The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-06-05, Page 22Woo* Sentina Wednesday, Junta 11 Morse Lucknow real estate is changing Li coming of June .tib, ve bin a few more real e sdeals and moves around ,own. welcome to Mr Ms.. itiehard Nettleton who have put- cl - and Ruth. RitchiVs= home no Street. Jeff Scott and Debbietanley bought LO end Andy Sanderson*s hour on 7i heel Street. . Mamie tlendetton is. now 4 resi dent of the S poy Apartments and- soldlrer home on +Outrom.-StR Dean Duvalta Sunday the unikd Chincir hemi their annual and 'pi i ie, at immaimminammummumourow UCKNOW by °Miidrfl. Lorne: the 'United Church ch cony at Silver Lake. Following the outdoor service all en yed lunch, ,games races for the children. eeby rianSunday School. t part in :the41 n.. church., -service then had lunch in the b� meat and sports outside. Ott May 15 Rev. Bill d Peggy 'Henderson attended a luncheon at '. o allege withthe graduatesof 'Mrs class of 1941. Of 4 c i20 seven are still livingarid-four were able to attend, In the evening, they attended the graduation in Convocation Hall of Ow 1991 class max College nu b g .3 students. Bill and Pe :,were accompanied by acg Sandy and Sincere sympathy is extended to Dianne Morrison in piing: of her brother i0St week. Congratulations to our -newest grandparents, Don and boy ?n* a< Mike and Jackie ' rdine;had'atm/baby boy last TheY t S mp on McDonagh .Tracey Atlellonaglik, of LucknQw add Stephen S pson,,o R, 3, °:. • +Goderichwereunitedin marriage; at' the iouckaauow Presbyterian' Church, on April,. 27,:1991 '. Rev, . KinsmanKinstuatt ortitiatedt Trace;. i th daughter . of Barry. and Be� d ►onagh,, Lu now= and step en ais he son or: otk and el* Ot honou esbo a�itds. w t e Aitchison ant! Ba rb Alcan, aux Taro #a. �ldta`wealrriss*Ote ate: nand 6Co imp o, +fir , p3,. onor2.am Da hod Syn, d i Coder h. :11,,e146 ers ►ern' S p !f # London,• livVan Boven,. 0- ..Lond ►n. A►' Crimestoppers ofGr+eyy-Bruce Peking Or, public's aSsistance in e investigation of a theft,,* l# Lucknow, °, inn cardine a .Detachnent a of the On o Provincial Police port sometime between' tanu 2.991 an March 25,..1991, un ,own persons(s) were able to remove an Alpine t e .r r t rewithowithM/FM' cassette deck: and'digital clock, black in cold, from a .1F980 Chevrolet cainatao which being._ stored . away .for the winte `.. The vehicle was . not the`culprit(s). persons) involved have not been identifieedd-as : yet, and the stolen OOdS,are `'valued 4a proximately 300.00. If WO feel you can,:help in this or any . other; cam' Stoppers of Grey Bruce are Vail* to- pay` a reward u r 4041000for onnation, leading to anittat, CALL''caRi ` 1.'�i STOPPERS TOLL FREE AT 1, 800-265-3787. Yea need, not ide0- '4y yourselt lick or know who yon preI on Will. not have to s� They a talent d perfor vers well as producers of several live. Country an►d variety concerts. Ernie 1 'al ne, who is the chair- man. of the :Ontario[ pen Collo try Singing Contest held annually at the CNE is stage manager. Be part of Country Music's Putt in Canada, tome out, and enjoy .a. tun Country. t y. • reel 01004 La....+ .y w a. . t UCT U.S.A. Leto Vegetable Segs' C C ;o *Cauliflower * r co *Paste Tomah oPeplers 'STILL AVAILABLE Gd seron of Geraniums* ir` 1r 14 Kim.L offlolyrood off Hee etye. No 01