The Lucknow Sentinel, 1991-06-05, Page 17LtVCU! W Qe*t e1 Wednesd use 1;; i. age 15 n ell 44 In . es .: It ano "[�51y' Free . person to - outr°�clasOttlect word 04: for 3- Issues. tft our rticl O 400 00 a tl . welt run It .Mnuth&r'3 issues free Must 'requested •when:placing a q When rtiOr arttete IMP slim ly ;Nat to car eetL Issues '•:1 ••• ••••••••:':':•:•:'. L L�.•:1: i,f L;•` ti\D.;}:: tiy`•h1;�;� •+, ;• 01.* idgs For solo Pte= 03.i ag d�{ ate 04, Anik840ri1S Art„ 4A.TCatts"ribbies . Carl Po Sstte. not. Truck Por Sale • • •:•h °2L Lam• •• }• ,, .;i•L FR#L.�Yv..o iit1 7A, For Sale General Ifs. Wanted To.Buy 70...Wanted TO Rent 7D: iBicydes 4 7E. MatOTWIPse AT !'e,.Et. 1r Snowinetiles416 Equipment. 70. Rec. Vebfies-Campers A Trailers 7J. Ser lco Parts a °epairs 7K. Stall truing Pool a Suppttes rr` •y✓ ••LL•r.} rW • LUL`ti _ '';?Lr: T 1. 08. pu¢a►s, Videos, Etc. 09 Automo$ve 10 • ................. ss st1A. RifSrri General '• ii a WankidTo-Oby 110. Wantad-To I•irrs 11D,.F,nptoyfl out Wanted •11F. f: t idu •:11G.F Eu! n 11•J. ,:. 1' 1 r bRent. rttddes For Sale PLA s I'I 1.,LA 'Gii43Ulsll ‘: $14F -.)P4'. Phone JBuMtanufactui'tng, :I uck nw 5g84040, - 23 24• STRAWBERRIES Pick Our own . or already picked., Call .for information; � rim5234059. n s ru Fa :: FATHER'S PATIO SETS at `great .saving plus BONUS SASH & OARRY PISCOUNT, Loungersacarts, rattan, •wis�icer• •etc; Patio 'Hattan arobouse, 71. King West, FOREST, Tuesday °. Saturday -tots 519) 786- ,180. --23 . :Horaldirimes•and The Kinoardinp bte�rs• one Don t:% -`• 1 1 west 2 M•IIr1X •.FOOT. RAILWAY' TIES. P lton, 529-7358.°'*23,24 `< ; �• 1/3 tH.RK .ELECTRIC 1 T gluliatirfCallabio potuu field standing hay. Phone 392-642; 'ara c:�` TIME for`°;graduatrora ,- black double-easted b1az„r4•Sr7Q :88; Worn twiced Cali 526-7784 .after patri, - ••22,23nxe • ..ASPat ' .400S FOR SALE. •Mac10n01e ,5.0.8-i394. rax -23x • H LUCKNOW -SENTINEL neYV. h l'ba'GPderic h` signal •Stir. •Walkerton CUSTOM RURALTREA' `MENT, Rusty, ::smelly, bard` water?" Sulo'bate?-,Nitrate? •Chlorides? For guaranteed 48ults cait the water f reatment specialists. r The. Pont Sweet Water• CO. Ltd. 1 800-283- PURE. *-231 • • . mower - 3 point hih 44'x.• size :tractor hke: new Raking, 52C Ski 13 • i� wT ,Tar Y.1 ••••ptw% v ,1v" vw1,40WZ t t V fir 2 9.7675., " ^2,-23-25nX V110U.0 Yo v 001 `+01' y t a 4005.17- 400 x iF YOUR .1)0a. WON'T STAY HOME. We have the• answerl it's Amazing. 'It'd Electronic, r'It wor R . tietailst FOR; 1.: 5 H.P. snowblower 241•cut CAN., Wk. RR 1, :Bancroft,.:Ont KpL .'Ir ►gK•:Fait� (51$j 332.»1�S1r8.•�29bo s2�0or.'Ii:Qf�r.�ail l�an0�na�tt 5.. . 742't -alter 6..1Btfrrxio•• ke rourdrivewa .•,paved? lour +dmteway 'coated. AND -CRAFTED, :. MPN1 NITS, Solid Wood' Furniture a & finished pine antiques. - We' Fermis and Mara' era .Markets, and 7; Uptown ing { pen 'rxee-` k d&•004810)04-6441-' t L it �ForSi 14. V tan tle 1&, ent 17. Apartrents For Rant 18. Houses For Rent 19. WooMO Far Rent 20.-.1400111- & Board. 22. Lits For Rent 23. Conlin -044d ProPerty For Rent 24. Wanted To Rent n� , r... r •.. r.. �y .t1 f 1.- Ionian 1 toy , 28. No Wanted 27. VVanted.General 4. 28. Buskirrse Opportunity 29. Totkli re 30. Employment Wanted 31. Swaim Drubs. 32, Babyaltfng 34. Persona 35. Notice To Creditors 36. Announcements 37. Mortgages 38, Auction Sale • 39. Educatbrial 40. Wall Found 41.1'o GIAway 42, Death Notices �--r 43, 880sw`• 44, Engagements 45.•biatiriiiy tr 48. to 1 emoritrn 47.CardOf/hanks.