The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-06-26, Page 6Page !. ' Luo know Senttuels W esda% Ju# a 2t ,r: The Noisy Ladies held a car on Saturday at the Tall, to raise :funds"tnOvertIteir,genirapOpenitok And boy,do they know .how to wash a car! Here Sulk Kuck,".' 'gooey Van osch, Tracey Livingston and Laurie VanDyke scrubbed up the entinei editoesciir until it sparkle. Tl a Noisy ladiesare_leadling_,theit, league and play horse games most' hursday,.nights. Drop by and enjoy the act (Pa't;L oo hoto) c.inp A meeting todays l me 2t from 2 to 8 p.m a : being held to Obtain public input, on the replacement of two bridges the township of Kincardine. Tito Ifo, ion meeting; the-Kirdoss Community Centre, will give die public a Chance to questk s regarding . the replacement of the Penetangore River Wrhlge on highway 90 at Davie ie aid ihe More Bridges o Kincardine Township row 25, with new one -span :structures* Minis of Transportation offaeials will be available 09,. q uo a receive coil ne lts. This road improvement pro t is 'being carrie4 out kr agcoro dance with Ontario nviro eni t$ Bess ent etrequirements The; Unit ay= of Sar. Lambton Ii • ..a PIPAt • office at.urouview 'seg ment Rome,. to study feasl4bitlity. of° the UnitedWay iu + Pont .' ednesday, Ante 264- an 6 .at 1 tkOn •Ineetintis planned tit 'soci '. sere agent. clots busies, industries and Mem The the1'ne few` ' the!. meeting. is, `,lire are here,for your . T e re are presto* n102 Un t d ,WayOfficesihrong. t . 4 .:; • fast yearilnited Way raid 11 million cid: a sit 3600 'toCial service , agencies. • Each. United Way isspecifically . desi lled.• toliaeet the needs of . ihei ry n regione The w,t Goal iss to :►ves* tigate thenesofAxon County aand the'mea s to support those' Meette . burins, ,indus :serves et UM t WAy The stld of die 4-H• Voiuu uuw1s sum . was " war* hula Tadla's on AOCd:Eleven girls were,present. •,. Pw'h '-- Tad.- !ti Wyld . gave €u lafratatiOn :.talk about Rorse Sense•( aviout and.: insect). ming` -a horse has taught by tenit . Tana... Ther; meeting took place :on June 18 at Nina •Wyld's home, with • 11 enest aPealor was Chris Ando.. . dard . bred owner , and. on. Riding ayn Via. T' timbers, . ai,preCtion , Denise Tadlitta presented with a eft.* , The meeting; endedwits a -.snack • • brought by mei Poiioc i 0 t �. a g , r < i. .:. , �l est!tt'Sive; Ai% f nM ci to a ma* ���t.�c.��,riyys�ror�emy��y,a�atyrj,�.���y�fCy�.),�►y+�Ayt�"��►��t/y�y'{(y�$0 ash ly►�yjt�'�{�;3�.�i►tsh �i�ty��t,�l+`��r�sta�r�y��ti{}�,ij�.�.��y�, y���yy���/`(�/�t�,�y+et�tC��(��.�(y�y�sh+�Fs'y�y� /���� y�� �y�. !�q ��.y hum 4$ months oh approved tteditf tattoo*: $1SOO financed et OS% ree fora 4$ monli�.CLlO�i monthly .Tr'7••entis 072.504'0d borrow. it�jLt Mto'alA�,to Int isJip tI tlttt,+ Amstar $2011) b i helms ldofthe0**k fi` ingtontik i►t!tit't Interest tot 11 !A *et 40 mon'tlIsand thetotals staf trt ng i €lu&tV the rbateO tart *rand be$3M2 M.lf tht teopoi apaz $t, ash l ,ii is the chive interest rete is 12:13% and the total toot ofhotrt ri ward i S i2,24 d a gdd ill M +��� d r ift h e i 9arld ;moi,T3,tr1tk vel �eand+ts�asepp�,k'�hlttesr�yt�,r'atattly�esdepkted,dealer %h"+1�i . •. � - .� *G sh d reed q'nt t often i mutt ext lit s eries 'de punch : lid on 101 fe tam, • Tr ti,, Testes ` POW, '`compo, 'f 1-2„ nature 5 , l;t�r;. Par , r Wiles utas: Wet t ict tette vehicles on thettuottflinatitinfj Isthaen Utltead of the Oth tai,, hued on anearn* of 615; fitwod and $7gOash as the opnt/ott, the effective,Were rete would he t t.O!% end thetotal cost of borr"tsuvit j wow be $1,632*„ sore cottdatio s apply.See deeief fon ail the dela i frills of it Wolk and reila€esall ofret/aro previously adiettised and may nothetawith any othertiife . • tt+tatioiM (9) Nile koad Rota for ; oft L67 , a en • worn pag 13 to. consider a:zoning amendment application by.761382 Ontario Ltd., on. Part of lot 4 and 5, concession 12, West, .Division. The ,purpose of the application was to change the zoning On the property from AOI (General Agriculture) to A04 (Agri uI Sm: Nuc 1, rii ,g Scott Tousaw,allHuron County planner and ; Richard °ttewell, solicitor for..the applicant also at- tended, the. meeting. Mr. Tousaw and Mr. Ottawell discussed the ambiguity of the definition. of "area fanner", but felt thatthe applicant would meet the present re- quirements under that definition. Tousaw indicate that the Huron County Planning Department supported the application. Conncll subseoucndy passed a bylaw changing the zoning on the subject-property:from AGI to AG4. Mr. Tousaw was directed . by V council to prepark.data and options On - surplus *Wakes within the wit • to n .., dune l8; At. the Arne18 meetinglif Ash - Add Tom bylaw ww pprr/ovide for yithe `i .�je� .I• •+l o , Alton lel;Contraction in • the . tq►wnl ip, ws r giv two :t. nise Bl>� . . Ali hired as a cleaning person for the municipal officesona bi.vieekiy basis,. at the rate of $6.00 per hour. The clerk • was . i • ... tell to purchase a new vacuum or die office, Tflottrain Rating bylaw 210 1991 wits given three readings and 1