiit 1 GARRY WOODCOCK Oty Cats &Truck* Ws Cm am Yeil NOSY Otivailk Sp' A Lot NT O41 1,1„0010W 52842013 We will not get into a dispute as OW1i9L,US the greener thumb men or women. - it is suffice to say that, Albert XonnipS:was one of the,'Pefiits who took some first place ribbons during the: Ludtnow' flortkith01 Society's annual summer show and tea last week. Albert. proudly displays his Aster (left) and Pansy'entries adorned with their first place red ribbons. Stanley Cooper of Lucknow ' placed second in the highest points category. (Pat Livingston photo) , Ann MacDougall takes top points at flower show. Many area residents attended the annual summer show and tea spon- sored by the Lucknow Horticulture Society last Wednesday. Top point getter was Ann Mac- Dougall with 36 pains, with _Stan- ley-,Coopet in:Second position with 25 points. Jean Whitby teak the Top Rose category; Anna May Hunter, the best Afriean Violet and Mary Black, the best Floral Arran- gement. A new, non-competitive category this year was for past presidents who were to design a model of animal, people, things, made from leaves, twigs, vegetables, fruit or flowers. The three entries each displayed their own uniqueness. Jean Whitby's "What is lite"? was constructed using a large zucchini as the body, carrots for legs, a corn cob for the nose and floppy lettuce ears. Donna Sue Errington's "Sun Bathing on a Log, featured an Entries wanted for Huron County Dairy Princess Do you enjoy travelling, meeting people, making new friends? Are you interested in promoting milk and milk products? If so, we would like to hear from you about entering the 19914992 Huron County Dairy Princess Competition, The 1991 Huron County Dairy Princess Competition is being held on Friday, September 27th at the Brussels Community Centre. Inter estedapplicants should be between 17 and 26 years of age are asked to - contact Mrs. Brenda K. Bridge, Huron County Dairy Princess Co- ordinator, RR 4, Kincardine, Ontario N2.7. 2X5 (395-5911) on or before August 15. What was baseball great Babe Ruth's response when he was asked why he deserved a higher salary than President Herbert Hoover/ "Why not? I had a better year." Ruth's Wary at the time (1931) was $80,000; Hoover's, $755000. • Imaginary' 'caterpillar constructed from zucchini, Pampus Seloisa, Yarrow, Dracena spikes and Daisies. "The Bearded Lady" reclining in a miniature rocking, chair, entered "by Joan., Robinson, proved that It - very shrivelled up potato can be made to look very attractive. It was an interesting display ,and one that brought forth many com- ments. How did -the paisley fabric design get its name? From,. the Scottish manufacturing, town of Paisley, whelp copies were mad a of shawls sent home by soil serving in India. LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH bYov Tol*eiip With Theis oft %hy, .44 2801991 to con, mid 200 p.m Nursory downstairs toorning iphornoon EvEKYONE WELCOME . • iii•mmoseimosailoodimitionmseimons piit j Phone 357.163Mr24.11tote movie int. rition'A PARENTAL GUIDANCE • .ftkVar • -N; 44. .111111111101111111i ME NAKED GUN • KAYO FROM FRIV4YAND SATURDAY FRIDAY TO THURSDAY At 740 andtrfXspa AuGuailottoth • SONDAXTOTOURSDAY' miovaimes: Alkottpla • MOH MOO COMBINED SUMMER SERVICE SCHEDULE Aug. 4th - "The Kirkin athe Tartan" Servide (Speaker Rev. NI. Kinsman) Aug. 11th - Lucknow Presbyterian Church - Aug. 16th -25th - South Kinloss Presbyterian Church & Sept: '1st (Speaker Rev. M. Kinsman) ty y.“1.,. ••••. • - All Services at 10:00 aim The !UMW 0' The Tartan" Service Will be held in the .Lucknow I Presbyterian Church • on August 40 10 a.m. Special music by Rene Stalenhoef and the Huron Scola Cantorurn. Everyone is welcome to take part In this celebration. Each Saturday Molting the local swimming pool is busy with pre- school children and their parents taking to the water. In the top picture, water babies Peter Van Osch eft) with aunt Jackie and Kent Van Osch with the boys' awn, Janice, frolic in. the water during their lesson. Kathy Hack- ett reassures her wee son Wesley (bottom picture), as he gets used to the water temperature. (Pat Livingston photos) • THE SUMMER MOVIE HAS ARRIVED." — Jack Garner. GANNETT NEWS SERVICE SCHWARZENEGGER TERIVIINNTOR JUDGMENT ik LONG DISTANCE') GAIL 1-800-255-3438 FOR T0.11 FREE MOVIE INFO NEW LOCATION 3rdANNUAL Old.tyme • FIDDLERS JAMBOREE Suns, August 4th 12:30 p.m. Registration from 10:00 LUCKNOW SPORTS COMPLEX (the arena) on Hwy 86 ADMISSION $3.00 Adults 12 and under with parents - FREE Please Bring Lawn Chairs For more information Call 395-5381