� 46. &fail `. Everitt" 1. Articles Fob, $afe STRAWBERRIES�yy��yyy,y0 yPIC�K, ye pick. Opeei doo1s, For moIo' lnformatlon call S. Faber 5294795 Dungannon. 22 WOODvYORKiNd p 'plagtieir, chiidrnn's toy picnic tablas and pull toys.. Phonn 528=2372. --23x i6 CUSCO FOOT 'FfF P spa 1 roto tiller, 1 gas -wood eater, 15 inch band aw. •Phone 623-23/2. 23-24x, 26-28nx rti rtldl'es For Sale y*U sehdid it ova e VI" psi) so stocking net.y s1ee . uin,tldouble and quer; ,by.Etayrest. Custom. finishing &hair glueingis Still . i iA Otenlises, *° / (A DIw3I00 M matt+, TraKto►) ne 'earlinns • n: s.' 22�144 PAR forhedges.18 l`.4' .15 • Alhite Pine ,3 4 •$45 Ii to sale $25.00, Spread= ' q►ers .t8 2 " reuu !isit HI 14 at Lu row or -+��- 116,- 148A1.,nae fi'}s����,;/,`wyjeeklYy Gini : lu , Saieiiit Ti isp■,ow! available at .1 65 i ► Lucknow Sentinel $2.00 per resile.: 51'6.1 � : ..; • EL BUiLDING.i r' es Will never, leer with e6dwalls available PIONEER/ECONOSPAN 1- 800468=5422. (24 Hours). -22bc STET: L BUILDING -S!' : Surhm�•br "Sgilobration, on Buildings from Futrre Steet'No gimmicks. Just. solid.valut b for :your -money. Call 1-800-66885,53. • 231ac. ,k. BUILD:1NQS' `Straightwall Savings 24 x3gidi* g3 if 92: 32x3_v, 2 : ; eel 40x48x"l2lnbide ,hooting, Trimv$ St I : r %rn+ . +4 u lriset 5 le. 111 *0 .001- (414 842 qtr, building also avail able. Call 1-800-863; 2100.m23I '"ISAAI tIS" cluster ring wittl 12 sur rounding diamonds inOriginal box. Size 7. Slim 18 carat gold' bin. Paid $13. new. Make an offer 6228631. 22- `04‘25-270x 2-`:2425=2 0x 1,000 BOARD FEET rod oak, I "thick. nese,�t,s lengths, width and grades.. Airdrie . Entire lot mustgo in ono sale. Gail 528-2306 after 6 p.m. -20,22,23- 25ti RBST BUILDING PRICES' ¢' Stool Strartwall Type - not quonset' - 32x4$ • $6,6651,40x. $8,188; 5048 $14,671 - non -expandable ends(s), Other piss - l 1l Ii ted e I P ours.1-800-263-9499.-13b0''.- 0 y avai e a * mi ,S0 aParagon - 24 . .INSTANT' K-. i .ucknow sentinel norw duos custoFAmTffaxiLng. Drop in and see ue or itf'628-2822, for full details. • ltfnx f rARDSAL • atu y, June p, 10 a.m. 4 p.tn, 2nd-Cencessrion Huron Ayto Wreckers). Sunk:- Is, good'. ussd furniture, 'Enlish saddle; miscellaaeatrs items. �-23 S. Carr. For. Sale 1978 OHBVY MALIBU, 350 Rocket 4 barrel exhaust. New brakes spring, point Too many new parte: to `mention. $2500 certified. Sean, 529-1042. --234 25,26-28nx MOATS BALE 1288 BUICK PARK Ave., white, bur! Bundy, ?interior, haw tires, excellent con- dign, , Certi led $14,5 . No GST Cali 395-5038. d-10 21,22.25NX TAY1=UlNiTUE, fcewtrld 1 MERCURY CAPRI, •2 door grey, +usefd,Ciie►I, Sc>doriclt, 624 2J1. emai. red Interior, OtraUriar�l, good condition, 4 , ' - new tiros. Asking $1200, W..0411529. 7675 or 529-7110. e,-21-28124•-25rix • Eth Wheitist Hard Tops, Motor Homes0 New/U4ed` l itchnsr •Tt udICC ips PROWLER, CONQUEST'; `HY'UNE,' GOLDEN 'FALCON, TIOGO Sales, l onlai .Servis n 29 Year 16 8i a Bess CAM POUT TRAILER w Hi . * t mils' Stratford 393.-4938. 19800 PLYMOUTH VOLARE p.s., p.b., good condition $900.00 or best offer. Calf 624-6244. .1G-21,22-24nx ' . 19irGE MONACO 600, 76,000 milds, recent paint job and engine over. haul, bucket, seats, . console, •Power irrunk,, cruiso,.. $2200 negotiable. Gill 5294/64 day s or 5290121 evenings. '18.20,21-23rix 1988 MERCURY TOPAZ,. asking $6200 or assume Ido at $242.00 per mon* for 114 years. 55,400 knis, 5 sp..2 dr. Phone 629-8121 ovenings or 529.7794 days.-18420,21,28nx p se r